“Heat Wave Arena” Set Revealed Featuring Misty, Ethan, Cynthia, and Arven’s Pokemon!

Why not a day earlier?!
My flight from Japan is on the 14th... Argh! ×D
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Remember how Hop got revealed later and turned out to have the most supports? Cynthia might be the same.
not a bad showing, but given that the initial reveal of battle partners was promising at the beginning too, i'm not about to hold my breath that this will be any better once the dust completely settles. we're really still doing four trainers and another two thirds of the set as off theme generics, it seems.

i do think it's rather curious how obscenely frequently magcargo gets cards in the tcg, especially lately.
Show me more Steven and Marnie cards! Heat Wave can wait for now.
At first I thought Ethan Box would just be a thing even though it being all fire types is pretty awful cause Chien Pao is gonna get some room to breathe, but then I remembered both Fire Off Armarouge and Scorching Bazooka Armarouge ex exist from two formats ago. Earthen Vessel & Retrievals and you have probably the best energy stacking deck in the game.

Arma ex's damage scales with how many Fire Energies are applied to it, and Ethan's Ho-Oh ex has no rule against using Golden Flame from multiple Ho-Oh. If you lay two Ho-Oh on the bench, two Earthen Vessels and a Fire Off will immediately boost the damage the ex will do by 160 each turn, not including your energy attach on those turns. If the Armarouge ex ever goes down, you can use a Superior Energy Retrieval to get the next one right back in with little to no consequence. I could also see Zoroark ex be used as a no-brainer draw support.
More like Misty doesn't get an ex, considering she isn't in the pack art.
We've had ex pokemon (Tera included) that wasnt in pack arts so I wouldn't discount it this fast. And honestly monetary wise for TPC it would be absolutely insane to not print a full art Misty ex card considering it's one of THE cards to print for collectors to chase.
I mean Ho-Oh Magcargo seems like the poster child deck from this set so far. Since Ho-Oh's ability can be used multiple times by different instances of the card, maybe use Pichu (realistically either Cleffa or Budew) as a good pivot so that energy goes right to the Magcargo, no problems of ability locks or the like. Only problem is how do you consistently get 5 energy into your hand, especially with PokeStop gone