Search results

  1. Shaxe

    Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

    RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym I think one is fine as long as you run Computer Search, it searches more and is recyclable with Sableye and doesn't take away your supporter play for the turn.
  2. Shaxe

    Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

    RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym How many Keldeo EX you guys run? I find 1 really inconsistent with all the lasers and Accelgors flying about and 3 Darkrais seems to be just fine.
  3. Shaxe


    Plasmaklang isn't the type of deck where you can discard/use as many cards as you can then draw a new hand with Juniper and then keep tossing cards like Darkrai. More often than not, you will be using Juniper with a few cards in hand and end up discarding precious cards because your hand is not...
  4. Shaxe


    I also prefer Cheren than Juniper right now but I can't imagine not using Colress so many benchsitter decks.
  5. Shaxe


    Why Juniper and Cheren but no love for Colress?
  6. Shaxe

    TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

    RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs) I tested Plasmaklang vs Plasmabox quite a bit and I noticed when you don't start with Cobalion EX, you will most likely have a hard time. Even if your Klinks survives T1 donks, if you don't get a Cobalion EX and start discarding by...
  7. Shaxe

    TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

    RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs) Klink can get donked occasionally with 1-2 benched Deoxys and lasers and while hammer discards can be annoying, ultimately it doesn't achieve much against Thundurus. I can see Plasmabox losing against these decks, but they aren't...
  8. Shaxe

    TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

    RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs) Is there a valid counter to this deck? Highest HP benchsitters with arguably the best ability and its a basic. Fast energy acceleration with a way to recycle special energies. Wins in every prize trade ever with Kyurem (and...
  9. Shaxe

    Big Basics (Landorus EX / Tornadus EX / Mewtwo EX)

    No Mewtwo EX and DCE? I don't think just having Garbodor is enough to counter Deoxys EX, though it is a great card vs Klinklang.
  10. Shaxe

    Big Basics (Landorus EX / Tornadus EX / Mewtwo EX)

    Do you have techs for Plasmaklang? I still have Bouffalants in but I'm finding them lacking.
  11. Shaxe

    Big Basics (Landorus EX / Tornadus EX / Mewtwo EX)

    Which pokemon do you remove for Cobalion EX?
  12. Shaxe

    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    I personally prefer Raikou EX over BW Zekrom because it provides the option of sniping bench and you simply can't underestimate the effectiveness of doing so especially in a mirror match. In addition, Volt Bolt discarding helps powering Dynamotor while also avoids putting you in a bad position...
  13. Shaxe

    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    What about Landorus EX? I see in over 50% of the decks I played against and when they run Big Basics, all the catchers and lasers just destroys whatever I try to setup while they keep piling up energies on Landorus until it can finally kill off my Rayquaza in one shot.
  14. Shaxe

    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    Is Rayeels even viable at this point? Between all the Landorus, Garbordors, Gothitelles and now even Zebstrikas I see on TCGO, there's just way too many people with too many ways to lock down this deck. Also, the upcoming set will increase the donk speed and Emolga won't even be a safe starter...
  15. Shaxe

    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    Sorry for this silly question, but how does this deck almost always win vs Klinklang (PS)? Once they setup, it's almost impossible to catch up because Rayquaza EX is useless and 140HP Klinklang on bench requires 2 catcher to kill.