“Surging Sparks” Set Officially Revealed for November, Full Product Lineup!

Hold on, this Magneton allows you to loop Galvantula ex's item-lock attack! That's a big deal. I think that with baby Joltik accelerating energy and Magneton recycling it, there's the materials to potentially build a very scary deck.
Hold on, this Magneton allows you to loop Galvantula ex's item-lock attack! That's a big deal. I think that with baby Joltik accelerating energy and Magneton recycling it, there's the materials to potentially build a very scary deck.
Even if you loop it, it only does 180. Sure it item locks but looping it makes your opponent close to winning the game, because you know, taking prizes, and Legacy won't help, you NEED to play Unfair on that matter. With Defiance, you only do 210 + Item Lock, considering you apply the loop.
They've changed the ordering number of the promos. 155 Wooper, 156 Quagsire, 157 Zapdos, 158 Pachirisu. They combined the 1pk and 3pk blister promos as one group instead of seperate groups, which is good so Wooper and Quagsire can be together (might be the reason why they did it).
I love Magneton with all of my heart but I think that including art promo pikachu here would make this product a big selling one.
At 284 cards, Fusion Strike is currently the largest expansion in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. (source - Bulbapedia)