“Heat Wave Arena” Set Revealed Featuring Misty, Ethan, Cynthia, and Arven’s Pokemon!

Everything looks promising.

First pichu card in years, playable character decks, magcargo hitting for up to 350?? Based
Ho-Oh is the only Legendary I like, it's the flagship mon to my fav entry into the franchise and since I started playing (I came in when Lost Origin dropped) I haven't seen a truly playable one. I am hype for sure.
We've had ex pokemon (Tera included) that wasnt in pack arts so I wouldn't discount it this fast. And honestly monetary wise for TPC it would be absolutely insane to not print a full art Misty ex card considering it's one of THE cards to print for collectors to chase.
She can still get 2 ARs. The other thing against Misty is that for subsets thing goes more like in 3s not in 4s like main set. So 3 trainer ex and 3 non trainer ex. Obviously they can still make exceptions we truly don’t know. But it’d be so funny to me if she doesn’t, an L for genwunners is always a W to me. And we getting team rocket set anyways so they still have that bait for nostalgia blinded people
That doesn't help Gyarados' attack though?

With Dragapult still around, the actual ability is much better to have.
You're right about Dragapult but it would still help gyarados because you wouldn't have to worry about losing your Magikarp to it's attack.
not a bad showing, but given that the initial reveal of battle partners was promising at the beginning too, i'm not about to hold my breath that this will be any better once the dust completely settles. we're really still doing four trainers and another two thirds of the set as off theme generics, it seems.

i do think it's rather curious how obscenely frequently magcargo gets cards in the tcg, especially lately.
Seriously like does anyone even like Magcargo? Personally I dint really like it that much. I don't know anyone who likes it. So why is it getting more attention than some more popular Pokémon?
Since they did Starmie V with Misty in TG of Astral Radiance, I hope the give Misty's Politoed a chance in the spotlight!
Ya that would make sense too. But it better be really good to be worth a stage 2. Especially since the partner ex's seem to be support for the rest of the deck more than the main attacker ie. Marnie's Grimmsnarl and Iono's Bellibolt. Especially with Gyarados having the attack it does I feel like her ex will be more support. Maybe recycling Pokémon somehow?
I AM really excited, but a bit sad that some of these are Pokemon who have already gotten cool cards recently, like Garchomp, Magikarp, Psyduck and Mabosstiff who essentially already has a card with it's trainer. Still super excited though, a Ho-oh SAR could be beautiful.
I mean Ho-Oh Magcargo seems like the poster child deck from this set so far. Since Ho-Oh's ability can be used multiple times by different instances of the card, maybe use Pichu (realistically either Cleffa or Budew) as a good pivot so that energy goes right to the Magcargo, no problems of ability locks or the like. Only problem is how do you consistently get 5 energy into your hand, especially with PokeStop gone
Quilava and a ho-oh in bench > ethan's adventure and a vessel > 2 energies + second ho oh. You can charge up to 5 energies a turn.
This could be a deck were MAX rod is usable
After the “Typhlosion lore leak” you can keep his cards 💀💀
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More like Misty doesn't get an ex, considering she isn't in the pack art.
That doesn't mean she
counterpoint: Golduck has NEVER gotten a multi-prize card, and it's interesting they didn't already reveal misty's golduck alongside the misty's psyduck right here.... misty's golduck ex incoming??? (not that i would want that over starmie but i'm curious...)
I mean we got N's Joltik and Purrloin without getting their evolutions so I wouldn't count on there being a Golduck. Plus with it being a joke how much she likes Golduck and never getting one I could see that being the case here too.