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  1. ironferret

    Time Talk

    Even with stall decks/lock/milling decks i have never had a problem with (my) time. at most i could take 30 minutes. however i have had a battle last over 2 hours (obviously not timed) because the person i was battling took 10 minute turns. then i could do what i need in less than a minute...
  2. ironferret

    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    RE: Trying to make Gallade work More skylas improve consistency in stage 2 decks. Super scoop up (SSU) is a little too flippy for my tastes. so for now -2 SSU +2 skyla also when you denote a evolution line group them together like 3-0-3 Galade it makes it easier to read and for you and...
  3. ironferret

    Special Rules Tournaments

    Back when I still had time to go to Pokemon League we would host unofficial mini tournaments with special rules. We would each buy a booster pack and put it into the pile for the winnings and split it fairly among the winning 3 or 4 players. Some of the rules where really fun and changed up...
  4. ironferret

    Lugia EX Deck

    I fought an interesting deck that ran Landorus mewtwo tornadus and lugia as a finisher. Lots of energy switches and coldress machines. Also virbank city gym and htl. Unfortunately I was running a plasma Klinklang deck and he had no non ex attackers. But the concept seemed interesting
  5. ironferret

    The game is changing - is it getting out of hand?

    RE: The game is way out of hand! I for one think we need MORE energy acceleration. I want something like deluge on a basic EX pokemon and an item card that searches our decks for 4 energies and puts them in our hand. As well as tool cards that boost attacks. I want the game to turn into...
  6. ironferret

    PTCGO computer crash

    I doubt it, it sounds more like a problem with your computer. PTCGO could cause some problems, but it can't just shut your computer off. and since you rebooted it and it shut off PTCGO didn't even have a chance to start. unless there was a rouge file in PTCGO that modified your system files...
  7. ironferret


    Switch out 4 metal energy for 4 blend energy (with metal in them) and add keldeo ex May not seem like it fits with the metal, but he is a life saver. He covers any non ex fire attackers your opponent might have with only one blend for ohko and landorus is a ohko with 2 blend. Also he...
  8. ironferret

    Plasma Klinklang

    After some testing I found running 4 blend energy and a keldeo covered a lot of weaknesses in a split PS BW Klinklang deck. Keldeo deals with landorus mid game. And any non ex fire attackers only need one blend energy to ohko The only down side is starting with him. But for covering for...
  9. ironferret

    Plasma Klinklang

    This. Also when eviolite is run it makes righteous edge useless. Forcing you to steel bullet giving them the damage for outrage. Plasma Klinklang is far from impervious. But it will make people think twice before running all Ex decks.
  10. ironferret

    Plasma Klinklang

    because of blue flare, if i just waited a few turns he would OHKO me anyways, granted at the cost of some energy, but one energy attachment gets him attacking again with outrage. and ever with no damage on him outrage hits all metal pokemon for 40 damage. It seems like an easy counter to...
  11. ironferret

    I'm doing it.. Discussion on Prize Support Increase

    I think the idea is for travel expenses since juniors and seniors are likely traveling with parents. Where as masters are likely traveling alone. It's not a fair assumption but I can see how they can think that
  12. ironferret

    Plasma Klinklang

    Bidoof from dragons exalted with bang heads is the best counter to everything. but besides that. I made a quick plasma klinklang deck on pokemon TCGO and ran into some who ran 2 reshirams and 2 revives in their deck and had a heck of a time with it. While I still won (he took 5 prizes) it...
  13. ironferret

    Plasma Storm Elite Trainer Box Contents

    They are made of solid gold and have your favorite pokemon engraved on them... but in all seriousness. I found this image,I don't know how accurate it is.
  14. ironferret

    Plasma Card Qualities

    Yah I though for a second the cards were fake...
  15. ironferret

    Klingklang Energy acceleration?

    Ho-oh has to grab 3 different kind of energies so you could only get one metal.
  16. ironferret

    Klingklang Energy acceleration?

    Celestial roar is not very reliable, often discarding important cards. Also rayquaza ex only takes fire and lightning so he is a dead card in a metal deck. In regards to rayquaza retreat. Sky arrow bridge takes care of that as well as giving tornados ex more power for his first attack...
  17. ironferret

    Plasma Storm discussion

    I was hoping that ether would allow more energy heavy cards to be used and broaden the competitive deck field, but yah, it too inconsistent to rely on, it's just as bad as a flippy deck. seems like pokemon TCG is just speeding up with each new set.
  18. ironferret

    Plasma Storm discussion

    No matter how you look at it you wont be seeing Vileplume in any major competitive decks. HTL/Virbank combo doesn't flow well in stage 2 decks, it will mostly be used in quick hitting, EX heavy decks as a power boost. But enough about HTL, what about Ether? anyone else excited about multi-type...
  19. ironferret

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, I'm IronFerret. I'm a player from california, been playing for about a year. I found pokebeach after looking for info on pre-releases and card info and find the community helpful when I need info on pokemon TCG. I joined so I could download files on threads, but I'll probably do some...
  20. ironferret

    Plasma Storm discussion

    I imagine a Tornadus EX / Viribank / HTL combo for first turn 90 damage will become popular. Though not the easiest to pull off on the first turn, it will provide amazing donking capabilities. Landorus EX is also buffed to 90, though split to 60 - 30 Even Mewtwo EX's first turn damage is...