(1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

Nacho please.

Are you saying they will release MORE DS games?
Are you saying they will start the 3DS generation with remakes?

The_Charizard_Master said:
I can see a 6th gen but I hope they don't ruin it.
Who here thinks they should make a Light Type that would be strong against dark,ghost(maybe psychic)and weak against dark,bug and fighting?
Just a though that would open up a lot of options.

1. It's pointless
2. Dark types have nothing to do with darkness, it's fighting dirty.
3. Fighting types are our light types.
Teal said:
Nacho please.

Are you saying they will release MORE DS games?
Are you saying they will start the 3DS generation with remakes?

You're putting words in my mouth. I never said that the 3DS would start with remakes. And, it wouldn't kill them to keep the DS another year for Ruby and Sapphire remakes. DS or 3DS. They're still going to make money.
I didn't put words in your mouth.

"Are you saying ...?"

lrn2read plz!?!?!!! ?_? :(

My point is that neither of them will happen. And it wouldn't kill the DS. It would kill GAME FREAK inc. and the 3DS.
Some of my pokémon friends are wondering if we get a Gen VI pokémon in the next movie, will it be an eeveelution? Given the current obsession with eevee in the animé and the TCG, it would make sense :)
Teal said:
Nacho please.

Are you saying they will release MORE DS games?
Are you saying they will start the 3DS generation with remakes?


Actually I think he makes alot of sense. I also think they probably will keep releasing more ds games until the 6th gen comes out, and even if they do announce the 6th gen in a couple weeks, there's still time to throw a remake out there for R/S (ds or 3ds I don't really care) Saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you is ridiculous, is well, a ridiculous thing to say. You could very well be right, but then again I could be right as well. So I'll repeat what I said earlier, no one has any hard core evidence to prove their point on either side of the story, so everyone's guess is equally good.

Honestly I think everyone should stop getting ahead of themselves and just wait to see weather or not they're right. If I just keep posting aggressive comments and then get proven wrong, then I'll look rather childish. Besides it's just a game that we're supposed to enjoy, so why get all worked up?
Dragon Master Ryuuji said:
well, one thing they could do is Pull a Street fighter 2 and port Virtual Console Versions of FR/LG and R/S/E onto the 3DS and give them WiFi features and the ability to transfer to Gen 5. (this would explain why all the R/S/E Key items are on BW 2. Either that or they are planned for a remake or a direct port with compatibility with Gen 5. ) Those items are a good way of saying they ARE doing something with RSE and either Gen 5 or a Gen 6. It really can't be denied. Something with them is going to happen at least.

No, it's just that they always base games off the previous one, that's why items from that generation end on that other generation.
superstarxalien169 said:
Dragon Master Ryuuji said:
well, one thing they could do is Pull a Street fighter 2 and port Virtual Console Versions of FR/LG and R/S/E onto the 3DS and give them WiFi features and the ability to transfer to Gen 5. (this would explain why all the R/S/E Key items are on BW 2. Either that or they are planned for a remake or a direct port with compatibility with Gen 5. ) Those items are a good way of saying they ARE doing something with RSE and either Gen 5 or a Gen 6. It really can't be denied. Something with them is going to happen at least.

No, it's just that they always base games off the previous one, that's why items from that generation end on that other generation.

They weren't in Black and White. They were however, put in BW 2
It makes a lot of sense, what WPM is saying. I could see things going that way.
I would prefer a R/S remake before GEN VI, just to revisit those regions. It would be best played as a Jhoto / Kanto style IMO.
Either way, Nintendo will sell me a 3DS when their first Pokémon game hits the platform.
Mitja said:
obviously there is gonna be something new.

Heres my take on this topic

1.-Genesects reveal was rushed
2.-The DS is dead
3.-Gen3 games are as outdated as Gen1

Now on to why each of these matters and what the consequences are.

1.The reveal of Genesect (and wifi-download release shortly after) at the end of Keldeos Movie (Meloetta was in the short that plays before it) was completely unexpected by everyone.
So they have nothing left to drag this generation out a bit longer like was the case with Arceus, which was neatly being promoted along the GS remakes in generation IV. Generation V can therefore be considered finished.

Since only the supporting legendary roles of the next movie are revealed in the summer (and the actual star several months later in February), it is clear that some new Pokemon will be revealed this Winter. And that will signal a 6th generation being fully in development.

2.With the DS out of the way for good, it simply means that any future game will be made for the 3DS, which has been out for almost 2 years now. Its way overdue for a big franchise like Pokemon to start helping Nintendo sell its current handheld anyway.

This means that the next game will technically run on a new engine, new graphics etc, which basically makes it the game that sets the style that will last through generation 6.

3.The majority of people are expecting RSE remakes. Sounds easier than it is for Gamefreak to realize for a lot of minor reasons (like the issues that arise in the plot if they decided to skip Emerald like before, or the fact that RSE took place a decade ago next to recent games), and major reasons (it does not fit well with the fact that they need to do something new). But the thing is also, that RSE are just as old as the first remakes of the first games. Which begs the question, how justified is it to continue remaking newer games when the oldest become the oldest again?

And this emerging irony is why I think it is time to abandon the "remake concept" and replace it with something fresh. Especially now when the "simple third version concept" was just replaced with something actually creative, "sequels".

The conclusions from this:

1.-Gen V is finished
2.-next game will be Gen 6 "style" (a proper 3DS game)
3.-if Hoenn will be featured, it will not be simple remakes

To me, the less likely possibility is that Gamefreak goes ahead and milks the Hoenn-nostalgia cow, with either a RSE-sequel or a RSE deeper retelling.

The much more likely possibility seems to be Generation VI, because it makes much more sense to start the new technical generation with, and because we will know at least one new pokemon half a year before it can possibly be released, which won't be featured in a RSE-whatever game...

I'm sure it won't be another "fresh start" like RSE or BW, it will not drop another ~150-bomb. So new places, new pokemon, new plot, new legends are all a given.
It will either be an expansion (like Johto was to Kanto):
-for Unova
introducing new starters, new evolutionary stages for mostly if not exclusively Unova-Pokemon, along with a handful of casual Pokemon lines,
maybe more Plasma or a new group lead by any of the sages,
its own legendaries, perhaps a better glimpse at the original dragon for the post-game
-for Hoenn
which would be a much more elegant way of bringing Hoenn back to live than some simple cash-milking copy&paste remakes. Hoenn could be a post-game visit much like Kanto in GS, or most of it could be part of the main plot (similar to how BW2 explored a bigger Unova).
The starters could be new or the good old RSE ones (which IMO would be quite smart, since the Fire type for example could have more new casual Fire Pokemon instead of consisting mostly of starters LOL), there would obviously have to be new main legendaries, but related to the Hoenn ones. One wild idea would be 2 behemoths employing the other 2 weather effects (which both happen to be hazardous), Hail and Sandstorm, much like Groudon and Kyogre.
It would be taking place more than a decade after the events of RSE obviously, so there could tons of old faces, any younger relatives and kids for us to meet along the way and plenty other nostalgia elements.
-in general (like Sinnoh did)
simply a huge new region, but a unique mix of old pokemon with some new, plenty new stages, a big plot etc.

All 3 seem very plausible and interesting. But the 2nd would get rid of the need for RSE remakes and remakes in general.

The next thing to look forward to, is clues about the next movies star when the title will be revealed in December.
Then the star itself, a new pokemon, should be revealed around February.
And announcements of the next games at any point after that depending on how much longer it will take them to finish.

You brought up an interesting point in this post: the DS is dead. Unlike home consoles portable consoles don't fade out as fast, but DS is about done, with hardly any games set to come out on it. In conclusion, it's probably obvious that any new pokemon games in the main series to come out will be on 3DS. {DRG}
Dragon Master Ryuuji said:
superstarxalien169 said:
No, it's just that they always base games off the previous one, that's why items from that generation end on that other generation.

They weren't in Black and White. They were however, put in BW 2

Actually they where in Black and White due to Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Use Pokésav (or was it Pokégen?) to prove I am right.
Dragon Master Ryuuji said:
I think backwards compatibility with Gen 5 would be nice, honestly I don't see why anyone would want to catch every single Pokemon again in one generation. It's better to just transfer em. Though compatibility should be obvious. If anything a 6th Gen might put a stunt in all that PokeSav stuff.

Exactly my point I'd rather transfer them as well too, If anything I'd hate to do what MTGXerxes from YouTube did by sticking exclusively to one Generation of the franchise. In his case it's Gen IV but my case could be Gen V If it ever comes down to that in Gen VI which I hope won't be the case.

You do know why people use PokeSav right? To save time and effort from having to breed and EV Train their Pokemon for competitive battling when doing it the old fashioned way would take several hours or a day or two, maybe a week depending on what kind of schedule you have I guess. Why do you think PokeTubers like AAmazing0 uses PokeSav?
What if they are rushing it to get out of their pattern and do something COMPLETELY out of the ordinary? What if they want to now release a Pokemon Gray that has the original dragon made up of Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem? I think that's actually possible and I would be slightly happy that they're going out of their regular patterns to do it, although it would be boring for many people to play in the same region for the third, fourth or even fifth time. I think the two possibilities are this:
1. Ruby/Sapphire remakes for the 3DS, I could actually see them taking advantage of the red and blue colors , and match it up with the traditional Red/Blue 3D glasses as a gimmick to use for the first pokemon main series games on the 3DS
2. Pokemon Gray - I remember they actually registered the name Pokemon Gray so it's definitely possible they could be going in this direction. There are lots of mentions and hints to the original dragon as well

I don't think Gen V will end this early, I mean this Gen has only been out for 2 years!
They could rush it to bring out BW3, which will probably end up being called Grey version, which will fuse together Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram, instead of making Gen 6 so fast.
Not being rude, but IF they fused all of the Tao trio, we'll get a beast with a BST as high as Arceus's. That would mean The ENTIRE Tao trio would be out classed by the "original dragon". A "original" dragon will get like 125 HP, 160(my guess, could be 170), 95(evened out),160(same thing as before), 95, 95. That, in total my friends, would be 730, if I'm not wrong. That would dominate the ENTIRE game.{R}{L}{W}{DRG}type sounds CRAZY.

Oh, and ruby/sapphire remakes sounds PERFECTLY reasonible.(spelled worng

lord_mewtwoandmew said:
yea actually this one kid at school was telling me that his uncel created pokemon and how they already have allt eh way to generation18 planned out !!!!!

That's definitely possible, but the stats don't need to be that high, they could keep them the same or just a bit higher than White/Black Kyurem's. When Arceus came out, I thought, "What's the point in any more pokemon? This is the best, the God." Now they could definitely up the max BST or make competition for Arceus in the form of the orginal dragon. Also, the types don't necessarily need to be Electric Fire Ice and Dragon
You do realize Deoxys-A has HUGE attack and special attack higher than Arceus's, as well as faster speed right? So if they made the final forme (which they should, because the game states they had an original forme, and the two split from one, and Kyurem is the remains), it'd just be completing the story (which I'd think would be stupid if they just left with the two Kyurem formes), as well as they wouldn't need to worry too much about stats.
oh this is brilliant, I genuinely love these type of speculative posts, especially after getting fed up with the silly card posts for a few months already haha, I know some people like the cards posts but i abhore it,alot. I think its great that we'll have a 6th gen, but genuonely hope its full of creative designs, not recycled designs. hope the legendaries and stroy plot will be creative too!
As much as I want to see a Gen 3 remake, it seems more likely that Nintendo will reveal Gen 6 for the 3DS. They wouldn't want a remake on the 3DS to steal the glory from Gen 6.