“Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

My God this set sucks, N's deck looked like it has potential but all the attackers suck and there is just too little to work with if you plan to make a trainer deck except Hop which is also not that good imo, zacian has a huge attack cost and is not easy to power up only to do 300 dmg with the stadium and snorlax in play. There are just too many decks that can do much more much more consistently.
You can charge up Zacian with Archaludon ex in one turn (attach for turn, Ach ex ability plus choice band).
You can charge up Zacian with Archaludon ex in one turn (attach for turn, Ach ex ability plus choice band).
And not only that but Hop can actually become an S-tier meta deck. With Secret Box and Arven, Zacian can be set up on the first turn going second and hit for 120 damage for zero energy. Then second turn evolving Archaludon hitting for 330 and maybe 360 if you use Kieran.
Honestly this set has a lot of good and interesting playables. This is the japenese set so im thinking journey togething will have some filler from asian starter decks. I have hope that they will be doing a 2nd trainer set this generation as gym heros and gym champions came out the same year so it is in the realm of possibility . So far it is a very playable set!
Is this a joke? Are people trying to discourage folks from picking this set up in some attempt to dampen any hype? Why are you posting this? Explain yourselves!!
if the only way you can imagine someone not being excited for something as much as you are is that there must be ulterior motives at play, it's time for a reality check. not everyone showers a brand or company in uncritical praise for doing the bare minimum (or less than the bare minimum).

in the same manner, it would make me look like an insane person to suggest that the only reason anyone would have to be excited for something i'm not is if they are trying to create "artificial hype" to benefit the perception of a brand or company, or their own hustle. people can come to like and dislike things independent of the musings of a conspiratorial or brand-beholden mind.
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Wait until they get their Volcanion ex knocked out and their opponent points to the rule box text
Was about to say, Volcanion/Magmortar almost seems like the second most viable archetype to get printed after Hop, but the drawback is a bit harsh.
And Sabrina never had a Gengar and Blaine never had a freaking Moltres lol. But that shouldn't have stopped these sets from having a lot of fun with the Trainers and their rosters like they have in the past. I'm not sure why these guys couldn't give us Iono's Tera Electric Mismagius ex or just Hop's Rillaboom/Cinderace/Inteleon. The set choices make no sense to me. Sorry but no one cared for this Volcanion ex that isn't even as cool as the Steam Siege one.

Did Ancient and Future Pokémon last a year? Or was it 3 main sets, spread across 2 blocks, and that's it?
The Gym series had so many non-canon setup that I really liked.

Loved Lt Surge's Fearow and Erika's Dragonair for example. They felt right for some reason
You know I'm glad this set is not hyped. This Pokémon hype needs to die down and those who bought out all the preorders for this upcoming set need to learn a lesson.