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  1. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    That's in the "What I'm After" section. Thus, I don't have one, but I am looking for one. :P Also, working on the Skorupi. Harder to catch than I previously thought.
  2. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    I traded my only Skorupi away D: So I'll just go catch one, breed until I get a female Adamant (So I can give it a Everstone, etc etc), or the one you're looking for. I'll PM when I'm done. :P
  3. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED Mew it is. Thanks man'g. Front page updated again.
  4. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED I have a Japanese Deoxys. The event one. Ot is 10th Mew is also Japanese. From Pokemon Event 07.
  5. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED Sounds like a plan, stan. I don't have any Master Balls actually. Still hoping to get some more from the daily draw :P But I'm online often. PM me when you're ready to trade.
  6. BadGuy4434

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I'm looking for Soul Silver's Groudon. Adamant or Jolly Natured. Also looking for Heart Gold Kyogre, with a timid nature, and with a special attack stat over 165. I have a few TRU events, some 10th Anniv (Umbreon and Suicune)
  7. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED If you can get ahold of the Torterra, and breed a Turtwig, It'sa deal. I do love me some Dusk Stones. Or a Moon Stone.
  8. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED Your choice. Given the chance, I wouldn't. I'd trade something good, for something good. But if you're dead-set on trading Turtwig for Mew, then lets trade.
  9. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. UPDATED Anything in the "wants" part.
  10. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. I'm unsure if the Latios is hacked or not. Looks legit enough. Level 40, from Hoenn. Stats are normal. Quiet Nature. Knows Protect, Refresh, Luster Purge and Psychic. I got it from a GameFAQs trade. So it's most likely cloned, and probably RNG'd.
  11. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. How about just the Shiny Latios then? (I'm unsure if it's fair or not, thus I offered two to begin with. I'm fairly easy going when it comes to trades.)
  12. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    RE: BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. How about: Eigakan/Movie Theater: アルセウス/Arceus~Lv.100 (Jolly~Alert to sounds, Jul 18, 2009) For both? Also, Can you clone the Latios? Can you clone? If so, how about both for the Darkrai and Bold Suicune for Arceus?
  13. BadGuy4434

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon I Have that i would trade

    What's the nature of your Sceptile and Regice? I'd be willling to trade for 'em.
  14. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades BadGuy4434's Trading Thread. Now with more EV Trained Pokemon and Pokerus

    The rest of the list will be updated tonight, with natures and more Pokemon. Info: Platinum Friend Code: BadGuy 1118 6130 1231 PM me to Battle/Trade. (For Battles, anything is fine. Except Ubers. Only clauses I follow are Species, same item, and the one where you can't self KO if...
  15. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: The Guy's Trades: CLONING SERVICE I work Saturday 10-6. If you wanna trade before, the earliest I could get on would be 9. If you wanna trade after, I'll be on around 7 - 8 pm (Mountain Standard Time)
  16. BadGuy4434

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I found some at Toys R Us today, bought 2. I pulled Typhlosion Prime, Meganium, a Holo Wobuffet. Aboot it.
  17. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: The Guy's Trades: CLONING SERVICE Sure thing. Would I also be able to get my Heracross cloned as well? (Level one hundred EV trained)
  18. BadGuy4434

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: The Guy's Trades: CLONING SERVICE I have a Shiny Latios, I'll trade for TRU Arceus or Gamespot Deoxys, if you can clone Latios.
  19. BadGuy4434

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    So I messed up on my Breloom after I EV trained it D: (Evolved it before it could learn Spore) Anyways, I'm looking to trade for an EV trained Shroomish/Breloom with Spore. EV spread of 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe I have a few events, a shiny Shroomish, many 100s, an EVd Metagross. Surf...
  20. BadGuy4434

    DPPt/HGSS Haves and Wants!

    Both have been breeded, for you if want.