The changes are great. For those who don't like them, cry more.
No they're not, they make the game look more generic and less fun. Same with you MTG, your new card frames are crap.The changes are great. For those who don't like them, cry more.
This might be the biggest restructuring of the TCG since Nintendo acquired it from Wizards. While I'll miss the yellow borders and set symbols because of nostalgia, I think it makes sense to finally move on from them. The non-holo rares can eff off into oblivion though
How does getting rid of ugly yellow borders that clash with the accent of the cards "make the game look more generic and less fun"? You understand that was a graphic design choice made by probably the exact same WOTC graphic designer who wanted Pokémon cards to be printed in Comic Sans?No they're not, they make the game look more generic and less fun
I see you have bad opinions. you'll note they didn't use Comic Sans, however, it's not a surprise that they considered it to start since, and this is true, Pokemon used it pretty heavily in the early days.How does getting rid of ugly yellow borders that clash with the accent of the cards "make the game look more generic and less fun"? You understand that was a graphic design choice made by probably the exact same WOTC graphic designer who wanted Pokémon cards to be printed in Comic Sans?
An almost 25 year old, horrible decision. One without precedent in the original edition of the TCG. One the original edition has never borrowed. I wonder why.
I'm not so sure of this. Neither the text on screen nor the announcer mentions the Fire type.A dude on youtube said that that's probably the case, I mean, it's the only explanation, an entire gen of the tcg having a bunch of mons have an entirely arbitrary and particular trait for no reason really doesn't make any sense. My guess is that your assumption is correct (that same dude also said the same thing), it makes sense for each tera type to have a trait of its own. Although I would still prefer them being completely unique to each mon, it is infinitely better than the bench barrier for all nonsense.
this entire post is either wrong (urine is naturally yellow. is yours not? perhaps you should see a doctor) or just disingenuous nonsense ("you like a pokemon card? you must like the yellow borders.")I see you have bad opinions. you'll note they didn't use Comic Sans, however, it's not a surprise that they considered it to start since, and this is true, Pokemon used it pretty heavily in the early days. I don't know what you think piss looks like, by the way, but if your piss is Pokemon card Border yellow, you should see a urologist.
By the way, your avatar is Super Energy Removal so don't act like you didn't like the cards back then.
All the hostility here makes me glad I don't use this site anymore. I think the silver borders look great on trainer cards and energy but not on the Pokémon themselves. Guess I've just been used to the yellow for so long now.
The TCG community has gotten incredibly toxic the past few years.All the hostility here makes me glad I don't use this site anymore. I think the silver borders look great on trainer cards and energy but not on the Pokémon themselves. Guess I've just been used to the yellow for so long now.
Yeah it’s definitely overkill, like the people looking at the cards are stupid and can’t figure out what it is if they don’t drill the point into your brainBASIC ENERGY ENERGY BASIC GRASS ENERGY GRASS
Really awful stylistic choice. All they had to do was include the word "Basic" in the top left corner. The old energies had one information repeated for convenience in the hand, these ones have two pieces of information tripled for some reason.
I forgot about those. Doesn't really change the main point much though, being that it looks like FAs are likely SRs now.No. Scarlet ex and Violet ex are 78 cards each, which already accounts for 156 cards. The rest is likely coming from the 3 Starter Deck exs.
If they would include cards from Triplet Beat the set would be over 260 cards.
The fifth point on the screenshot that WPM posted says:Something I haven't seen brought up yet is the possibility of a mistranslation. What if bench barrier is the tera effect of every pokemon with a fire tera type? Then, each Tera Type would have its own bonus effect. That makes way more sense to me, since every Tera EX just having bench barrier is completely baffling.
The fifth point on the screenshot that WPM posted says:
"Some Pokemon ex are "Terastal" and take no damage while on the bench."
It sadly seems pretty clear that all Terastal Pokemon have the same effect. Which isn't just weird for how random it is, but double and triple prizers were already a massive counter to spread decks. But, perhaps, they want to use spread as an "ex counter" in some way? Perhaps that's hoping for too much.
Aww, man...Could it be that they just weren't very clear, and we could be looking at the whole picture being something more like "Some Pokemon ex are "Terastal" and take no damage while on the bench. *after a new reveal* Some Pokemon ex are "Terastal" and can't have energies removed from them."?
Who am I kidding? That's my last drop of copium, jokes aside I really do believe that based on the phrase, it is indeed all of them. Such a shame, like you said, it's so random, why was that the choice? Spread is such a well known part of the game, why was that axis of the game randomly given the middle's so weird... And we also lose on such a cool additional design space they could've used to make every single tera more instersting and unique. What a shame.
No matter what club you join or interest you have, there will always be immature people that has the same taste. I enjoy working out but I dislike meathead. That shouldn't be a reason to dislike working out.this comment section is making me feel a little ashamed for being a shiny cardboard connoisseur