Search results

  1. C

    create explosion (victini & weezing)

    pokemon 16 4x victini(v-create) 4x celebi prime 4-4 weezing(super explosion) trainers 30 4x collectors 4x revive 1x super rod 4x junk arm 4x pont 4x N 3x lvl ba 3x defender 3x skyarrow bridge energy 14 4x dce 5x fire 5x grass starting witch celebi to get up victini...
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    i cood do -1 energy less than 10 is not good if you stand befor chandelure you have to retreat a few times from ure burning and confuse so its a good idee to have e few more energy than nessesery
  3. C


    i play it like this i tested today and result were very good agains: chandelure i played 3 matches won 2 we just have stil the problems witch his power he can kill use slow by putting dmg on each durrant cobalion i played 2 time and won 2 times i was up to zekrom witch 80 hp dmg from his...
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    Regitailsion! (Regigigas Ex/Ninetails/Typhlosion)

    dont see rare candy add 3 i wood say
  5. C

    ty-tar comback tyranitar prime rogue

    i made some changes i added a zekrom reshiram tornadus pichu cleffa instead of smeargle and igglybuff and a few trainers like adding super rod and switch of energy i droped 2 normal dark for 2 more dce
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    ty-tar comback tyranitar prime rogue

    dont think i needsec attacker caus i have tytar witch 1 energy and dont forget i heal him witch max potion you cant ohko ty-tar
  7. C

    ty-tar comback tyranitar prime rogue

    Pokemon:15 4x Larvitar 2x Pupitar 4x Tyranitar Prime 1x zekrom 1x reshiram 1x tornadus 1x pichu 1x cleffa Trainer:33 3x Sage’s Training 4x Pokémon Collector 2x Twins 3x Professor Juniper 3x Pokémon Communication 4x Rare Candy 4x Max Potion 4x Junk Arm 2x Pokémon Catcher 1x switch 1x super rod...
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    Hydurus (hydreigon & thundurus)

    thx for the updat i changed some cards as you can see hope this wil work better
  9. C

    Hydurus (hydreigon & thundurus)

    pokemon 18 3-1-3 hydreigon 3-3-0 eelektrik 1 tornadus 2 zekrom 1 thundurus 1 mewtwo ex trainers 29 3 rare candy 2 level ball 2 switch 1 super rod 3 pokemon communication 2 catchers 4 collectors 3 sages 4 pont 3 junk arm 2 juniper energy 13 9 elec 4 dce trying to start witch thundurus and...
  10. C

    Magmartor Top burner (needs division in deck title)

    get out ninetales and get in shuckle promo and unown with return give fire energy at shuckle and get them back with unown and seeker i took it with mee at tournament and won 3/5 in master
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    carraclus (carracosta & reuniclus)

    thx for the advice i made the changes and i work lot better if dere are more sugestion let i come 4
  12. C

    carraclus (carracosta & reuniclus)

    pokemon 20 carracosta x3 Tirtouga x4 reuniclus x2 duosion x2 solosis x3 zekrom x2 reshiram x2 cleffa x2 trainers 27 cover fossil x4 collector x3 junk arm x4 twins x2 research record x4 pont x4 communication x3 switch x1 N x2 energy 13 dce x4 water x9 strategie is to set carracosta as fast...
  13. C

    hg ss on lostgar ( gengar prime & mew)

    pokemon: 23 4-3-4 gengar prime tf 2 mew prime tf 2-2 darkrai & cresselia tf 2 spiritomb tf 2 mime jr. col 1 mr. mime col 1 ditto tf trainers: 3 seeker 2 petm 2 pont 4 twins 2 collector 1 legend box 2 energy excchanger 2 communication 2 energy retrieval 2 rare candy 3 lost world energy: 12...
  14. C

    Tyranitar - HGSS-on only.

    RE: Tyranitar - -2 moo moo milk -1 communication +2 exp belt (to darknes howl with 50 on active pokemon) +1 azelf i prefer bebe search instead of professor elm
  15. C

    Tyrandibuzz (Needs division in thread title)

    pokemon 21 3-3-3 tyranitar prime 2-2 mandibuzz 4 sebleye(sf) 2 uxie 1 azelf 1 unown Q trainers 27 tra sup: 4 bebes 3 collectors 2 seeker 1 palmer 2 pont 2 twins tra item: 3 rare candy 2 communication 1 luxury ball 3 exp belt 2 warp points tra sta: 2 bts energy 12 4 real dark 4 dce 4 basic...
  16. C

    Retread dmg *Needs main Pokemon from deck in title*

    pokemon 22 4-4 Beartic 3-3 dugtrio (pl) 4 sableye or smeargle 2 uxie 1 azelf 1 unown Q trainers 26 3 collector 3 bebes 4 bts 1 luxury ball 2 exp belt 2 seekers 2 warp points 2 pont 2 twins 2 intervieuw question 3 great ball trainers 12 4 dbc 6 water 2 rescue...
  17. C

    flipping down (Needs main Pokemon in Deck title)

    RE: flipping down better to keep the judge then becous i need the same card in my hand as my opponent to do conform
  18. C

    flipping down (Needs main Pokemon in Deck title)

    pokemon 25 4-3-4 shiftry (conform) 2-2 dugtrio (sinkhole) 4 spiritomb AR 2 uxie 1 azelf 1 unown Q 1-1 umbreon trainers 23 2 twins 4 judge 3 bebes 2 warp points 2 rare candy 3 bts 2 exp belt 3 collectors 2 seekers 2 communication enery 10 4 dark energy 2 basic dark...
  19. C

    moving scizor

    pokemon 23 4-4 scizor prime 2-2 umbreon (agains power and body) 2-1 uxie lvl x (draw and agains machamp) 1-0-1 machamp (agains umbreon and basic pokemon) 1 shaymin (celebration wind,moving energy to scizor) 3 sebleye (playing supporters) 1 unown q 1 azelf trainers 24 2 rare candy 2 seekers 3...
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    pokemon 25 4-3-3 gengar prime 2-2 slowking (to give your opponent card you want like pokemon ) 4 spiritomb 1tf 3 arceus 1 mr.mime (see your opponent hand) 1 azelf 2 uxie 1 unown Q 1-1 absol lv x trainers 24 4 seekers 2 collectors 4 twins 2 pont 2 looker 3 lost world 2 bts 2 vs seeker 2 rare...