(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

Pokequaza said:
Anyone able to translate the following:


I know it questions the similarity between Eevee and Ninfia, however my question is; to what extent? My Japanese is not that good..

It just says "This Eevee-looking Pokemon, could it be..?" which is probably just showing that it is in fact an Eevee evolution.

The phrase under the battle picture with stars says "Regardless of it's appearance, it's talented?! What type could it be?"
So, im sitting here speculating on the new eeveelutions type, completely ignoring the fact that Mewtwo is in the Genesect movie... and then I realize. Its MEWTWO. The GENETIC Pokemon. DNA. Can't tell if im the only one that caught this, or if it was blindingly obvious and Im just a blonde like that.

Anyway, this is my theory on the new eeveelution:
The fact that its type is so vague does seem rather... unusual to me. As does the girlyness, and the fact that only a single evolution form was released when they have always done more than one in the past. I think its cute, real cute, but something just isn't right about it. I'm going to have to group up with the people that believe gender is its evolution method, and its either a new type or Normal type. But if its a new type.. I have no idea how pink and ribbons would represent anything, which is why im about 50% normal, 30% Flying (bows and ribbons.. like a kite?), and 20% new type.
This eeveelution is Normal and its evolution method is by eevee being female. The male counterpart, AND typing counterpart, will be Fighting and have more of a boyish appearance, and they just didn't release it yet and want to surprise everyone. I think im going to start sticking with this theory.
Well, the logo for "Pikachu and Eevee Friends" stuff makes a lot more sense now.


And my guess on typing is Normal or a new type. With all of the "girl-friendly" type stuff that's been coming out lately, I think it will probably be female based evolution. And I doubt we'll see an Eeveelution based on the male form. I feel like they would be revealed together, and Ninfia wouldn't be getting such a star treatment with the new short film.

Argument for the new type? They are playing up the typing too much for it to just be normal. Adding that little, "what type could it be?" seems a little too interesting for them to just be like, "lol it's normal guys"!

Also, the bows are stupid. She looks far better without them.

Bulbapedia is showing some of the pages from the magazine, and this page says that Mewtwo is in the Genesect movie. Is it a new Pokemon down beside Ash??

Edit: Sorry, turns out that it just was Ninfia. I got a little too excited -_-
I just cant get over the bows. I have liked all the 6th gen so far, but the bows ruin it for me on this Eevee.
YES! more evolution of older pokemons! finally one thing i was worried about conformed - no gen 5 style in this new gen :) next thing to make sure: will we be able to transfer pokemon from older games or not.

I'm trying to get used to this new form .. so far still looks wierd to me .
gAHHH I want a toy of it!!=O! so that explains the bows on that pikachu movie with eeveelutions logo.... <3

Edi: I think its either a normal type or new type. I can kinda see where it looks like a flying type, but I really think its a normal or new type. The bows do look like something from either a kite or something though. MAybe it will be a good contest pokemon in the games! x'D
This is kinda disappointing. I was hoping that 7 Eeveelutions were enough. But apparently, they weren't. Sigh.
Also, Ninfia has what someone would call "a questionable design". Looks a bit weird, in the least.
Ninfia looks so odd. Just odd.

I wonder if Ninfia's a hint to XY gender thing. I hope there's a male eeveelution lurking somewhere...
Someone told me that Eevee will evolve into Ninfia only if it's a specific gender. I hope not. Female Eevees are a pain. Messing up with Eevee's gender would be bad.
Ninfia options are colorless= which would just be weird, but the most probile
ground= which would make it a brown color not pink
Steal= which would be grey
Dragon= which I don't think a eve could evolve into
lol... I think they lost the ability to create new eeveelutions. Ninfia doesn't look that much like an eeveelution to me. You guys are mentioning Milotic and Victini but it actually reminded me of Deerling (spring form). But now that I think about it, those huge blue eyes are very Victini-style... Anyway, it looks so weird and all that pink... it's definitely the worst eeveelution ever. As for type, it looks pretty Normal-type to me. Normal-type is full of pink pokémon anyway, but I always envisioned a normal-type eeveelution in a total different way. I doubt it will be a new type (at least, I hope not. Don't want new types anymore) and it isn't a Dragon-type for sure (you guys are high).

As for the movie, after reading Teal's post, I'm releived I'm not the only one disappointed. Like, this is what they came up with to co-star with Genesect? Mewtwo, really? Boring... Couldn't they put a new gen VI pokémon or something else instead? Sure, it kinda makes sense to put the creations of two evil teams confront each other, but it's like they decided to go the easy/lazy way by bringing back Mewtwo... I think Deoxys would be a more interesting option to fight Genesect (though it probably wouldn't make sense to the plot) and I'm not very fond of Deoxys either...
^afaik, other than the movie info and the eeveelution reveal, there's a page with info on the next anime episodes, a page revealing Genesect-EX from Megalo Cannon, and the announcement of a new game called Pokémon Scramble (Rumble here) U.
Genesect is a grass type in the TCG. Yey.