Writing (¯`·._.·Pokemon FanFic: The Frontiers of Sinnoh·._.·´¯)


Pokemon Amethyst Spriter
(¯`·._.·Pokemon FanFic: The Frontiers of Sinnoh·._.·´¯)

Chapter One - A Journey Paved with Good Intentions (below)
Chapter Two - Who's That Pokemon!
Chapter 3 - Magical Magikarp
Chapter 4 - Hawtness Previals/The Journey Ahead

Chapter One - A Journey Paved with Good Intentions:

Annoucer: "This Championship Game is over, Hiro and Lucario are the Champions of the Sinnoh Region!!!"
*Credit roll by saying 1990 (c)*

Watch this tape was a Regular Morning Routine for Andy. Him watching his Dad win the Sinnoh Cup which Shimmers from Sun beams, right behind him in the Glass Case that has everything Pokemon. EVERYTHING, from signed Masterballs, to Cooridinator Ribbons won by his Mom, and to the Map of Celestic Town where his Grandpaernt turned into a city that still stands tall Today.

But the Biggest Item on the Shelf a Trophy that his older Sister had one, and only just a couple years ago too. His sister was the Reigning Sinnoh League Champ... Cynthai.

Now that he was turning 10, he had a Dream of grabbing a Sinnoh Cup even bigger than his Sisters.

But right now something else was on his Mind.

"ANDY!!! WAKE UP!!!," said the screaming lady behind him.
"Huh, 2+2=4!," said Andy just waking up from a Nap.

"No more Sleeping in Class. Now as I was saying this is a specail Day for all of you, you recieve you Pokemon! After the disapearence on Prof. Rowan, the Sinnoh League has asked us to Hand you all out your Starting Pokemon."

"I want Lugia!," said some random kid in the back of the Room.

"Now Oliver, Lugia is a Legendary, so it wouldn't be right to Train it, were as in it's natural habitat."

*Oliver is so stupid, Andy said under his breathe*


"OK before you guys leave please pick a Pokeball from the Table over there."

*Later outside*

Random Chatter:��Awesome I got a Larvitar, Woah a Murcrow, No way a Chimchar!

"Alright lets see what inside here...."

Next Chapter: Who's That Pokemon!
Thanks Pokedude
Did you guys seriously read all that? I posted it like 30 seconds ago.

Did you feel rushed when you read it?

Also KeybladePokemon I'll take a look.

Also Guys don't psot any one line post, actually tell me all the things you liked about, and suggestions.
i want to know what will happen next. It sounds sweet. I like the part when you wake up in class saying 2+2=4! That was funny, im still laughing right now.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it wasnt that funny
it was funny for me. At least i dont waste my time typing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it wasnt that funny. (All i had to do was copy and paste). Hey dude im sorry if were spamming but i thought it was funny! Just some people are shallow and cruel and mean!
it was funny i was just joking about the cruel and shallow part. Sorry for spamming right now.

"Sorry for spamming right now."

That's like... "Sorry for robbing you now. I know it's wrong, and against the rules, and I shouldn't ever do it, but I thought I'd commit this crime anyway. But I am sorry. :( :( :("

Stop it. Post something relevant or don't post. That goes for everyone.
Thanks for all the Spam (just kidding/jk), thanks for the comment on the joke too. New Chapter

Chapter 2 - Who's That Pokemon!
Previously ~ "Alright lets see what inside here...."


"Go Pokemon!!!"
*A red light Beam comes out and a Pokemon Appears!*

"WTF!!!!!!! A Magikarp!!!!"
*Karp Karp, The Red fish starts to flop around wildly*

*5 Minutes Later*

"Why would a Starting Trainer need a Magikarp, they need something thats know attacks," Andy said furiously.

"Actually it know Splash! But a Magikarp Challenges a Trainer (Don't mention we were short on Pokemon). Did you know one Trainers starting Pokemon was a Magikarp," said Andy teahcer nervous as ever.

"Yeah and whom might that be?"
"Your dad."
"My Dad started with Rio-"

Before Andy could say anything his teacher dashed out the door.

"Ugg, whatever. Might as well test this little dude out," ~ Andy

*See Oliver and his Wooper*
"Hay Oliver wanna battle?" Andy said thinking there is know why he could win even against Oliver.

"Sure my Wooper against your Magikarp!" Olvier said proudly.

"Alright let's battle right here."
The surrounding is small rocks, it all most looks like a Dried up lake.

"Alright Go Magikarp, use your Splash Attack!," said Andy knowing he'd just like to see himself actually make a Command.

*Magikarp wildly flopped around... Then suddenly hitting a Rock throwing itself towards Wooper at an uncountable speed.

*Wooper lays twiching on the ground. Magikarp is still Flopping*

"Woah," said Olvier and Andy in unison.

How do you like that Chapter?

Next Chapter: Chapter Three - The Magical Magikarp
I have any Idea with Magikarp, but it depends how far I get.

Also I'm updating with a Search Lsit and Trainer Cards.
KeybladePokemon said:
well can i send a charecter fee back

Whats that suppose to mean?

Anyways thanks for the laughs pokedude101, you haven't lost your humor.