The goofier vibe of Gen 9 designs really shines in some of these. I particularly like the Dondozo, Revavroom, and Mabosstiff arts.
goodNope. Mills are ded af atm
So no promos are making it into the set. Interesting.Seems like our set is complete:
[01*] Pineco (Violet ex)
[02*] Heracross (Violet ex)
[03*] Shroomish (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[04*] Breloom (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[05*] Cacnea (Scarlet ex)
[06*] Cacturne (Scarlet ex)
[07*] Tropius (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[08*] Scatterbug (Violet ex)
[09*] Spewpa (Violet ex)
[10*] Vivillon (Violet ex)
[11*] Skido (Scarlet ex)
[12*] Gogoat (Scarlet ex)
[13] Sprigatito (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[14*] Floragato (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[15*] Meowscarada (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[16*] Tarountula (Violet ex)
[17*] Tarountula (Violet ex)
[18*] Tarountula (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[19*] Spidops(Violet ex)![]()
[20*] Smoliv (Scarlet ex)
[21*] Smoliv (Scarlet ex)
[22*] Dolliv (Scarlet ex)
[23*] Arboliva (Scarlet ex)
[24*] Toedscool (Violet ex)
[25*] Toedscool (Violet ex)
[26*] Toedscruel (Violet ex)
[27*] Capsakid (Violet ex)
[28*] Capsakid (Violet ex)
[29*] Scovillain (Violet ex)
[30*] Growlithe (Violet ex)
[31*] Growlithe (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[32*] Arcanine(Violet ex)![]()
[33*] Houndour (Violet ex)
[34*] Houndoom (Violet ex)
[35*] Torkoal (Scarlet ex)
[36] Fuecoco (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[37*] Crocalor (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[38*] Skeledirge (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[39*] Charcadet (Scarlet ex)
[40*] Charcadet (Scarlet ex)
[41*] Armarouge (Scarlet ex)
[42*] Slowpoke (Violet ex)
[43*] Slowbro (Violet ex)
[44*] Magikarp (Scarlet ex)
[45*] Gyarados(Scarlet ex)![]()
[46*] Buizel (Scarlet ex)
[47*] Floatzel (Scarlet ex)
[48*] Alomomola (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[49*] Clauncher (Violet ex)
[50*] Clawitzer (Violet ex)
[51*] Bruxish (Scarlet ex)
[52] Quaxly (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[53*] Quaxwell (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[54*] Quaquaval (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[55*] Wiglett (Scarlet ex)
[56*] Wiglett (Scarlet ex)
[57*] Wugtrio (Scarlet ex)
[58*] Cetoddle (Violet ex)
[59*] Cetoddle (Violet ex)
[60*] Cetitan (Violet ex)
[61*] Dondozo (Scarlet ex)
[62*] Tatsugiri (Scarlet ex)
[63*] Magnemite (Violet ex)
[64*] Magneton (Violet ex)
[65*] Magnezone(Violet ex)![]()
[66*] Mareep (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[67*] Flaaffy (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[68*] Ampharos(Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)![]()
[69*] Pachirisu (Violet ex)
[70*] Rotom (Violet ex)
[71*] Rotom (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[72*] Toxel (Violet ex)
[73*] Toxtricity (Violet ex)
[74*] Pawmi (Violet ex)
[75*] Pawmi (Violet ex)
[76*] Pawmo (Violet ex)
[77*] Pawmot (Violet ex)
[78*] Wattrel (Scarlet ex)
[79*] Wattrel (Scarlet ex)
[80*] Kilowattrel (Scarlet ex)
[81] Miraidon(Violet ex)![]()
[82*] Drowzee (Violet ex)
[83*] Hypno (Violet ex)
[84*] Ralts (Scarlet ex)
[85*] Kirlia (Scarlet ex)
[86*] Gardevoir(Scarlet ex)![]()
[87*] Shuppet (Violet ex)
[88*] Banette(Violet ex)![]()
[89*] Drifloon (Scarlet ex)
[90*] Drifblim (Scarlet ex)
[91*] Flabébé (Violet ex)
[92*] Floette (Violet ex)
[93*] Florges (Violet ex)
[94*] Dedenne (Scarlet ex)
[95*] Dedenne (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[96*] Klefki (Violet ex)
[97*] Fidough (Scarlet ex)
[98*] Fidough (Scarlet ex)
[99*] Dachsbun (Scarlet ex)
[100*] Flittle (Scarlet ex)
[101*] Flittle (Scarlet ex)
[102*] Flittle (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[103*] Espathra (Scarlet ex)
[104*] Greavard (Violet ex)
[105*] Greavard (Violet ex)
[106*] Houndstone (Violet ex)
[107*] Mankey (Violet ex)
[108*] Primeape (Violet ex)
[109*] Annihilape (Violet ex)
[110*] Meditite (Scarlet ex)
[111*] Medicham (Scarlet ex)
[112*] Riolu (Scarlet ex)
[113*] Riolu (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[114*] Lucario (Scarlet ex)
[115*] Lucario(Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)![]()
[116*] Sandile (Scarlet ex)
[117*] Krokorok (Scarlet ex)
[118*] Krookodile (Scarlet ex)
[119*] Hawlucha (Scarlet ex)
[120*] Silicobra (Scarlet ex)
[121*] Sandaconda (Scarlet ex)
[122*] Stonjourner (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[123*] Klawf (Scarlet ex)
[124*] Great Tusk(Scarlet ex)![]()
[125] Koraidon(Scarlet ex)![]()
[126*] Grimer (Scarlet ex)
[127*] Muk (Scarlet ex)
[128*] Seviper (Scarlet ex)
[129*] Spiritomb (Violet ex)
[130*] Croagunk (Scarlet ex)
[131*] Toxicroak(Scarlet ex)![]()
[132*] Pawniard (Scarlet ex)
[133*] Bisharp (Scarlet ex)
[134*] Kingambit (Scarlet ex)
[135*] Maschiff (Violet ex)
[136*] Maschiff (Violet ex)
[137*] Mabosstiff (Violet ex)
[138*] Bombirdier (Violet ex)
[139*] Forretress (Violet ex)
[140*] Varoom (Scarlet ex)
[141*] Varoom (Scarlet ex)
[142*] Revavroom (Scarlet ex)
[143*] Iron Treads(Violet ex)![]()
[144*] Chansey (Violet ex)
[145*] Blissey (Violet ex)
[146*] Zangoose (Scarlet ex)
[147*] Zangoose (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[148*] Starly (Scarlet ex)
[149*] Staravia (Scarlet ex)
[150*] Staraptor (Scarlet ex)
[151*] Skwovet (Violet ex)
[152*] Greedent (Violet ex)
[153*] Indeedee (Violet ex)
[154*] Lechonk (Scarlet ex)
[155*] Lechonk (Scarlet ex)
[156*] Lechonk (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[157*] Oinkologne(Scarlet ex)![]()
[158*] Tandemaus (Violet ex)
[159*] Tandemaus (Violet ex)
[160*] Maushold (Violet ex)
[161*] Squawkabilly (Violet ex)
[162*] Cyclizar (Violet ex)
[163*] Cyclizar (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex)
[164*] Flamigo (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[165*] Arven (Violet ex)
[166*] Beach Court (Scarlet ex)
[167*] Choice Belt (Premium Trainer Box ex, Brilliant Stars)
[168*] Crushing Hammer (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex, Crown Zenith)
[169*] Defiant Band (Scarlet ex)
[170*] Electricity Generator (Violet ex)
[171*] Energy Retrieval (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex, Crown Zenith)
[172*] Energy Search (Starter Set ex, Crown Zenith)
[173*] Energy Switch (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex, Crown Zenith)
[174*] Exp. Share (Scarlet ex, Battle Styles)
[175*] Jacq (Scarlet ex)
[176*] Judge (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex, Fusion Strike)
[177*] Katy (Violet ex)
[178*] Mesagoza City (Violet ex)
[179*] Miriam (Violet ex)
[180*] Nemona (Starter Set ex)
[181*] Nemona (Starter Set ex - Fuecoco & Ampharos ex)
[182*] Nest Ball (Scarlet ex, Sun & Moon)
[183*] Pal Pad (Scarlet ex, Sword & Shield)
[184*] Penny (Scarlet ex)
[185*] Picnic Basket (Violet ex)
[186*] Pokégear 3.0 (Starter Set ex, Sword & Shield)
[187*] Pokémon Catcher (Starter Set ex, Crown Zenith)
[188*] Potion (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex, Crown Zenith)
[189] Professor's Research - Professor Sada (Scarlet ex)
[190] Professor's Research - Professor Turo (Violet ex)
[191*] Rare Candy (Violet ex, Crown Zenith)
[192] Rock Chestplate (Scarlet ex)
[193*] Rocky Helmet (Violet ex, Vivid Voltage)
[194*] Switch (Starter Set ex, Crown Zenith)
[195*] Team Star Grunt (Scarlet ex)
[196*] Ultra Ball (Violet ex, Crown Zenith)
[197*] Vitality Band (Starter Set ex - Quaxly & Mimikyu ex, Sword & Shield)
[198*] Youngster (Starter Set ex - Sprigatito & Lucario ex)
[??] AR Armarouge (Scarlet ex)
[??] AR Tarountula (Violet ex)
[??] AR Slowpoke (Violet ex)
[??] AR Pachirisu (Violet ex)
[??] AR Ralts (Scarlet ex)
[??] AR Kirlia (Scarlet ex)
[??] AR Greavard (Violet ex)
[??] AR Riolu (Scarlet ex)
[??] SAR Spidops(Violet ex)![]()
[??] SAR Gardevoir(Scarlet ex)![]()
Cyclizar ex should become a promo.
I'd hardly call 5 energy and having already damaged the Pokemon to be "easy to fulfill". There are many cards in SwSh that are powercreeped way more.Serious PTCG? I wanted the game to get away from that power gallop (it's not a creep anymore lets be honest!) but they print a card that deals 360 damage with easy to fullfill conditions.