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  1. SkyBlueFox

    Pokemon Nicknames

    Here's another set of names that I'm rather fond of: In SoulSilver, my Eevee from Bill became Crescent the Espeon. Later I got a shiny Eevee in a trade named Vivian who became Umbreon. Crescent and Vivian had an egg who I named Crescendo. Crescendo was then traded to my new Platinum file...
  2. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Slightly Clearer Scan of Monkey Screenshot with Hiyappu [9/4]

    @zero20 There was a screenshot of the three colors badge. You could see a blue-haired guy and a red-haired guy in the background of that screenshot.
  3. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Anomaly in the Tsutaja Evos Photo!

    That's true. However, as I said yesterday, this entire debacle will never cease until a while after the games are released, so we can't really debate about it anymore.
  4. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Anomaly in the Tsutaja Evos Photo!

    @Shiramu An image of the B/W Pokedex was posted in the thread. I'm certain you could find it if you looked, however. @Timeshift Yes, the grid did indeed correspond to the Pokedex image I'm talking about. However, the grid was blue - while the full Dex image's gridbackground wasn't blue at...
  5. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Anomaly in the Tsutaja Evos Photo!

    There wasn't much explanation, to be honest, but what I remember people pointing out is the shading of the tail and the fact that the background is blue, when the Pokedex image we've seen has no blue background. People also pointed out the JPG artifacts (screwy pixels) around the "ears". Maybe...
  6. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Anomaly in the Tsutaja Evos Photo!

    @Smuglord That image was disproved at /tr/ hours ago.
  7. SkyBlueFox

    Brawl in the Family

    Yes, I've known BitF for quite a while, although I stopped checking it when my junior year started. In retrospect, that was a year ago, so... They're quite good. Certainly not the worst, not the best, but better than most.
  8. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Quagsire Evo?

    It started off in /tr/ being a somewhat forced meme, but eventually everyone grew to love the little fella. Here's the original screencap, if you're interested.
  9. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 Quagsire Evo?

    Yeah, that was fake. I was in the thread on /tr/ where people plotted posting this. And no, it has nothing to do with the starters other than the layout. The layout being the same (sadly) proves nothing about the other pictures. I will admit that I laughed quite hard when I saw this thread...
  10. SkyBlueFox

    BW/BW2 The starter's 2nd and final forms

    I could say "look at my Title" or "look at my avatar", but I'll just say, yes, I'm going with Wotter.
  11. SkyBlueFox

    DPPt/HGSS What's Your "Shiny Moment"?

    It depends. In third gen, my shiny moment was encountering my Shiny Pidgey in the patch of grass just outside Pewter. In fourth gen, it'd probably be getting a Shiny Eevee and a Shiny Weavile in trades over GTS.
  12. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    @s0shadow The poster of that comment was from somewhere stateside, and the images were posted on 2ch, a Japan-only board. The only way to post on 2ch without going to Japan is to use a proxy that isn't blocked - which is an extremely rare feat, since 2ch has blocked most to almost all...
  13. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    @yoshi I never understood why Serebii's forums never loaded for me.
  14. SkyBlueFox

    Pokemon Nicknames

    I generally think use a combination of real names, references (to all sorts of things), and off-the-top-of-my-head stuff. Here's a few examples (if you spot the references, then you're a pretty cool guy) Iris the Raichu, Ciel the Manectric (both of the names together form a stealth reference)...
  15. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    Telling people to "enjoy them" is basically saying "everyone like them even if they're not real". I understand that this sounds like I'm putting words in your mouth, but hear me out. A better word you could have used would be to "tolerate" them. I hate that Wotter final evolution - it's...
  16. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    I'd ask the same thing, but this entire incident will never cease until they're proven real or fake, and I can predict the outcome right now. If they're proven real, then the ragestorm will intensify, and then peter out into a quiet simmer. If they're proven fake (drawn by a troll or...
  17. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    This entire debacle can be summed up with "There's no confirmation of it being fake or real." Also, I personally don't like the Wotter final form because it looks completely different. I mean, at least Pokabu and Smugleaf's final forms have some kind of resemblance to their previous forms...
  18. SkyBlueFox

    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    You know, if it weren't for the fact that you've trolled everyone else in this thread that's replied to you, I'd give you a 0/10. Anyway, Wotter's final evo looks terribad, Pokabu I never cared about, and Smugleaf's final evo actually looks fine. Just my two cents. (Yes, the only reason I...