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    Finished Pokemon Guess Who!

    RE: Pokemon Guess Who! *The Game Where You Guess The Pokemon Or Game* Dusknoir hands down.
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    Finished Pokemon Guess Who!

    RE: Pokemon Guess Who! *The Game Where You Guess The Pokemon Or Game* It's Chansey. No doubt.
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    What song are you listening to(right now)

    Minuet in G~Johan Sebastian Bach
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    Name Your Favorite TV SHOW

    RE: Name You Favorite TV SHOW My current favorites are: Scrubs Mythbusters Big Bang Theory (the sitcom not the one on national geographic channel)
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    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    Personaly I would say Azelf is the coolest. He can turn you into his little puppet no matter who you are. What can trump that?
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    Pokemon What Kinda Pokemon Are You?

    I'm most probably a Heatran 'cause I usually I have a short fuse. Another possible choice would be Alakazam because I am usually regarded as by my friends, a "braniac".
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    Philippines discusion... about TCG, tournaments, trading... anime... anything! Pinoy!

    Hi everybody. I'm the kid with the mag. Does anyone have leafeon lv.x for trade?[/size][/color][/font][hr]Hi everybody. I'm the kid with the mag. Does anyone have leafeon lv.x for trade?