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  1. Rybekk


    4 seems like a weighted risk if you don't trigger it. Trying to swing back from that sort of disadvantage even with the card draw power is going to be difficult. Some hard draw would perhaps work, Professor Juniper/Junk arm combo or straight up Bianca/Professor Oak perhaps? Otherwise, looks solid.
  2. Rybekk

    Darkrai EX to become staple?

    Have none of you considered what this card achieves in darkness decks? Free retreat on Hydrogeoutta the game I took 3 prizes for 4 energy? Yes please! It also has a very solid attack of it's own, even without +10 damage boost from a special energy.
  3. Rybekk

    My-Team-Nao (OU)

    Hi again, thanks for your help. I've revamped the intro post with pictures and the new layout I've gone with after much consideration. I realised Accelgor was not working in the new set-up, and found room for the all important HP Fire. I'll commence play testing with the new set up and...
  4. Rybekk

    My-Team-Nao (OU)

    Excellent advice from the both of you. Right off the bat: Mienshao - Reckless + Regenerator For Mienshao. I feel Life Orb would still be required to make up for the loss of the Reckless boost, but the value of switching out to full health to return to Fake Out/Hi Jump Kick again an extra...
  5. Rybekk

    Post - Next Destinies = SP Format 3.0?

    Does Shaymin EX count as Shaymin for name or Shaymin EX with the return of this rule? I'm purely loving it as a replacement for my Shaymin in my current casual grass deck, where it shines as a cheap walloper and as another good engine to charge coin flip alpha strike cards.
  6. Rybekk

    My-Team-Nao (OU)

    Hi Peachy. I do indeed play in Dream World, apologies for not posting as such. I've gotten to about 1100 max rating with this team but I start to run into serious trouble about 1000 and it becomes luck of the draw and serious prediction work to stay up there. It hovers well between 950-1050...
  7. Rybekk

    My-Team-Nao (OU)

    Hi everyone. I've been play testing my team now for a considerable time, and I'm looking to really get to grips with it's weaknesses, to fine tune it against a wider variety of threats. I've been fairly detailed with each pokemon, so hopefully it's 'strategy' is apparent. If anyone does have any...
  8. Rybekk

    What Music are You Listening to Lately? Why?

    RE: What music are you listening to? I'm currently literally unable to stop listening to the Holy Trinity that is Death Cab For Cutie, Bush and Dido... Odd trio, granted, but perfect coverage for long walks and duelling.
  9. Rybekk

    Post - Next Destinies = SP Format 3.0?

    I'm unimpressed with the EX pokemon outside of Shaymin so far. Rem may well have 180hp, but his attacks are substandard, and don't have any disruption or support ability. Mewtwo and Groudon can be said to be viable, in my opinion at least. These get me going more: Zapdos Gardevoir...
  10. Rybekk

    Energy Retrievel Cards?

    I always enjoy running: 4X Energy Search This is regardless of the deck being used. I am a proponent of card replacement, a card that replaces itself, even with an energy in a time when you're saturated with them removes a dead draw from the deck to allow you to access the key components...
  11. Rybekk


    I'm envisioning Cobalion being more of a threat to this deck. How can you reliably switch/retreat out of not being able to attack, especially as you could also be trainer locked too? Just curious, it's solid otherwise :).