(1) 2012 Video Game Championship Rules Posted! [9/19]

Wow it looks like VGC is using rules similar to the Battle Tower in the Battle Frontier. There are some slight differences though like in the Battle Tower you can use 2 Pokemon of the same type nicknamed or not or by Pokedex number and also you can use banned moves in the Battle Tower. Other than that it sounds like they are toughening up their rules this year XD.:)
xxashxx said:
Wow it looks like VGC is using rules similar to the Battle Tower in the Battle Frontier. There are some slight differences though like in the Battle Tower you can use 2 Pokemon of the same type nicknamed or not or by Pokedex number and also you can use banned moves in the Battle Tower. Other than that it sounds like they are toughening up their rules this year XD.:)

Battle Subway in the case of Black and White. Sounds like a great place to test out synergy of a team. I'm expecting practically every team to have a weather ploy of some kind. All Generations are viable as are official Dream World Releases. This means Sand, Hail, Sun, AND Rain will all be there. I can see MANY teams based on 1 or 2 of these weather conditions, probably mostly Rain and Sand because rain is just stupidly broke with both Tornadus AND Tundurus and Sand is just Broke with T-Tar and LandShark.

Speaking of Dream World, I can see Speed Boost Blazikens making an impact if we get them in the US soon or if players will be able to use the Japanese ones traded over the GTS...

Hopefully we won't have as much cookie cutter as 2011 with practically EVERY TEAM using 2 or 3 of the Kami Trio and Terrakion.

Additional Comment:

Dark Void being banned makes me LOL and jump for joy because fighting Smeargles with that move is just downright disgusting.
^That's because they probably caught on to how annoying a Sash or Scarf Smeargle can really be. Dark Void is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered.

My prediction is we'll be seeing a lot of weather, mostly rain - Politoed and Thundurus will probably be very common. Yet, at the same time there will probably also be a lot of counter weather.
On top of that you have to make sure that your weather Pokemon is slower than your opponent's - if 2 Pokemon have weather abilities, the faster one activates followed by the slower one. That...will be pretty frustrating.

I might just stick with the same trollish Trick Room team that I ran last year. Although, since I have access to a lot more things now, that might change.

...bahahahahahahaha yeah right, not under VGC conditions
Banning Ubers from Standard play in VGC 2012 doesn't bother me too much, all it does is make for interesting team building with being able to access Pokemon from the previous Generations which is what I was hoping for.

Now it looks like I'll need a replacement for Kyogre in my Drizzle/Trick Room team, yeah Politoed is going to be a pain to get ahold of for me unless I'm lucky. I'm still surprised that Cresselia isn't banned and yet it's an Uber in Gen 5 still isn't it?

Either way this is awesome news... :D
"The 2011-2012 video game championship rules have been posted on Pokemon.com. Of note is that most Legendary Pokemon have now been banned, aligning the official tournaments more with the rules used in online fan tournaments."
Er...2010 was the only year that legendary Pokémon weren't banned (and even then, event Pokémon were still banned, while a lot of online fan tournaments still allow some of them).

Still, nice to see Dark Void banned. Guess it was to stop Moody Smeargle stall.

Asrialys said:
Oh man, and we're about to get Spooky Manor in the Dream World. With a name like that, how can there not be any Litwick...
Pokémon Black and White contain no data for Generation V Pokémon to appear in the Entree Forest; both lacking the sprite necessary, as well as the level data. So no Litwick.
This is going to be a very difficult metagame for new players to face. It's like having a pond of pokemon to pick from before and now it's an ocean. It's very discouraging, especially for players who are new to pokemon and just own bw they now have to go out and buy the games all the way back to ruby sapphire. I am not happy with pokemons decision and I hope they lose a lot of player base because of this. I personally don't mind I own all the games and I'll just have to scour forums to get a feel for the meta but at a marketing stand point they're making a rash and ignorant decision with these rules.
There is nothing stopping players from trading for other Pokemon so you don't have to buy the other cartridges.
Finally, we're back to having good VGC rules again. No ore of this Unova-only travesty of a gimmick. Now Dream World Pokemon can be used!
I'm still surprised that Cresselia isn't banned and yet it's an Uber in Gen 5 still isn't it?
No, it isn't. It's only got a base 600, and the only legends that are banned in VGC are those whose base stat total exceeds 600 (Regigigas being the only exception for obvious reasons).

Pixies, Kanto birds, and golems are fair game. However, event-exclusive legendaries (Victini, Manaphy, Shaymin) are not.
Released Hidden Abilities are allowed, but what if the ability is only available in Japan (e.g. Smeargle with Moody)? Couldn't someone just trade it over and use it? Strictly speaking, that's not really cheating.
Yeah speaking of which is Drizzle Politoed and Drought Ninetales banned or can we use them in VGC 2012? If so I'll be disappoint...
If you can obtain a Pokémon legitimally and it is not on the ban list, you can use it.

So yes, you can use DrizzleToad and Drought Ninetales.
Same for cheapy Moody Smeargle.
Setosama said:
Battle Subway in the case of Black and White. Sounds like a great place to test out synergy of a team. I'm expecting practically every team to have a weather ploy of some kind. All Generations are viable as are official Dream World Releases. This means Sand, Hail, Sun, AND Rain will all be there. I can see MANY teams based on 1 or 2 of these weather conditions, probably mostly Rain and Sand because rain is just stupidly broke with both Tornadus AND Tundurus and Sand is just Broke with T-Tar and LandShark.

Speaking of Dream World, I can see Speed Boost Blazikens making an impact if we get them in the US soon or if players will be able to use the Japanese ones traded over the GTS...

Hopefully we won't have as much cookie cutter as 2011 with practically EVERY TEAM using 2 or 3 of the Kami Trio and Terrakion.

Additional Comment:

Dark Void being banned makes me LOL and jump for joy because fighting Smeargles with that move is just downright disgusting.

DNA said:
^That's because they probably caught on to how annoying a Sash or Scarf Smeargle can really be. Dark Void is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered.

My prediction is we'll be seeing a lot of weather, mostly rain - Politoed and Thundurus will probably be very common. Yet, at the same time there will probably also be a lot of counter weather.
On top of that you have to make sure that your weather Pokemon is slower than your opponent's - if 2 Pokemon have weather abilities, the faster one activates followed by the slower one. That...will be pretty frustrating.

I might just stick with the same trollish Trick Room team that I ran last year. Although, since I have access to a lot more things now, that might change.

...bahahahahahahaha yeah right, not under VGC conditions

Oh yeah don't forget how annoying Blissey can be too. That thing is so annoying even if you use a Fighting type move. That is super effective but most of the time it never KO's and Softboiled always makes things worse and so does Protect and I think it can get Light Screen which makes things even worse. I think Blissey is the most hated Pokemon because of the defense pool. I wish they would ban Protect as that move is too overpowered and kind of a blowout.:)
Protect isn't overpowered; its success chance drops to 50% if used in consecutive turns. And with the advent of Eviolite Chansey, Blissey's been used slightly less (although Blissey is still powerful).

But you have to keep in mind that this is doubles. Doubles don't follow quite the same strategy as singles. You could have 1 of your Pokemon use Protect, but your opponent decides to attack your other Pokemon instead and you're one down.

With all things considered, since the permitted Pokemon is now everything that's Subway-legal, I think we could see a LOT more fun strategies and combos. Most of which involve weather, no doubt.
The thing is with Blissey though is that she is semi-Uber in a lot of ways. Makes me wonder why Blissey is not on the Uber tier because that thing can be so strong. Anyway. If it is doubles that spells more trouble XD.:)
If you run any physical attackers, blissey is no trouble at all. Its defense is base 10. Its no where near ubers.
Also add in that its Base Attack is also 10 and its Base Special Attack is not very good either. Its Speed is bad as well.
If it takes 6 hits to take out Cheryl's Blissey in game then why is it not considered uber? I am asking because her SP DEF is pretty high and it also has toxic which makes things even worse. Blissey's move pool can make it very strong very quickly that is why I think it should be on the uber list XD.:)
xxashxx said:
If it takes 6 hits to take out Cheryl's Blissey in game then why is it not considered uber? I am asking because her SP DEF is pretty high and it also has toxic which makes things even worse. Blissey's move pool can make it very strong very quickly that is why I think it should be on the uber list XD.:)


Please tell me you are joking.
It does because she uses soft boiled if my attack does not KO her Blissey and it takes 5-6 hits sometimes. Not all my Pokemon have attacking moves. Most have moves that run off the SP ATK unless it is a Pokemon that has high attack anyway.:)