I personally think the fact that we still know practically nothing about the game and the fact that we weren't told it was for Switch -with the Switch logotype introducing the trailer like which any other Switch game- probably means it'll be a launch game for Switch's successor, and we still don't know anything about that one either. My bet is Spring 2024. Even thought I'm not playing the TCG anymore I still like to follow news on cards, sets and meta developments, and one of the reasons is to try and predict when Pokémon ZA will come out

If it really comes out that late next year, I don't think we're going to have the tenth generation games then, which I'm REALLY glad about, because I want them to give them enough development time. Enough with that over-accelerated rythmn of a new generation every three years!

I really loved Scarlet and Violet, but if the game had been much more polished on graphics and performance, it'd have really been a 10/10 for me... Except we didn't get any Battle Tower... Althought the one in gen 8 was really bad.