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|»Jace's Trading Post «|

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Alex(charm)ander said:
Do you have any Cyrus' Conspiracy?

I believe I have one.

Islam soliman said:
you can look at my list and make offers

First of all, this is my thread, so you make the offers. Secondly, I did glance at your thread, and didn't see anything on my wants. So I asked you if you had anything on my wants.
Alex(charm)ander said:

Then unless you make me a GREAT offer, I'm not interested. There are a few cards I really need right now, and I don't really want much else, temporarily.
EspeonROX said:
CML for that Pachirisu GE! It MUST be holo, and it MUST be mint. (No scratches.) Thanks.

I'm pretty sure its mint. I'll check later. What do you have on my wants.
I've got a couple Rosy's, but that wouldn't be enough if you wanted to trade for 'em. I also have a spare Uxie LP, but you could buy a set of 3 in the Auction in Slateport Market for $13.
EspeonROX said:
I've got a couple Rosy's, but that wouldn't be enough if you wanted to trade for 'em. I also have a spare Uxie LP, but you could buy a set of 3 in the Auction in Slateport Market for $13.

could you do a Rosie and the Uxie?
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