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|»Jace's Trading Post «|

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Ambi said:
If you have 3 Cyndaquil & 2 Quilava

I have 1 RH Cyndaquil SW, 1 Regular Cyndaquil SW, and 1 quialava SW.

Also, you're going to need a reputation thread if we trade.
Jace said:
I have 1 RH Cyndaquil SW, 1 Regular Cyndaquil SW, and 1 quialava SW.

Also, you're going to need a reputation thread if we trade.
Ok, but what is the thread supposed to have?
Ambi said:
Ok, but what is the thread supposed to have?
View this thread.

So our trade is:

1x BTS
1H Magmortar SW
1RH Cyndaquil SW
1x Cyndaquil SW
1x quilava SW

for your:
1x Claydol (GE one) league promo with stitch foil
2x Uxie (LA one) league promo with stitch foil

Jace said:
View this thread.

So our trade is:

1x BTS
1H Magmortar SW
1RH Cyndaquil SW
1x Cyndaquil SW
1x quilava SW

for your:
1x Claydol (GE one) league promo with stitch foil
2x Uxie (LA one) league promo with stitch foil

Deal...once I get my thread.
Ambi said:
Deal...once I get my thread.

Alright great. Just PM me with your address and stuff when you do.

Btw, you will be sending first, because you have no refs.
RE: |»Jace's Trading Post «| I NEED YOUR FLYGON X! HAVE LUXRAY X!

im giving up LMK what you can add for a flygon X. preferably 1-2 luxray Gl's. if you can PM me.
RE: |»Jace's Trading Post «| I NEED YOUR FLYGON X! HAVE LUXRAY X!

dragonitetim said:
Flygon X

for your
Luxary GL Lv X

If your flygon is at least 98% ish mint? Then Yes. My luxray is like 98.5-99% mint.
RE: |»Jace's Trading Post «| I NEED YOUR FLYGON X! HAVE LUXRAY X!

Jace said:
If your flygon is at least 98% ish mint? Then Yes. My luxray is like 98.5-99% mint.
Please PM me for the deal.
I will appreciate very much if you can throw in a Helix Fossil, a Dome Fossil and a old Amber.
RE: |»Jace's Trading Post «| MY FLYGON X FOR YOUR LUXRAY GL X

Uxie League Promo x2

Rare Candy x2
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