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  1. L

    C-Gear Abuse For Dummies

    okay thx I think I've caught up with the rest of the forums now.
  2. L

    yea it just isn't the same by myself wait who am I talking to? I have gone somewhat wierd...

    yea it just isn't the same by myself wait who am I talking to? I have gone somewhat wierd strange whatever *sniffle* wow I am so lonely D:
  3. L

    great to have you on the forums Luxury

    great to have you on the forums Luxury
  4. L

    C-Gear Abuse For Dummies

    ah that made it much easier to understand thankyou hipoke.
  5. L

    BW/BW2 Do you find the linearity of this a problem...?

    yea its a nice idea dark but muddy pretty much summed it up.
  6. L

    BW/BW2 Best way to earn cash, etc...

    @darkvoid ah so thats why I can never seem to get any poorer.
  7. L

    BW/BW2 Best way to earn cash, etc...

    yea the methods these guy's above posted are the most basic and profitable but I don't rly need money cus my pokemon were always at a higher level than my opponents which mean't I could wait until the battle is over so I could go to the poke centre which is why I have about 1.5 million.
  8. L

    DPPt/HGSS Soft Resetting for shines

    RE: Soft Reseting I haven't seen a shiny since crystal cus I don't have the patience to soft reset but I might try again just to get my shinyless friends peeved.
  9. L

    Pokemon Have you ever had a "Dumb Luck" catch?

    my one dumb luck moment would be in soulsilver when I was trying to catth mewtwo but I forgot to heal my lead pokemon so I tapped the last item used button forgetting I last used a great ball on a electrode.. I caught mewtwo best moment of my life now if only that happened more often.
  10. L

    BW/BW2 Do you find the linearity of this a problem...?

    yea it is a bit lineaar but it works for the games unlike other games that if they held my hand all the way I would stop playing them.
  11. L

    How do I start EV Training my Deino?

    @konter_j8902 thats what I used to think but I now know that what happens is every 4 EV's you get after the battle the stat will go up one but I don't really expect you to believe that as I have no reliable sources because I only saw my friend do it so yea whever or not you want to try it is up...
  12. L

    How do I start EV Training my Deino?

    hmm this was helpful to me 2 as I am also new to the forums(i joined today) and EV training btw any tips on getting the pwoer items quickly?. I found a method on 5th G that may help you you put your lv1 in the daycare and then go to nimbasa go into the battle subway and tape your d-pad down/up...
  13. L

    C-Gear Abuse For Dummies

    I'm afraid I have not a single insignifigant clue what rnging is. can someone please explain to me what it is simply and you will be given full bragging rights.