(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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again it dosent matter what it is.... the point issss it dosent look like miju or its evo.. i dont like it that much.. but i wasent gonna get him anyways so it dosent matter...
I Heard someone else made the pokemon that is why they dont look like pokemon.i am really disapointed in the new starter's and almost every new pokemon they made.
but the legendary pokemon are ok and zoroark and zorua too.im going to box the starter and use a previous starter.
Guys, let's stay on-topic, please. This thread is for the discussion of the possible evolutions for the starters of the fifth Generation and the Yanapuu counterpart, not whether you like narwhals or not. (This is just one example of where this has gone off-topic.) Please try to keep posts to a reasonable length when possible.

In addition, some of the language has gotten out of hand (thankfully in only a few cases), and I've edited the posts to fix that. If you're not sure if a certain word would be acceptable, it's probably a good idea to try to use another one you know is acceptable.
I really hope these are fake. I dont like the fact that Miju's final evo has flippers instead of real legs.
I was SERIOUSLY about to pick Mijumaru, just to keep my love for water Pokemon... I doubt those are real, but, if they are real, looks like I can't object to people saying it's ugly anymore~...
-made no sense in a way- XD But I sure SOME OF YOU know what I mean...
Shiramu Kuromu said:
Boy I can't wait to see the look on your face when the evos are officially revealed....
You know, if it weren't for the fact that you've trolled everyone else in this thread that's replied to you, I'd give you a 0/10.

Anyway, Wotter's final evo looks terribad, Pokabu I never cared about, and Smugleaf's final evo actually looks fine. Just my two cents.

(Yes, the only reason I registered was to point out that Shiramu was a rather obvious troll that every one of you people fell for.)
You are a very gullible and naive little kid. The proof is in the pudding, that guy made these Pokémon FROM the other ones! If I were to make a gif like the one of Pignite 2 and Lickilicky, they would all match up! I can't wait to see your face when you find out your clueless!
Why? Why is this argument still going? Why does everyone have this insistent need to hate the mijumaru evo, so it isn't what you thought it would be, so what. Why do you have to have this giant parade of everyone agreeing its stupid and then slaming someone who thinks otherwise.
I just read page 8 to 46 of this thread :(. I think these are real Pokabu's evolution are awesome and the other one are awesome too. Also i love the monkeys and i am the first one who said that the other monkeys would belong to blue and red hair trainers and dento would leave and his brothers would take over.
Pay very close attention, because I know this for a fact.

You cannot disprove anything!

You can find evidence that takes away credit, but you cannot disprove it unless you have proper evidence, in this case some official source that distributes pokemon information.
@Mew: Funny, it was always the other way around. People who loved the new Pokemon were praised, and those who didn't like it were ganged up on by people who thought otherwise. Looks like the tables are turning. T^T

And I think this argument is still going, cuz there's just so many people out there who think these are fake. And there's so much proof out there that they could be. Where's the proof that they're real? OK, so they were posted on Serebii. That automatically makes them real? Serebii has made mistakes in the past, and who knows, this could be another one. ...And to be honest, discussing this is rather entertaining. :p
Sea Otter.

Please try to keep your posts to a reasonable length, and try to stay on-topic. Thanks. ~Xous
Playerking95 you said that pokabu was ugly and not cool earlier -_- dont talk stuff if later on your gonna come and say something different..

pokabu ftw and ill never change
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