(1) All 'Dark Rush' Scans and Translations! [12/14]

What do you guys think of Accelgor? I definitely see some potential. I'm thinking something like

4-4 Accelgor
3-1-3 Venasaur
1 Karrablast
2 Pichu

Or maybe even some pseudo Mew version, which would be something like

4 Mew Prime
4-4 Accelgor
3-1-2 Vileplume (?)
2 Pichu
Maybe a few other splashable techs (it is Mew after all)

I think this could easily be Tier 1.
The Yoshi said:
Shiny Catcher is pointless. If people will really pay money for a card that is a different color, then I'll quit the TCG. This is a prime example of how the only thing TPCi cares about is money.

The only thing I hope for is for that Gardevoir to be released in the U.S. soon.
Oh, the irony...
The Yoshi said:
If people will really pay money for a card that is a different color, then I'll quit the TCG. This is a prime example of how the only thing TPCi cares about is money.
Where have you been for the past...forever? People have spent money to make their entire deck reverse holos since Legendary Collection, it's nothing new.

I was quite sadden to see no Absol in Dark Rush, it is one of the more popular dark types, but I'm still pleased with this set. Here's hoping the secret rares are easier to get since there are 3 this time.

I have a question, can you evolve restored pokemon the same turn they were played either through the fossil trainers or twist mountain?
The Yoshi said:
... If people will really pay money for a card that is a different color, then I'll quit the TCG...

*Cough Red Cheek Base Set Pikachu Cough*
...Why do I get the feeling Special Darkness isn't going to get a reprint? The last print of it, apart from Call of Legends, was Undaunted. Not being here or in Black/White makes me worried. Claw hurts its chances, too.

Oh, and is Old Amber's name the same as the original Old Amber or a different one? (IE, would it replace the old one for the purposes of Arceus/Majestic Dawn Aerodactyls?)
scuba steveE said:
I have a question, can you evolve restored pokemon the same turn they were played either through the fossil trainers or twist mountain?

I would say not. It came into play that turn.
@rivershock: IIRC Undaunted and Call of Legends is still legal tournament wise (it's HGSS on again IIRC), so technically we don't need another reprint of Darkness energy at this time. Also though keep in mind that as far as I know Japan doesn't have the same restrictions that we do, which means that they can still use their Neo 1 Dark energy and hence definently do not need a reprint.

@The Yoshi: Yea, what's the difference between the Pokemon Catcher 'shiny' and the Gardevoir shiny, aside from the fact one is a trainer and the other is a Pokemon? From a collectors standpoint I do want one Pokemon Catcher but from the playing standpoint, as I said before I wish it were a better trainer.
This set makes me so happy and so sad at the same time |:C

-More cards illustrated by my favorite artist Kawayoo (Eelektross, Cofagrigus, Sableye)
-1 Evo line from 1 of the starters from Gens 1, 3, and 4 (Maybe in the next set we'll get 3 more lines from those gens, then set after that we get the last 3 from those gens, and wow that Blaziken is epic)
-Love how Accelgor's first attack name is Haymaker :p
-Eeveelutions :D
-Raikou and Darkrai FAs :DDD
-Holo Volcarona is so sexy
-Plusle and Minun by Naoki Saito, YES
-Oh and the other 2 Shinys are cool too, Catcher is What and Epic at the same time

-Too many repeats of the same freaking Pokemon we've been getting in the BW sets: Karrablast line, Shelmet line, Heatmor, Larvesta (I don't really mind this one though cuz Volcarona holo is epic), Ducklett line, Joltik line (though I do love him and Galvy), Tynamo line (though that Elektross is amazing fhdk), Drillbur line, Sandile line, Vullaby line, Klink line, Lillipup line (this one is especially annoying); it's just so repetitive, there's about 400 other Pokemon they could give cards to instead of repeating the same ones, like really :T
-Why the crap did we just randomly get a Tornadus EX and FA version of it?
-Why the actual crap did we not get Suicune EX instead?
-Why the serious actual crap is there NO ZOROARK EX? He's the freaking featured Pokemon for the set, plus it keeps the fact that only Legendaries can be Full Arts :C

But yeah, this set is 50/50 to me, hopefully DS will be 500x better, actually I know it will P:
RiverShock said:
Oh, and is Old Amber's name the same as the original Old Amber or a different one? (IE, would it replace the old one for the purposes of Arceus/Majestic Dawn Aerodactyls?)

This Old Amber's name is actually "Old Amber Aerodactyl", not just "Old Amber". If you check Aerodactyl's Japanese name written in Japanese kanji, then you'll see the last three symbols is Aerodactyl.

Why they did this? My guess is so that it isn't an actual reprint of past Old Ambers, to prevent reprint confusions.
An interesting set. I can't wait to see how this changes the Meta! I'm already sick of seeing MegaZone decks. I hope more aggressive Dark decks will come to play! :D
The EX are kinda let downs...Darkrai has a useful ability but most of them are not quit strong.
Only TornadusEX is kinda okay...
The biggest suprises are the trainer cards!
Twist Mountain is kinda neat for the abuse of fossil pokémon even when a vileplume is in game or you have drawn the fossile pokémon.
Venusaur is maybe something you can use with vileplume?
Empoleon will be nice as some kind of jumpluff deck, but it will not be as dominating as jumpluff since Zekrom and Co. are still out there. ;P
Darkness Claw is just awesome! Maybe something which will make a part for pure darkness decks?
Bad Team’s Jimu and Sabu looks a bit flippy, but when you get heads they're really nasty!

I'll work on a pure darkness deck from now on, let's see how it'll work. :p

I think they didn't printed a Suicune EX because there are already 2 water typ EX pokémon. Would instead maybe have seen the whole trio of Landorus, Voltolos and Tornados.
Still hoping to see Phione EX,Manaphy EX, Celebi EX, Jirachi EX, Dexoys EX and Mew EX.
But since Celebi and Mew got prime versions and Dexoys a legendary, we might not see those...
Phione EX would be the biggest suprise, since we only got 1 version of this pokémon so far.
The only things I am excited about with this new set are Twist Mountain and Aerodactyl. These cards will be excellent additions to my Archeops lock.
So excited for that Darkrai. Gonna get a playset of that for fun. I kind of understand why they did a golden catcher. Kind of. It's cool they reprinted Jumpluff on steroids and rare candy. However, with ZPST still around, I don't think it'll be too meta. That Blaziken would be fun to use if Eviolite didn't stop it from killing dragons. Overall, I think this set is pretty good though.
This Entei-Ex, Empoleon, Gardevoir and Darkness Claw, will be very show! *---*

Outside the catcher shiny!
Me: Empoleon! You're back! How have you been?
Emploeon: Rotated. They rejected me. *tears start forming* I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL POKEMON COMPANY! *checks email* Hey, whats this?
Me: What wrong Empoleon?
Empoleon: O_O Pokemon just made me into a card again! AND IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD!!! I feel special!
I geuss it's good if you get a hand full of energies or something. Or if your deck always has a full bench.
Blaziken is even better than Reshiram. Blaziken – Fire – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Combusken

{R}{C} Blaze Kick: 40 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 30 damage. If tails the opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Burned.
{R}{R}{C} Flamethrower: 130 damage. Choose 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon and discard it.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Good set. (Ended with this because I typed a huge paragraph but accidentally deleted it...:headbang)
They should make pokemon star cards again . Victini star !! Pokemon catcher shiny . Really pokemon did you really ran out of ideas . should of been called ultimate pokemon catcher , right. And delta specis right . Dragon type Emboar or victini . Heck ya
^ Make no sense you.

Blaziken's okay, but it still needs Rare Candy & other heavy Stage2 support. Reshiram's still better than Blaziken just because it has the Eviolite support as well as faster recovery.

Empoleon's great! It's not epic, but it's great!

Tornadus EX is decent but unplayable. The x2 Lightning Weakness makes it an instant target for Zekroms, and the meager 100 damage output is certainly not worth the 2-prize loss.

Raikou EX is godawful, but I suppose you could tech it in as a last-minute sniper in Eelektrik tech decks.

Entei EX is unplayable & requires too much set up. It's 2HKO by mostly everything and its damage output doesn't really help its 2-prize loss. Sure you could possibly T2 it with Electrode Prime or a T2 Typhlosion Prime, but I wouldn't risk the 2 prizes.

Espeon does not prevent damage. However, you could combine this card with Vileplume, Victini & cards that prevent damage with coin flips. PREVENT EVERYTHING!!!

Heatmor... more like Trollmor.

Slowbro... more like Trollbro.


I'm actually looking forward to Slowbro. Can't wait to play him in random league decks just for fun.

Eelektross = Luxray GL LV.X