Note that this post is exactly the same as my Pokegym post. The reason why is because this post sums up this new set as a whole, and rewording it would have the same idea, so it'll be left the same as it is.
I'm going to be very honest. This set is utterly terrible. I mean, there aren't that many good cards overall. I can only name a few of them, to which I'll explain why I think they are good.
Empoleon- Easily one of the best cards in the set. His power lets you discard a card from your hand and draw 2 cards. With multiple Empoleons out, Empoleon can easily become one of the best drawers in the format, making him really consistent to use. Not only that, but his attack is just like Jumpluff's. It does 10 damage times the total number of Pokemon out in play. Indeed, the combination of a great ability and attack makes him a very good card. The only problem? Lightning weakness. With so many good lightning Pokemon like Magnezone, Zekrom EX, Zekrom BW, and Raikou EX, Empoleon is going to have a tough time in this format. Whether it will be a top tier deck or not remains a question.
Heatmor- A direct counter to Durant, Sweet! For only one fire, it does 10, but if the defending Pokemon is Durant, then it does 60. If Durant ever becomes suddenly popular, I can see many decks teching this card in easily.
Raikou EX- The only good EX Pokemon in this set. His second attack is the reason why. You discard all lightning energies attached to him, and you can pull of a 100 damage snipe. With Eelectrick, he can become a force to be reckoned with. It is also the card that may well the answer to Reuniclus thanks to his sniping capabilities. To be honest, I see this card as the new age Garchomp C, and I can really see this card making a competitive scene.
Plusle- Seems like we have a new Cleffa. The first attack shuffles your hand into your deck, and then you draw 4 cards. If you have a Minun out though, you draw 8 instead. While it does seem pretty good, the fact it needs an energy is a problem compared to Cleffa, yet the higher HP is good considering it is so easy to get KOd by Kyurem.
Darkrai EX- Now this EX I would have to say is more decent than broke. The ability is useful in giving Pokemon with darkness energies attached to them free retreat, and its attack is nice. It can hit for 90 and a 30 snipe, but it takes 3 energies to do so, which is the problem. While it can hit pretty hard with special darks and Darkness Claw attached, it takes time to set him up, so it looks he might be more of a bench sitter for now. I'm curious to see what kind of impact this card will have in the game. Will he be broken, or will he not see the day of light?
Tornadus EX- At first, this card looks like its really good. It can hit for 60 if there's a stadium in play for only a DCE, and it can hit for 100 with no major downside, but the lightning weakness is what kills it. So many lightning Pokemon can easily take this down, like Magnezone and Zekrom. Being an EX, it has the two prize card rule, so being KOd by a {L} Pokemon is a massive pain. For that reason, this card won't see much play.
Crash Hammer- Discard a special energy attached to the defending Pokemon. Brilliant... NOT AT ALL. Lost Remover is by all means way better. You can rid of a special energy on any of your opponent's Pokemon, and it goes to the Lost Zone, where it can never be recovered. Yep, Crash Hammer is definitely worthless.
Dark Patch- It's OK, but I wish it can do the same for special dark energies too.
Rare Candy still keeps the stupid first turn rule. Oh man, there went the chance to make stage 2s broke again, and it now looks like ALL fossils will have the "bottom of the deck" rule.
Darkness Claw- Increasing damage output by 20 for dark types? Sweet! With special darks, expect dark types to have a better time being attackers!
Bad Team's Jim and Sabu- I like the disruption effect if offers, but the flip is what kills this card. For that reason, it won't make the competitive spotlight.
Twist Mountain- Well, at least there's a way to play down Restored Pokemon without having to play the fossil. Only problem? The flip. For that reason, it won't be that much of a good card, but expect some restored Pokemon to have a slight increase in play because of this card.
And as for everything: I like the fact Gardevoir from the previous set is a shiny Pokemon. Archeops I respect too, but a golden Pokemon Catcher? OK, it looks cool, but I honestly don't want to see it in a format after BW-on, so that card is a little bit of a problem. Also, where's Gallade? There was no Gallade in the previous Japanese set, and yet again we still don't have a new Gallade. When will we ever have Gallade in the TCG again?
Yep, this is a pretty bad set overall. Hopefully, the two Dragon sets that'll be coming in March will offer many good cards compared to this.