(1) 120+ 'Legendary Treasures' Scans! [10/26]

Hawlucha said:
What happened with not leaking images before the official prerelease?


I'm not complaining, I just remember this article.

pokebeach.com said:
We now have 120 scans of Legendary Treasures thanks to Torterra Chips and AnonPokemon! Prereleases for the set start today.

>Prereleases for the set start today.

Is this not true?
I'm honestly very happy with this set! It offers new/returning players epic catch-up points, has new holo styles for collectors, a lovely Energy Switch reprint, and a Gallade and Excadrill EX basically following in Donphan Prime's and Machamp Prime's footsteps!

Totally sweet...:shy:
super excited to see Energy switch back, not so much on crushing hammer, without Crushing hammer there was advantages to running basic energy over special cause you didn't have to worry about getting it discarded every turn now it goes back to hammertime Darkrai/Sableye :p
8bitCelebi said:
What do you think the pull rates are for this set? In EX Battle Boost you could get like 5 or so EX's in a box.

Went to my pre-release and WoW! out of 17 packs that day i pulled

1 RC23/RC25 Emolga
1 RC24/RC2 Mew-EX
1 45/113 Keldeo-EX
3 RC11/RC25 Meloetta-EX
1 77/113 Chandelure-EX
1 52/113 Zekrom-EX

In other words every 1-3 packs you should get an (ultra)Rare card.
Gusto83 said:
8bitCelebi said:
What do you think the pull rates are for this set? In EX Battle Boost you could get like 5 or so EX's in a box.

Went to my pre-release and WoW! out of 17 packs that day i pulled

1 RC23/RC25 Emolga
1 RC24/RC2 Mew-EX
1 45/113 Keldeo-EX
3 RC11/RC25 Meloetta-EX
1 77/113 Chandelure-EX
1 52/113 Zekrom-EX

In other words every 1-3 packs you should get an (ultra)Rare card.

Now your making me sad that I'm most likely not going to a prerelease. =(
I'm so glad that Energy Switch will be legal again. Darkrai and Virizion/Genesect decks get a huge boost with this card. Especially, Virizion/Genesect with the new rules maybe will be the top deck until XY set comes.
shaneoyo said:

Excited about that amazing pull rate.

Expected amount of UR's there are in a box from above video:

4 FA's
9 RA EX's
4 FA EX's

Odds of getting 2 ex's in a pack are now likely, twice in this video it happened!:

Most people were upset for getting only a SR Eggexecute, Virizion EX RA, and G-Scope as their only UR's from Plamsa Blast box, so pokemon really wanted to make it up to all of those people who lost 50 dollars with Legendary Treasures.
First time in awhile that I actually want to get a booster box of cards!
CardCrusher said:
MountainDrew said:
What is the prerelease promo for this set?

A reprint of Tornadus EX ( with new art). The one with Blow Through and Power Blast.

Dang I wasn't going to go to the prerelease, but now I think I will. Another question I have is what are the pull rates for Ultra Rares in this set?
got a darkrai EX and shaymin eX in one pack, its allows me to live the dream for those sweet couple of seconds.
So the good?

Sounds like the set has a lot of nice gimmick cards; collector gimmicks, not gameplay gimmicks. I'll give credit where credit is due there.

Otherwise this set makes NXD-On (as it currently stands) what Black & White through Plasma Blast but should have been closer to. Sadly I don't mean in terms of "balance" or the like; still a lot of issues there. If we are going to get a fast, hardhitting format that is "broken" by my standards, I'd rather they not include so much filler e.g. most of the cards that were eliminated via rotation to NXD through Legendary Treasures.

At this point I am hoping some of the "problem" cards that were brought back (hello Energy Switch) were done because the-powers-that-be needed them back (probably wasn't sure how to balance the changes wrought by their absence) but only wanted them while the BW-block cards remained. Thus shove them in here but then have an eventual XY-On rotation once there is enough of the new cards.

We'll see with XY.
Every booster pack contains 4 common cards, 2 uncommon cards, 1 rare, 1 reverse holo, and 2 Radiant Collection cards.
That's mostly accurate. I got a half-box for judging and managed to "crack the code", so to speak, of Legendary Treasures.

In each booster pack, you get, in order:

4 Commons
*1 Reverse Holo OR Holo Rare
*1 Rare, Holo Rare, OR Pokemon-EX
1 Radiant Collection card (Uncommon rarity or higher)
1 Radiant Collection card (Common rarity)
2 Uncommons
1 PTCGO code card (for LT)

I'm pretty sure I pulled the entirety of Radiant Collection in my half-box. Not positive, though I know I pulled all 5 Full Arts and mini Melo-EX from it. Edit: Turns out I got all cards from RC with the exception of #6 Piplup. Dang, Piplup, why must you evade me.

*You cannot get 2 holo rares in the same pack. Thus, if the reverse-slot is occupied by a holo rare, it won't occupy the next slot. Consequently, that means reverse-holos are much harder to get in this set (I think only about half of my packs had them). I feel grateful for having pulled a RH Garbodor in one of mine.

The pull rates for EXs are about the same as Plasma Blast - I got 3 (Keldeo, Darkrai, and Black Kyurem) in my half-box. They appear to have a holo treatment all over the card, instead of just on the picture, like they did in previous sets.

We're also missing the full art golden Reshiram and Zekrom; there is only one per every two cases of booster boxes.
I was told to go shout at WPM when I got home to get him to fix this, but I guess he caught it.
(Out of just under 4 boxes for the main event, 2 gold rares were pulled. In the 5th box opened for the booster draft, there was a 3rd. Sadly, I have neither.)
I'm mad Gothitelle's back, but wow. This set's artwork is the best I've seen in a long time. I'm very impressed. I almost cried when I saw that ratio for the golden Zekrom and Reshiram - thank the heavens they're not like the golden tickets for the Wonka factory.
Serperior said:
I'm mad Gothitelle's back, but wow. This set's artwork is the best I've seen in a long time. I'm very impressed. I almost cried when I saw that ratio for the golden Zekrom and Reshiram - thank the heavens they're not like the golden tickets for the Wonka factory.
Funnily enough, people actually said "I got the golden ticket!" that day in reference to them.
Dang Im really excited for this set I was watching a couple of people open packs of this set on youtube and they were getting like 4 ultra rares out of 8 packs 0_o