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  1. Blue

    Looking for Some Advice about my TDK Deck

    Pokemon (10) 1 Lugia Ex (PS) 4 Deoxys Ex (PF) 3 Thundurus Ex (PF) 2 Kyurem (PF) Trainers (36) 4 Juniper 4 N 3 Skyla 2 Colress 1 Scramble Switch/Computer Search 4 Pokemon Catcher 2 Tool Scrapper 2 Plasma Ball 2 Ultra Ball 1 Float Stone 3 Switch 3 Colress Machine 3 Silver...
  2. Blue

    Yet Another Plasma Deck

    alright, that actually does sound better and would make the deck flow nicely, thanks [hr] ok, that makes more sense after looking at it.
  3. Blue

    Yet Another Plasma Deck

    Pokemon: (10) 4 Deoxys-EX 3 Thundurs-EX 2 Kyurem (PLF) 1 Luiga-EX Trainers: (38) 4 Juniper 2 Bianca 4 N 2 Colress 3 Skyla 1 Scramble Switch 2 Frozen City 4 Pokemon Catcher 1 Ultra Ball 1 Float Stone 2 Tool Scrapper 4 Switch 2 Plasma Ball 3 Colress Machine 3 Silver...
  4. Blue

    Plasma Ideas

    Pokemon: (11) 4 Deoxys-EX 3 Thundurs-EX 2 Kyurem (PLF) 1 Luiga-EX 1 Snorlax (PS) Trainers: (39) 4 Juniper 2 Bianca 4 N 2 Colress 3 Skyla 1 Scramble Switch 3 Frozen City 4 Pokemon Catcher 1 Ultra Ball 1 Float Stone 2 Tool Scrapper 4 Switch 2 Plasma Ball 3 Colress Machine...
  5. Blue

    Plasma Deck

    ill mkae a new thread with my decklist.
  6. Blue

    Plasma Deck

    alright, perfect. thanks a lot! do you play ptcgo at all? if so mind pming me?
  7. Blue

    Plasma Deck

    Alright, so silver bangles for kyurem correct? how many would you suggest? 2 or 3? and as for frozen city also 1, 2, or 3? [hr] Alright, so would you say that I should add any reversal triggers? just as an idea.
  8. Blue

    Plasma Deck

    Does anyone see the plasma deck that we currently have still being one of the BDIF, despite the VirGen deck emerging as a force. I would just like to know if I should be buying cards for VirGen or just tuning up my decklist for my plasma list. Thanks a lot.
  9. Blue

    Weavile/Exeggcute Deck?

    Will this deck have a future of any kind in the next format? Im just asking because I was planning on buying a few more cards to build the deck and want to know if I should be spending my money elsewhere. Thanks!
  10. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    RE: Arceus-EX I was really dissapointed that Zapdos Moltres and Articuno werent great cards to begin with, but the FA set me off a little, ive been waiting for a while now for the trio to be great cards. Kyurem isnt even that cool looking which is why it bothers me, it just looks like a mess.
  11. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    RE: Arceus-EX thanks for that. :p
  12. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    RE: Arceus-EX youre right about that too...imo?
  13. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    RE: Arceus-EX that makes more sense then, but as far as im concerned a lot of people disliked the third generation which groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza were all included? I thought for sure when they made a shaymin and a darkrai that arceus would follow. [hr] whoops i forgot about...
  14. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    RE: Arceus-EX you think so? maybe too lazy..
  15. Blue

    Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?

    I just have a question, if the pokemon Arceus is the 'god' pokemon, why doesnt he have his own card in the current format? just a question, i feel like they have given an ex card to almost every legendary except for uxie, mesprit, azelf and the last surprised me Suicune. I believe that these...
  16. Blue

    Regionals for Ontario

    Oh so I probably missed out on the last tournament that was big then? Dang..are there any other tournaments that you know of coming up?
  17. Blue

    Southwestern Ontario Regionals

    I was wondering when this event it occuring if anyone knows? Id appreciate any help! Thanks!
  18. Blue

    Regionals for Ontario

    Not sure if anyone who sees this knows but, when are the regional tournaments taking place in southwestern ontario? Id really like to know because im looking to get heavily involved with the game and was hoping to squeak into a tournament for practise. Thanks
  19. Blue

    Garbodor Deck

    Well I want to use registeel instead of landorus because I have no money and cannot buy landorus. :p also, after looking at it closer youre right about rescue scarf and DCE. Thanks!
  20. Blue

    Garbodor Deck

    Hello, I am thinking of making this deck to use in competitive play, would just like some quick feedback on how it looks, and what can be done to be imporved. Thanks! 3-2 Garbodor 2 Mewtwo-EX 2 Terrakion NVI 2 Landorus-EX 4 Junipers 4 Skyla 3 N 2 Bianca 1 Colress 2 Eviolite 1...