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  1. L

    Pokemon Pokemon In Italy?

    Well I was not aware of that much but, I was recently in Germany and France and they did have pokemon stuff and I bought some foreign cards and whatnot. I am betting Germany has stuff thinking about how internationally popular pokemon is.
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    Pokemon Pokemon Tower Defense

    Pokemon tower defence was liked by most of the people and people mostly children use to enjoy it, moon at the moment and am training an army of Mankey.
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    Mods Please Lock!

    RE: pokemonjoe's sprite shop! It is really a nice and the beautiful shop it is having the variety of pokemon with the different colour, different shapes and size also, you would defintely like the shop and you will enjoy the shopping.
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    Double Battles

    Well double battle is little bit confusing but both players makes use of six active pokemon live always desired to try this out, but don't know the mechanics on who assaults first & what not.
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    BW/BW2 Do you find the linearity of this a problem...?

    This game is way more linear than other games. I found the artificial roadblocks that block your progress redundant after some time, & not only that they were contrived, overall it is fine and liked by the people.