(1) 100+ 'Black & White' Set Scans [4/17]

WPM said:
Unfortunately, the card borders are yellow whereas in Japan they were holo.
"Unfortunately"? Fortunately, you mean?

...Aaanyways, I can see quite a few decent cards which I might consider basing my next deck around. This set is alright. :3
the set is okay. wish they kept the quality and textured effects of the ultra rare zekrom and reshirams instead of making them just one big flat Reverse Holo

also, is that pikachu shiny/holo? the actual pikachu in the japanese version shines, hope its like that for our version
My only comment about the set is this... Why no Braviary?

You put Manibuzz in this set, why not Braviary too? BS.
uhm, thats saved for the next set.
they only select a few pokemon from black and white to put into our set, their "counterparts" are saved for the next
we get reuniclus, no gothitelle
be get mandibuzz, no braviary
each are exclusive to either black or white.
main exception are sawk and throh, which both are included and both are rares. BS on that
Wow. There was a lot of B/W scans. From a glance they look pretty cool. When I get more time I will check them out closer XD.:)
No Apocalyptic Rain Dance Emboar?
Can the energies at least be foil? That might be the only selling point for me.

Although the Hydro Pump Alomomola can be a pretty decent quick drop with Feraligatr Prime...

EDIT: Upon further inspection of set numbers, the second version of the starters' final evolutions do have room. Fiery Rain Emboar still has room. Charizard decks might be worthwhile until set rotation :D
ogeray said:
each are exclusive to either black or white.
main exception are sawk and throh, which both are included and both are rares.
...you do realize that Sawk and Throh aren't version exclusives, right?

glaceon said:
I hate the set. It is sooo bad.
Reshiram + Zekrom (Rogue)

You be trollin'.

Argue if you want, but these are unarguably the best cards in the set. And the new Damage Swap and a Rain Dance for Fire types certainly isn't bad.
EeveeLv99 said:
No Apocalyptic Rain Dance Emboar?
Can the energies at least be foil? That might be the only selling point for me.

Although the Hydro Pump Alomomola can be a pretty decent quick drop with Feraligatr Prime...

EDIT: Upon further inspection of set numbers, the second version of the starters' final evolutions do have room. Fiery Rain Emboar still has room. Charizard decks might be worthwhile until set rotation :D

I love how you took the time to write this post but not read the story.
So them dropping Braviary from this set is like what they did to Ursaring Prime.
Hardee har har.
aaaahhhh look at it...the 3D'ish starter evos...you know what that means...EMBOAR lol
oh hush up, when he gets the scans he'll add them in
just be patient
I KNOW and saw ALL other missing cards I dont have personally... So there is ability Emboar, Serperior, Samurott, etc.

pulled a secret rare reshiram myself, sold it for $20. I would keep it but i sold it cauz someone at the PR i went to was mad desperate for one so i don't mind. :p
The Energy are SICK. And I'm loving all of Kouki's artwork too. This set is pretty interesting, but why in the name of Ash Ketchum's dear mother are Sawk and Throh Rares? They're terrible. Ugh. I don't see any uber-powerful Pokemon either, but I'm sure they will come.
Water Pokémon Master said:
I love how you took the time to write this post but not read the story.

I actually only read the second half for some reason. Thanks for pointing that out though, I feel like an idiot.