Why doesn't Arceus-EX have its own card?


Aspiring Trainer
I just have a question, if the pokemon Arceus is the 'god' pokemon, why doesnt he have his own card in the current format? just a question, i feel like they have given an ex card to almost every legendary except for uxie, mesprit, azelf and the last surprised me Suicune. I believe that these four are the only pokemon to not have their own dedicated EX card. I am just wondering why they havent made an arceus yet. It just seems odd to me.
RE: Arceus-EX

Not a question of lazyness, but of marketing, the priority was making the 5th gen exs, then the most popular.
RE: Arceus-EX

I think an Arceus EX might come in the next japanese set... I mean, it will probably be the last BW set so that seems a good reason to do it.
That and Suicune and the pixies are not the only legendaries that still don't have an EX card. There's also Regirock, Regice and Manaphy.
Also, I think its unfair that Tornadus got an EX for its two formes but no other Pokémon with formes got it (other than the Kyurem formes which are treated as different Pokémon)...
And finally, there are still some pokémon which haven't appeared in card form in the BW era...
RE: Arceus-EX

DrunkSpinda said:
Not a question of lazyness, but of marketing, the priority was making the 5th gen exs, then the most popular.

that makes more sense then, but as far as im concerned a lot of people disliked the third generation which groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza were all included? I thought for sure when they made a shaymin and a darkrai that arceus would follow.

Metalizard said:
I think an Arceus EX might come in the next japanese set... I mean, it will probably be the last BW set so that seems a good reason to do it.
That and Suicune and the pixies are not the only legendaries that still don't have an EX card. There's also Regirock, Regice and Manaphy.
Also, I think its unfair that Tornadus got an EX for its two formes but no other Pokémon with formes got it (other than the Kyurem formes which are treated as different Pokémon)...
And finally, there are still some pokémon which haven't appeared in card form in the BW era...

whoops i forgot about regirock, regice, in my eyes I dont view manaphy as a legendary pokemon only because it isnt the greatest guy out there. I agree that tornadus shouldnt have gotten a second card dedicated to it. What hasnt appeared from BW era yet??
RE: Arceus-EX

DrunkSpinda said:
There are always people who dislike each gen, so, that doesn't really matter, imo

youre right about that too...imo?
RE: Arceus-EX

I predict Arceus, Suicune, Regirock, Regice..... Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. I have no doubt in my mind that they are going to force Kyurem on us again. I still cant believe they opted to not include FA Zapdos and Moltres and instead put in two new stupid Kyruems lol
RE: Arceus-EX

evilpacman said:
I predict Arceus, Suicune, Regirock, Regice.... Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. I have no doubt in my mind that they are going to force Kyurem on us again. I still cant believe they opted to not include FA Zapdos and Moltres and instead put in two new stupid Kyruems lol

I was really dissapointed that Zapdos Moltres and Articuno werent great cards to begin with, but the FA set me off a little, ive been waiting for a while now for the trio to be great cards. Kyurem isnt even that cool looking which is why it bothers me, it just looks like a mess.
RE: Arceus-EX

I really dont understand why they thought it was cool to just combine only two of the dragons instead of all 3. I would have much rather had a full dragon that actually looked like something. Terrible move if you ask me. I also decided not to collect the EX's anymore after I found out that the birds weren't getting FA's. I thought the FA cards looked the best, but I dont want to have an incomplete set of legendaries.
RE: Arceus-EX

Metalizard said:
And finally, there are still some pokémon which haven't appeared in card form in the BW era...

Over a hundred, unfortunately.
RE: Arceus-EX

Frost said:
Metalizard said:
And finally, there are still some pokémon which haven't appeared in card form in the BW era...

Over a hundred, unfortunately.

Which is why XY era needs to pick up where BW left off.

But maybe we will get a BW10 before XY1. Not that all the remaining Pokèmon would debut but still.
RE: Arceus-EX

There hasn't been an Arceus card since Platinum: Arceus, so maybe they are planning something really big for him in the near future or they just forgot he exists...
RE: Arceus-EX

Some Pokemon have less of a chance than others. For example, they seem adamant to avoid Babies (they've had opportunities to release several, such as Magby, Elekid, Pichu and Cleffa), and things like the Abra line and Unown are also unlikely. We will probably get a fair number of the remaining ones before XY, though. Next one will probably have Armaldo, Omastar and Kabutops, for example. ;p

As for the original point of this topic, they're probably saving Arceus for the last BW set. They also seem to have been avoiding forme changes this time around, though. (With the exception of Deerling/Sawsbuck, Kyurem <though White Kyurem and Black Kyurem are more similar to new Pokemon than forme changes> and Tornadus, only 1 forme of each Pokemon has appeared.) So they may be avoiding him due to that.
RE: Arceus-EX

We might get one more BW set in July, and they still have to focus on the Unova Pokemon primarily, so I'm not holding my breath on most of the remaining older Pokemon showing up until the XY series. 167 Pokemon from Generations I through IV still haven't shown up.

One more BW set gives them just enough time to finish up the Legendaries who haven't shown up yet, though. The Legendaries who have received NO EX cards yet are Suicune, Regice, Regirock, Arceus, the pixie trio, Phione and Manaphy. Probably the first four are more likely than the last five because they've done the pixies and Manaphy as regular cards in the last few sets. So BW10 might have a good chance to have an Arceus-EX.
RE: Arceus-EX

Because they are saving Arceus for last. That is what I have always thought. If it is the most powerful, leave it for last like they did on Platinum.
RE: Arceus-EX

Blue said:
Kyurem isnt even that cool looking which is why it bothers me, it just looks like a mess.

Yeah, I'd also prefer a fusion between the three dragons but don't come saying it shouldn't have FA or EX cards just because you don't think it looks cool...
Black and White Kyurem-EX from BC got FAs because they're from a main set. They got a second EX card for each one in the Battle Strength decks, which are the same decks Zapdos and Moltres came from. But those two other EXs didn't got a FA, just like Zapdos and Moltres (most likely because they come from decks, Reshiram and Zekrom were exceptions). So you can't really complain about Kyurem having FAs but Zapdos and Moltres don't. If the Black/White Kyurem EXs from those decks had FAs but Zapdos and Moltres didn't, then you could complain about that... Which isn't the case...