A new “ex Special Set” will release in Japan on May 19th for 1,800 yen.
The package will come with a 3-card promo pack containing one of three evolutionary lines: Toescruel ex, Houndstone ex, or Pawmot ex. It’ll also include four booster packs of Snow Hazard and four booster packs of Clay Burst.
Thanks goes to JustInBasil for the translations!
Toedscruel ex – Grass – HP270
Stage 1 – Evolves from Toedscool
Ability: Protective Charm
Prevent all effects of attacks from your opponent’s Pokemon done to all of your Pokemon that have Energy attached. (Existing effects are not removed. Damage is not an effect.)
[G][G] Colony Rush: 80+ damage. This attack does 40 more damage for each of...
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