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|»Jace's Trading Post «|

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RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED YOUR CHAMP SF

1 RH Machamp SF
2 Expert Belt
2 Uxie(1 league promo for sure the other one League promo or regular)
1-3 Level X's(tangy X,blaze fb x, star fb x,evire fb x)
1 Luxray GL LV.X
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED YOUR CHAMP SF

1 RH Machamp SF
2 Expert Belt
2 Uxie(1 league promo for sure the other one League promo or regular)
1-3 Level X's(tangy X,blaze fb x, star fb x,evire fb x)
1 Luxray GL LV.X

That is tempting, but I am going to have to say no. I was just about to take off Luxray, as I am thinking about decking it.
thanks for the offer though.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

uxie stich x2
hetran x pack

if you still have luxray gl x i want it instead i can add in more
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

I got crobat G and 2 roseannes
I might want one of those heatran Xs
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Wishirulz said:
I got crobat G and 2 roseannes
I might want one of those heatran Xs

Hmm.. I'm interested.. but you might need to add a little bit... got any poketurns?

konter_j8902 said:
uxie stich x2
hetran x pack

if you still have luxray gl x i want it instead i can add in more

I'm very interested.. but do you think you add just a little bit? Do you have any poketurns?
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

No... that's the only trainer I never seem to get
CML i updated it with new trainers
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Do you have any Uxie x? I have 2 Roseanne's and one Candy.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Shoyru1444 said:
Do you have any Uxie x? I have 2 Roseanne's and one Candy.

If I had one for trade, it would be on my list.

Wishirulz said:
No... that's the only trainer I never seem to get
CML i updated it with new trainers

Yeah.. I'm going to have to pass.. if you get more cards (specifically those on my wants list, lmk!)
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Your Dusknoir (Shadow Command)

My Giratina (PT-27)
Espeon 4
Torchic PT
Chimchar PT

LMK or counter.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Alex(charm)ander said:
Your Dusknoir (Shadow Command)

My Giratina (PT-27)
Espeon 4
Torchic PT
Chimchar PT

LMK or counter.

Um, no. I am not all interested in any of those cards... and even if I was, that would be way in your favor...
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Jace said:
Um, no. I am not all interested in any of those cards... and even if I was, that would be way in your favor...

Which is where you look at my list and counter like the post says.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Alex(charm)ander said:
Which is where you look at my list and counter like the post says.

Read my rules, I don't like checking lists. If you're going to post with four cards I don't want or need, it's hardly a counter...

A counter is like:
You say:

My 4x Bidoof

your Bidoof Lv. X

and then I counter by saying:

your 4x Bidoof and 1x Bidoof EX

for my Bidoof lv. X
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

My: Crobat G
Common or uncommon
Your: RH energy Gain.

LMK what we can work out.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Juliacoolo said:
My: Crobat G
Common or uncommon
Your: RH energy Gain.

LMK what we can work out.

That just went out. Besides, that is WAY in your favor.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Which is why I planned to "Work it out"

Would you do it for a Bebe's if I added something?
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Juliacoolo said:
Which is why I planned to "Work it out"

Would you do it for a Bebe's if I added something?

Do you have any poketurns?
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Not for trade at the moment.
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