“Journey Together” Set Guide: Card List, Products, Store Promos, and Booster Box Situation!

Water Pokémon Master

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We now have the full English set list for Journey Together!
The set will release on March 28th. Prereleases will run from March 15th to 23rd.
Our set is a combination of Japan’s Battle Partners and the leftover cards from ex Starter Deck Generations. Only Zacian ex and Koraidon ex have been cut. They will be turned into promos for May’s Slashing Legends Tins.
Our English set upgrades a few cards from uncommon to rare holo: Butterfree, Ludicolo, Metagross, Lillie’s Ribombee, Regirock, and...

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I'm guessing this is confirmation that Pokémon didn't change the name of N's item card?
Sad. They didn't give Surging Sparks the set code SUS, but they allowed that horrible name to escape into the world. So much for me ever building N's Zoroark ex.
TPCi targets another theme at collectors, this time with popular trainers instead of Pokemon. But it begs the question, even if you're just a collector, is it even fun to try and get these sets anymore, with the minimal supply and people pulling guns on one another?

Absolutely not. Journey Together's booster boxes are like $220 on the secondary market right now (which is about 2x what it used to cost to buy a booster box of a new set 4 months ago) and have been sold out on Pokemon Center for months. I have zero excitement because Journey Together looks like it's just a continuation of the mess that has been this hobby since November.
TPCi targets another theme at collectors, this time with popular trainers instead of Pokemon. But it begs the question, even if you're just a collector, is it even fun to try and get these sets anymore, with the minimal supply and people pulling guns on one another?
I just realized you changed your description from "H-on will save the game" to "it did not."
My favorite S/IRs are Articuno, Noibat, Wailord, and Volcanion ex. I can pass on the rest of the set. I really like Lillie’s Clefairy ex, Lillie’s Ribombee, and Salamence ex but the first two will definitely end up too expensive for my taste, with the latter straddling the line. Pretty ok mid-tier set with not much to dislike, I’d enjoy cracking it open at MSRP (maybe someday?)