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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Does anyone have a Joltik or Galavantula with HP Ice?PM me
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Does anyone want a naughty or brave natured boy Axew w/ Mold Breaker. Has perfect IVs in HP, Attack and Defense.
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread) Does anyone have a female Snivy with the ability Contrary?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZoruaXanderDarkSnivyPitzVoidLuver's Trading and Services Shop!!!

    Does anyone have a girl Snivy with the Contrary ability? Use the Trade Now thread for a trade with anybody. Use a normal thread (like this one) if you want something that someone specific has, like the have lists of this trader. -Chariblaze
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    Wi-Fi Trades Darkrai_24's My Player Thread

    RE: :) Need Some Trades (Now With More SHINYS)3.0 UPDATED!!!!! I want UT Ralts Boy, Trapinch (is it a boy or a girl?), UT Torchic, UT Cyndaquil and UT Beldum. I can give you all three shiny legendary dogs twice, and a legit Lv.5 Jirachi.
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZoruaXanderDarkSnivyPitzVoidLuver's Trading and Services Shop!!!

    XANDERPITZ I have a UT Sneasel with Low Kick, every 1st-4th gen legendary, minus Deoxys and Arceus, a Breloom Lv.53 with Focus Punch, and some rare items. I want that Lv. 66 Galvantula, the Lv.26 Aerodactyl with PKRS and Lv.30 Bastiodon. Message me if you are interested.
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    (1) PokéBeach Master Cup 2 [6/18]

    I am in. Tyranitar will destroy your team.