(1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

Blui129 said:
If you ask me I think all the 3rd Gen hints and stuff are actually signs we won't get them. Why would the give us Kyogre/Groudon if we were getting the games they were coming with? If you ask me I think the next gen will be the biggest most changing one of them all. G1 gave us Pokemon (duh), G2 just expanded on that, G3 was again expansion, but also gave us some info to work with. G4 Was a big one, gave us the origin of all Pokemon, the reasons why space and time exist. G5 didn't really do heaps apart from the Original Dragon stuff. I think G5 was just a stepping stone for G6. I have a feeling that G6 will be like G5 in one way, be a continuous story that spans multiple games (and on the 3DS).

Prepare yourselves. The best Gen is coming.

My thoughts exactly I said the same exact thing on one of the other threads there is no point whatsoever to give us Pokémon that are going to be eventually be available in upcoming games. I also got somehow excited when you said The best Gen is coming:D
I'm going to keep my opinion to myself for now. Speculation like this can cause a lot of drama. Either way, something will be announced soon.
Mitja said:
You make it sound like there is barely work involved in creating remakes. They have to visually redo everything and add enough new content too.
At least as much development as BW2 took Im guessing
Way more.

Way less than a new generation, but there is still loads to do especially on the graphics department.
Mitja said:
Bob The Magical Penguin said:
We don't need 6th gen already.

whaaaaat? Sure we do D:<

SoulSilver said:
Hello, I'm not someone whose active here at all, but I saw the news article on the main set and felt the need to post up why I feel that for every reason there is to suggest R/S won't be remade, there are just as many reasons suggesting the remakes will indeed exist (and possibly next year):

The issue is the 3DS changeover is much much less a mess if they just go to next gen instead of starting the new generation in technical/compatibility terms with remakes.

They could go for that, but it seems unlike something gamefreak would go for this instead of the elegant way.

Still we can't ignore the high probability that R/S will be remade. I was a person who kept saying "Gold and Silver will never be remade" and lo and behold, they were. So to say for absolute certainty that they won't be is kind of foolish.

SoulSilver said:
1) Many R/S games are having their battery run dry.

This is something people had encountered with the 1st and 2nd gen games and is now effecting R/S games (I can speak from experience here, my Sapphire had it happen) and thus you can't play them anymore. You'd be foolish to think that Nintendo and GameFreak don't know this.

They could start "omg GBA games on 3DS e-shop" thing properly by having gen III remakes on there. xDD
No idea what nintendos plans are in this area though, they seem pretty secretive.

Yeah I address the eShop below...It doesn't bring in as much income as retail sales do. eShop is for things that would flop at retail price (Mutant Mudds, Mighty Switch Force, NightSky, etc.). Pokemon would sell hundreds of thousands of copies at retail like it always has. Only recent Pokemon game I think should be eShop only is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate.

SoulSilver said:
2) Nintendo -- and in turn GameFreak -- are about moving forward.

You may able to get 3rd Pokemon via a couple methods (3rd -> 4th -> 5th or 4th (Plat/HG/SS) -> 5th), but Nintendo nor GameFreak wants to admit to that. They want to move forward with new products and cut off support for 3rd and soon 4th generation games. I guarantee you by 2014 latest we'll have a new model of 3DS that will not read DS game cards. You might say "no, they're the same shape as 3DS games!" yeah well new Wii models and Wii U won't read GCN games, new models of 360 and PS3 won't read XBox and PS2 games respectively. All of which their games are the same shape -- a standard disc. It'd be a simple task to yank backwards compatibility from new models of 3DSes. And yes you could still play 5th gen on a DS/DSLite to use the GBA slot, but again: NINTENDO WON'T TELL YOU TO. They'd push the new 3DS model.

When its about the pokemon themselves being available, they do a good job of covering all the crucial stuff (starters/legendaries) in each generation.
Any Hoenn-exclusive starter/legendary is just as hard to get as Kanto/Johto starters/legendaries. Or its even available in BW2.

The least available starters and mascot legends at the moment are the gen IV ones.

True enough, but still we need Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, etc. in Gen V. Yes, the former 2 are in an event, but that makes them no profit at all. There's still some leftover for R/S remakes. Not to mention there's no word of regions outside Japan getting the Groudon and Kyogre event.

SoulSilver said:
3) 10th anniversary

Yes I know the anniversary has come and gone, but they already had B2/W2 going. That was using B/W's engine and was a simple game to make, I assure you. With R/S remakes, however, it'd take a considerable amount of time to rebuild it from ground up for 3/DS. So they probably did B2/W2 to tide people over till R/S remakes were ready to be shown off. Remember: HG/SS were the last 4th generation games. ;)

Remember, Emerald was the last game in 3rd gen...

you cant compare back, the situation is a completely different one anyway due to gen V not being 3DS.

You can't knock the point either. HG/SS were much larger than Platinum, more time had to be spent on them to not just upscale 1 region, but to upscale 2. I assure you upscaling Hoenn would a long time too since its not exactly what I'd call a "small region". Yes, most of it is water, but there's still a lot to be done hence why their remakes may be the last games for Gen. V.

SoulSilver said:
4a) Hints up the wazoo

In B2/W2 there's a house that in the originals had a Team Rocket member living it, and I can't provide proof of this myself (haven't played B2/W2 in a while) but from what I've heard from multiple people that person is no longer there. Its now a Team Aqua (or Team Magma, I forget) member. A bit of a ... random change wouldn't you agree?

Not at all.. its as much a hint for RSE remakes then as the on in BW was for FRLG remakes.
Actually the Rocket one we saw first, that was much more of a suspicious thing. changing to the RS ones is the funny thing anyone would do with sequels like those.

No, it wasn't just for laughs. Why change it when he's a minor, no-name character? There had to have been a reason why they changed it. You don't change something that insignificant "just for laughs". They'd have kept him a Rocket if there wasn't something related to Hoenn coming up.

SoulSilver said:
4b) Dive has returned to being an HM. This was not the case in 4th generation, yet all of a sudden it is for 5th generation? I think that's because if it wasn't, it'd cause compatibility issues with R/S remakes. Not to mention that due to Dive being an HM we have underwater segments of the games, which further proves that they are subtly hinting to the existence of R/S remakes.

There are no possible compatibility issues with what HM is used in whatever game.

I mean heck the previous remakes had different HMs than their current generation.

Given, but still the question has to be asked: Why Dive? Its not a good move in battle, underwater in Unova isn't that important (some sellable items. woo.). Yet, for Hoenn Dive was a requirement. You needed it progress in the game and chase after Magma/Aqua. I think its inclusion means something.

SoulSilver said:
4c) Groudon and Kyogre events

Surely we all know of this recent event. You might be a naysayer who says "well its just to celebrate the 10th aniv, nothing else". No, I don't think so. Its always been the first 2 games remade with elements of the 3rd (HG/SS featuring the Suicune subplot) and who are the poster boys of R/S? Groudon and Kyogre. Kinda makes you think why they picked those two in particular for the event.

Because it was 10 year anniversary of RS... I thought that would have been a good occasion to announce remakes being in development, but no they hand out the legends themselves instead eh? Just further dicredits possibilities of RS remakes as the next thing coming at us. Especially if they do the same as wifi-download for international in a year..

Yeah because you don't use the mascots to hype up anything. Never. *rolls eyes*

SoulSilver said:
5) Money

This is the biggest reason they will exist.

You might also say "We don't need full remakes, they can slap them onto the eShop". Very true, but Nintendo nor GameFreak would want that. Pokemon is a cashcow. One of Nintendo's biggest. Gamer or not, you know what Pokemon is. Its a household name. Hell, Pokemon has become a literal word due to the massive popularity. Why settle for $5-$10 on eShop when you can get $35 or $40 a pop for full blown remakes? GameFreak and Nintendo are businesses, they want money and as much of it as they can get. Wouldn't make much business sense. You could say 'why not remake 1st or 2nd gen again then?" because we have them already and they know consumers won't buy them again so soon. Will we ever see new R/B and G/S games? I'm not sure, but maybe.

You make it sound like there is barely work involved in creating remakes. They have to visually redo everything and add enough new content too.
At least as much development as BW2 took Im guessing

No, I should've clarified. I meant "why not put the originals on the eShop?". The answer is they'd want the millions they could make off of full remakes. Not the thousands from a $10 eShop release of the originals. There's much more money to be made from remakes than an eShop release of the originals. Not to mention, with eShop release the games would miss out one key factor that I think will keep Pokemon off eShop permanently -- connectivity with other copies of the games. Yes they could add inferred but they wouldn't. I promise it'd be a bare bones release. Thus remakes would be wiser.

SoulSilver said:
6th) Demand

You may not like R/S, but a lot of people love them. Myself included. I've posted this kind of article on GameFAQs and other such places and even done polls, and while those aren't a fraction of gamers, the polls ended with more people WANTING remakes than there are people who oppose them. So this goes back to money -- there's a lot of it to be made with that kind of demand.

I love RSE. I just replayed Emerald this year. The lack of physical/special split is not cool, but other than that, they're still way more awesome to play than the first 2 gens. Id rather have new games next.

Im sure they can find a way to milk the RSE crowd...when they get the right opportunity for it. Right now, its not a good time. Perhaps after the first 3DS set. Im sure the demand will be even higher by then anyway, especially if they put some "red gyarados on tv"-stuff in 6th gen games to fuel that desire even further. Gamefreak know what theyre doing.

As a business you don't see a pile of money and say "I'll take it, but not right now.". No if you have a cash cow that is ready to be milked, you milk it. Waiting would piss people off and that'd lower the sales. Look at Duke Nukem Forever. It took over a decade to come out, sales suffered for it. R/S remakes won't be delayed to Gen. VI because the hype is now, they know it and they'll take it to the bank.

Think of it this way. If they make 6th gen first, and use Hoenn after that, it'll probably look more beautiful anyway.

Something else that further strengthens my belief is today's revealing of N in Best Wishes. No, I know he's not apart of Hoenn by any means, but still its a saga, we won't see his Unova-long quest to free Pokemon from trainers done in 2-3 episodes. That'd be pathetically weak of the writing team. I think it'll go to at least next fall or Winter meaning no Gen VI till its over which would be 2014. What does GameFreak do in the mean time? Knit sweaters? No, they release R/S remakes and enjoy the profit. We didn't have Johto shown at all when HG/SS came out.

Also I looked up Dawn's character bio and it matches something that May did -- went to the previous region for contests. May left for Johto and we got HG/SS later on (mind you years later but still) and Dawn left for Hoenn. Yes, Dawn's appeared in Unova but May also appeared in Sinnoh. Changes nothing.
SoulSilver said:
We didn't have Johto shown at all when HG/SS came out.

well technically we did get a bit of Johto action, Lyra and her friend (I think his name was Cory?) came over from Johto to Sinnoh and traveled with Ash for a few episodes, just saying :p (although I agree, they should do a R/S remake before the 6th gen and the anime isn't going to wrap up Unova for at least another year...)
Irrelevance warning: This is probably completely insignificant...
but so long as were speculating and talking about little hints, etc.
Once you get to the badge check in B/W2, The pillars light up Orange/red and Blue. :p

I would hold off until 10 year olds of 2003 are 18-20. that way they can sell for the nostalgia crowd :p
This is actually a really interesting article. But I don't like how they're rushing this, it's part of the reason I didn't enjoy B/W as much. It was too new, too rushed. They certainly didn't ease us into this generation, and we didn't really get that much time to get used to the new feeling of the game format like we did with D/P/P. We got HG/SS which had a similar design and feel. (With a cooler soundfont imo and cooler 3D effects.)
But this is exciting news nonetheless. I'm very interested to see what direction Pokemon is going to go. I think we've reached the height of excitement for Pokemon here. What is left for them to do? What are they going to do next? I'm itching with anticipation!
Knowing Gamefreak/Pokemon, if they're going to do something different, it's most likely going to be pretty damn impressive, or it's going to flop.
And I'm certainly not worried about the latter.
^ all I can say is if I'm wrong and they do go ahead and announce the 6th gen, then I'll only be sad for about 5sec. After that I'll be jumping up in the air cause 3ds pokemon games are gonna be epic :p
LuxTwo said:
Irrelevance warning: This is probably completely insignificant...
but so long as were speculating and talking about little hints, etc.
Once you get to the badge check in B/W2, The pillars light up Orange/red and Blue. :p


Unlike Reshiram and Zekroms tails/Kyurems formes, right? lol

SoulSilver said:
Still we can't ignore the high probability that R/S will be remade. I was a person who kept saying "Gold and Silver will never be remade" and lo and behold, they were. So to say for absolute certainty that they won't be is kind of foolish.

I don't see why the probability would be high, when at least the technical side is hindering it this time and nothing is really implying remakes in development.

I was saying GS would obviously get remakes for at least 2 years before they did, because it was completely obvious, and fit the pace perfectly.

SoulSilver said:
True enough, but still we need Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, etc. in Gen V. Yes, the former 2 are in an event, but that makes them no profit at all. There's still some leftover for R/S remakes. Not to mention there's no word of regions outside Japan getting the Groudon and Kyogre event.

No we don't, read again.
We don't have these in gen V in receding order of last available release date:
-Kanto/Johto/Hoenn (HGSS)
-Sinnoh (Pt)
Mascot Legends:
-Lugia&Ho-oh/Groudon&Kyogre&Rayquaza (HGSS)
-Dialga&Palkia&Giratina (Pt)

None of these are available in gen V, the RSE ones are as inaccessible as the rest, except that gen IV is as I said above, the most inaccessible now.

Why would there be word of events a year before? They would announce them a month before distribution like everything else of this kind and the international anniv is far away right now.

SoulSilver said:
No, it wasn't just for laughs. Why change it when he's a minor, no-name character? There had to have been a reason why they changed it. You don't change something that insignificant "just for laughs". They'd have kept him a Rocket if there wasn't something related to Hoenn coming up.

It was merely a fun thing to do. They always put small references like this in all games, it doesn't mean anything. The inclusion of the Rocket one was more significant, yet I don't see you saying we will visit Kanto in gen V.

I mean for example in BW2, there is Crasher Wake on Route 18(I think) looking at the sea. Is he supposed to hint at something too?

SoulSilver said:
Given, but still the question has to be asked: Why Dive? Its not a good move in battle, underwater in Unova isn't that important (some sellable items. woo.). Yet, for Hoenn Dive was a requirement. You needed it progress in the game and chase after Magma/Aqua. I think its inclusion means something.

Wait. You are saying it went like this:
"We need to make use of Dive to hint at RS remakes"
"okay, lets add some place where you dive to..."
I think you got it backwards, as the likely scenario is that they first thought of adding an underwater Pyramid with treasure as a postgame to add trasures, money and Arceus Plates, and then figured the obvious of giving you Dive to get there. e_e

HMs go, HMs come, HMs are replaced, HMs return. Nothing new.

SoulSilver said:
Yeah because you don't use the mascots to hype up anything. Never. *rolls eyes*

You hype up the fact that these mascots are available again because its their birthday and then give them out. Its at least as much a counter-argument to remakes than it could possibly be one for them.

SoulSilver said:
As a business you don't see a pile of money and say "I'll take it, but not right now.". No if you have a cash cow that is ready to be milked, you milk it. Waiting would piss people off and that'd lower the sales. Look at Duke Nukem Forever. It took over a decade to come out, sales suffered for it. R/S remakes won't be delayed to Gen. VI because the hype is now, they know it and they'll take it to the bank.

This aint Duke Nukem or whatever. There will be new Pokemon games meanwhile, that will make just as much, if not more cash.
The time to milk GS by that train of thought was right after FRLG, because that's when everyone wanted them. Or hey, at least an expected pre-Platinum release, but no, they waited and made a huge shitload of money.
The RSE nostalgia isn't going anywhere. It can however be further fueled with some actual hints in gen VI main games.
The pile of money might just as easily get bigger if they wait and do their games in the order that actually makes sense, especially if they don't get lazy on the marketing area (which is far more important than how fast the games are released).

As for N. Well what else would they be showing this year? I don't see the issue here. Team Plasma is like just the filler material they need right now and they just announced they will put it to use.
Rumour: Gen 6 comes in about two years, full 3D models, the world is in a crisis, less new Pokémon, old ones get new "formes" (=evolutions?) and "abilities" (=attacks?), Battrio game coming for WiiU.
Mitja said:
Teal said:
Rumour: ... full 3D models,...

I hope not :(
Im a diehard fan of sprites and if Im not mistaken gamefreak are too.

I am too hopefully they keep the sprites or else they'll make me hate Generation 6 which I really hope is not the case. They need to save the 3D models for the console games and for games such as the new Mystery Dungeon and other spin-offs. I think them just making the landscape with plenty of 3D cities as well as towns and routes sounds perfect to me. Either way it goes I just hope they stick with sprites for both the Characters and Pocket Monsters.
Why do you say "terrible 3D ones"? The Pokémon on Pokédex 3D look great. I love the sprites too, but the BW movements are pretty ugly, so...
Well, I'm pretty sure they will get rid of sprites because, duh, 3DS.

Edit, source says:
Recently Dual Pixels has received word from Geno, the guy who delivered us the rumors that came true about Castlevania and the Kingdom Hearts HD collection, about Next Gen. This statement talks about the next-gen PlayStation, XBOX, some of Nintendo’s plans for upcoming E3, and more.


– Mainline 3DS Pokemon game needs roughly two more years before it’s released. Uses a full 3D engine and will have a story dealing with a world wide crisis. A new Pokemon type will be introduced (has not been done since Gold and Silver) and while not as many new Pokemon as in past gens older Pokemon will get new abilities and forms. Will maximize the Nintendo 3DS use of 3D, StreetPass and online connectivity. The first NFC game for Wii U will be a next gen Battrio game coming out in all regions.
Source: http://dualpixels.com/2012/11/29/rumor-behind-the-scenes-with-first-party-hardware-and-third-party-softwear-next-gen/

PS: You should read the whole article.
Teal said:
Why do you say "terrible 3D ones"? The Pokémon on Pokédex 3D look great. I love the sprites too, but the BW movements are pretty ugly, so...
Well, I'm pretty sure they will get rid of sprites because, duh, 3DS.

Edit, source says:
Recently Dual Pixels has received word from Geno, the guy who delivered us the rumors that came true about Castlevania and the Kingdom Hearts HD collection, about Next Gen. This statement talks about the next-gen PlayStation, XBOX, some of Nintendo’s plans for upcoming E3, and more.


– Mainline 3DS Pokemon game needs roughly two more years before it’s released. Uses a full 3D engine and will have a story dealing with a world wide crisis. A new Pokemon type will be introduced (has not been done since Gold and Silver) and while not as many new Pokemon as in past gens older Pokemon will get new abilities and forms. Will maximize the Nintendo 3DS use of 3D, StreetPass and online connectivity. The first NFC game for Wii U will be a next gen Battrio game coming out in all regions.
Source: http://dualpixels.com/2012/11/29/rumor-behind-the-scenes-with-first-party-hardware-and-third-party-softwear-next-gen/

PS: You should read the whole article.
Just so you know, there has never in the history of this website been an English source who has leaked news such as this. 100% of the time, it has ALWAYS been people making up things to get attention (even respectable people who have a large reputation in the online world - Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises, bigger than them, so they'll do anything to get the attention). I can tell you right now there is no way in hell that article is genuine, and the author of it even seems to be shaky about it as well. Anyone can just make up crap like that, and they definitely have before.
I absolutely looove rumours. Their truthfullness is trivial to me.

(PS: But if it interests you I don't actually buy that stuff.)
I'd love to see a 6th generation but i would love to see a R/S/E first. Not to mention it seems a pattern of a new gen coming out every 4 years. R/S/E came out in 2002 in Japan. 4 years later in 06 4th gen came out. Then another 4 years in mid late 2010 we see 5th gen. But we never really know i think there is a big chance of seeing 6th gen sooner.
I'm ready for new pokemon, and I rather have them, but I'm cool with 3rd Gen. remakes.

Also, I know a lot of people don't like the ideal, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new type, just to shake things up. I don't really believe those rumors, I mean full 3D models? Didn't Masuda expressed that he wanted to keep sprites? Then again, we're on a 3DS, maybe it's time to move away from sprites...