aqua said:CML for that Darkrai X GE. I have some HGSS cards, let me know. Thanks.
InfinityFangX said:hi
can you cml for
x1 DP5 Gliscor ★H
x1 108/DP-P Gliscor [Holo] BS Promo
thanxs :]
ace11 said:I have it i can trade it for unown G
HeatRotomFTW1997 said:Well, after looking through about 3,550 IFDS cards, I found Shaymin Holo. Still want to do?:
DP6 Shaymin ★H
DP6 Regigigas ★H
L1 Weedle ●
L1 Kakuna ◆
L1 Beedrill ★
L1 Spinarak ●
L1 Ariados ★
L1 Sunkern ●
L1 Sunflora ★
L1 Growlithe ●
L1 Shuckle ★H
L1 Staryu ●
L1 Mareep ●
L1 Jynx ●
L1 Phanpy ●
L1 Cleffa ★H
L1 Clefairy ●
L1 Clefable ★H
L1 Chansey ●
L1 Chansey ●RH
I took out Starmie because it was traded. Can we substitute? LMK!
tyler_pwn said:I have darkrai 52 promo. Can i see pics of that arceus box?
Wishirulz said:i have the darkrai 52 promo too