Well, we have 4 unreleased Japanese VMAXs—Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, and Gengar—and all of them are in this set. HOWEVER, we ALSO have five gigantamax forms that still need to be released in either English or Japanese—Machamp, Kingler, Melmetal, Appletun, and Hattrene. This set only has a total of EIGHT VMAXs, and at least one of those (Mew VMAX) is non-gigantamax. So we are guaranteed to be at least two gigantamax forms short of the full set by the time Fusion Strike releases. UNLESS we get another set of VMAX boxes like we did with Battle Styles, or some other sort of sealed product with two VMAX promos? Or maybe we will get one MORE set of VMAXs? We still don’t know whether VMAX Climax is a mechanic or a set, but if it’s a set, will be have room for it in this… oh wait. We have 100 cards in Fusion Arts, 90 cards cut from Evolving Skies, and a total of 260 cards before Secret Rares in Fusion Style. So we MAY still get a set called VMAX Climax and yet receive (most of?) the cards from that set in Fusion Style.