‘CoroCoro’ Reveals Two M-Charizard EX, Protect Cube [2/13]

Ok WTF... 300? Two types for the same? Insane... With Emboar OMFG Black Ballista Kyurem is a baby right now...
And the numbers just get bigger.
Remember when [F][F][C] for 40 was good? Me neither.
For a moment I got excited when I saw [D] thinking it was Dragon but then I remembered the dual typing. :(

Sheesh 300 damage! I don't like the drawbacks and high energy cost though. Unless of course the Charizard ex has some sort of crazy awesome energy acceleration.
I like the trainer card they added.
Put more stratagy to the game rather then simply 300 damage monster .
Now that 200 damage doesn't one-shot everything in the game anymore, it's no wonder that they made a Mega Charizard-EX and gave it a 300-damage attack. I'm not surprised at all.
ForeignDude said:
For a moment I got excited when I saw [D] thinking it was Dragon but then I remembered the dual typing. :(

Exactly what I thought.
Maybe we'll get Dragon energy eventually.

Charizard may be one of the few viable Megas, able to use Emboar support to do significant damage the turn after it evolves.
M Charizard-EX - Dragon - HP230
Mega Evolution - Evolves from Charizard-EX

When 1 of your Pokemon becomes a Mega Evolution, your turn ends.

[R][R][D][C][C] Wild Blaze: 300 damage. Discard the top 5 cards of your deck.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fairy (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

We dreamt of creating the world's most hypable card... and we succeeded.
PMJ said:
Now that 200 damage doesn't one-shot everything in the game anymore, it's no wonder that they made a Mega Charizard-EX and gave it a 300-damage attack. I'm not surprised at all.

Every era of the TCG, there is a benchmark for what constitutes high, low, powerful, weak. The original Lugia-ex 200 damage Elemental Blast used to be the absolute one-shot move in the game, with 150 being enough for all Stage 2, non-ex.

I wonder how the ever rising HP is obscuring a set notion of what "high HP, high damage" are? Might the game be on its way to ever higher damage and HP stats, where it is about matching the opponent's HP with multiple, high-damage cards versus accumulated damage?
300 damage?! I was expecting something like 200, but 300 almost seems overkill.

I think the self damaging one is better because of protect cube.

Are there any pokemon that do significant damage to themselves?

The only ones I can think of (aside from Charizard) are Solrock (PLS), Zekrom (LTR), and Reshiram EX.
It takes at least 4 turns for Charizard Y EX to set up assuming in those 4 turns you get the 3 fire, an Emboar out using rare a candy, a double colorless(or 5 fire if you prefer, allthough that make it all the more less likely), with or without the protect cube. everything would have to be going perfect or you would be discarding half the deck trying, furthermore pretty much any EX can set up and have it on the brink of death by this time with much more consistency. this leaves two outcomes, the you either take out the Pokemon they have set up and they switch in to the backup theyv'e been preparing, or you die and you just wasted 4 turns. the 3rd option is that you are holding it on the bench and doing nothing, in return they hold theirs as well and no one does anything but build up and make their techs fight your emboars.

on the other hand Charizard X is worse with the dark and he also discards cards that could be pertinent to your whole complicated setup, not to mention both on average are going to be wasting setup on 100-200 damage that isn't even being used.

I hope these cards look pretty
Both are 100% unplayable (not surprising, considering that they refuse to ever make a playable Charizard lol).

The reason is because they're only viable with Emboar, and Rayquaza EX is simply a better attacker. The Mega restriction is extremely harsh and when Rayquaza EX can already OHKO the entire metagame, there's just no point. The only real selling point is the HP, but considering the weaknesses, it's not even that hard to OHKO either of them. Emboar is going to be sticking with Rayquaza unless we see some kind of other massive support for Mega Evolutions in this set.
I don`t think they are both 100% unplayable, the thing is we don`t even know yet what this set will have and If it has some support, is true 1 turn without attacking to mega Evolve could be a waste, but we have to think about other things, M Charizard-EX X need RRDCC, we can use and abuse it, is a little simple:

3-1-3 Emboar
1-0-1 Delphox
3-2 M Charizard-EX X
0-1 M Charizard-EX Y
1 Genesect-EX

We can use also Professor Letter´s and Shadow Circle on this deck, could seems a little heavy but in the end could not, since Dragon don´t have weakness to Dragon Type and is for fairy type, we can also tech one Celebi-EX for small damage with Charizard-EX, I hope for more cards soon.
HOLY S...! These are indeed the most ridiculous overpowered cards ever (when it comes to HP and damage output). 300 Damage?? Insane...
I don't like that the Mega from the deck is better than the one from the main set... With Protect Cube, you have a recoil-free 300 damage attacker, the only drawback is really the heavy attack cost... I really want to see how the cards look though... These are going to be so overpriced, it's not even funny...
Pokebeach said:
M Charizard-EX - Fire - HP220
Mega Evolution - Evolves from Charizard-EX

When 1 of your Pokemon becomes a Mega Evolution, your turn ends.

[R][R][C][C][C] Crimson Dive: 300 damage. This Pokemon does 50 damage to itself.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Pokebeach said:
Protect Cube - Trainer

Pokemon Tool: Attach to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it. If that Pokemon is Knocked Out, discard this card.

The Pokemon this card is attached to receives no damage from its own attacks.

You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Obvious synergy is obvious. I mean Charizard/Emboar could pull off a T2 300 if it got all the right cards; that's completely insane! The high energy cost is somewhat of a setback, but you don't have to discard your energy after attack which is huge. Black Kyurem EX has finally met it's match if this card is even half as good as I'm making it out to be...

The only way to OHKO it back that I can think of is with another Mega Charizard, a 4 energy Dragon Burst, a Yveltal EX with a considerable amount of energy on it, or a loaded up Keldeo EX. All of which could be pretty hard to do if Mega Charizard came knocking on your door and wiped all your energy off the field last turn.

TPCI is a troll, the only way they could top this is with 320+ HP EX's. D: (That's what some guy I was playing against on playtcg said anyways. :p )
Aromatisse and the Charizard who damages itself looks fun.

Play Charizard on bench, attach Fire,
Send to active next turn, attach Fire, attach Protect Cube, evolve,
Move three fairy energies on third turn,
Kill until death.
Protect Cube and Charizard Y EX = OP

I find it funny that they are heavily advertising MegaZard X but MegaZard Y is the better card in this case, doing 300 with no drawback.

Anyone notice that MegaZard X uses [D] as an energy? Dragon Type Energy?