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    DPPt/HGSS What was your First Game?

    RE: First Game I started with a gold and a totodile, and since have had RBY GSC SR FRLG DP PSSHG RED Rescue Blue Rescue Pinball Stadium 1&2 Snap and the trading card game
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    DPPt/HGSS Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile?

    I cose cyndaquil in SS, totodile in Hg as i like them both equally.
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    Thjere have been times where i have used them, mostly during the 3rd generation games.
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    That is true, but they have poor attack and defense. I quite easily defaet them with cut or scrathc.
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    If we must get stuck with endless something, why not Zubat? There worth catching if you bother to evolve them, and if you dont they are an easy defeat.
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    GSC The wave of hatred towards RGBY and GSC

    RE: The wave of hatred towards RG/BY and GSC Any apathy felt towards the second generation is probably due to the remakes, heart gold/ soul silver. Thhey could not stack up to the originals, as unlike LG/Fr they did not improve upon that which they were remaking.
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    Pokemon Emerald remake

    I would love if they did a remake of emerald. #rd generation was probably the most pleasent game, and i loved the starters. Mudkip for the win, dear sirs. with love, Scyther
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    Acting like an idiot in school

    This big black kid a year ollder was giving me crap all year. So one day i got sick of him and punched him in the face, he played the race card and got off free, i was stuck in detention
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    Your OS

    RE: PC's or Macs? Microsoft has great customer support, and superior programming to apple.
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    On the contrary, nintendos movements towards newer things have angered many of there die hard fans. A classic is a classic, it would feel like something is missing without Zubat. with love, Scyther[hr] I want zubat. He's a integral pice of pokemon, removing him would be like taking moses...
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    You have to keep in Zubat. He's been in every game so far.
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    BW/BW2 Returning Pokemon to Black and white?

    Why would that make you happy? Pokemon from the first two generations are great. with love, Scyther
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    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Victini v.2 added. Xous, using Scyther.
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    Your OS

    RE: PC's or Macs? Pc's are clearly better. Windows XP is a superior operating system to any before, and microsoft is a amazing company