(1) All 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]


i feel bad for the Lefeon beging out from the set, i had some ideas for it, it cant be helped i guess, gotta wait

now i wonder if we they will realese Tyranitar/Steelix/someone else Prime Tins like they did with Thy/Fera/Mega in this set

i hope because that would made them easy to get
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Ouch...Even the Manaphy and Magmortar that isn't up yet isn't anything to get crazy about...there are a select few rare cards worth noting...

That Jirachi could be kind of fun, but again, with so many basics in SP, it won't see that much help, short of KO'ing a Croconaw.
Metagross is a fair Sniper, 3 Energy for 80 damage, 40 to anything - kind of bad weakness with Gengar, but still great artwork!
I do like the idea of Onix in a Water deck, but unless you're playing Blastoise, the healing will probably be wasted.
Interviewer's Questions will go in a Rain Dance Deck, Totodile, RC, Feraligatr and IQ on turn 1 or 2...should be a nice combo.
Judge might be a good card to surpass PONT, with some good disruption, but it could help your opponent, I guess Let Loose gets a card.
I like Crobat, and when Unown G leaves, Poison will be painful, forcing retreat AFTER 4 damage counters, and a cheap 30 snipe.

I think Kingdra is gonna be the top dog of this set, 110 Damage to Donphan for 1 energy, that's something to say. Bad weakness is the only issue with this card, Crobat G has a new best friend. That works every turn w/o poketurns. That is stackable. Kingatr's gonna be there with split weaknesses, quick power, and later explosive power with Crunch.

Lanturn is this season's Verdant Dance, you need the electric energy, but also a good combo with Rain Dance.
Steelix is slow in the beginning, unless you get energy in the Discard. Loaded up with Special Metal's and you have a stadium killing tank! Fire isn't widely played, but will probably go up when Ninetales becomes the fire type Claydol.
Tyranitar is a brute, I never used Spinning Tail unless it was a convienient win with SF T-Tar, but for only 1 energy, let the spreading begin, along with other attacks to keep pressure up. Megaton Tail with Special Dark's will KO anything in the format.
In fact, Darkness Howl could come in handy with Ursaring, 90 damage plus a deck discard for a DCE plus change, or 120 for 2 DCE's. Both T-Tar and Ursaring have bad weaknesses, but maybe Donphan will be played a little less with a new Kingdra.

The Beasts w/o the box....maybe it'll be in the next POP set...
Entei-Raikou would be tight with Manectric
Raikou-Suicune has 110 HP and the 2 worst Weaknesses (and gives up 2 prizes)
Suicune-Entei is just plain too hard to set up short of Rain Dance, along with bad weaknesses.
Nah, they look cool, and their attacks are strong, but slow and 2 prizes isn't that fun to give up for 1. If you play these, make their lives worth their while, buy them a bubble coat :)

EDIT - Engineer's Control, that's the card that is Steelix Prime's best friend!
Also, I wonder if we'll be able to send Stadium Cards back to our hand :D or our opponent's
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

They made this personal, they CUT MURKROW/HONCHKROW!!!!!
Also loved the vilebloom
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

So WPM (or anyone else who may know), where do you get these scans before a set is released?
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Is it just me or does the new Beedrill's moves the two moves that the two older useful Beedrills have which were not used you know the one with Band attack and the other with flutter wings?
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Rather odd that they released another Ninetails just after HG/SS,isn't it? Still, I'm not complaining, it'll pair great with Typhlosion.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

No Vileplume? At all? This set is just another SV. No Sneasel, Murkrow/Honchkrow, Weavile, THEY CUT GLISCOR, we still have no Stadium scan (for blanks), I question if it is worth buying a box.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

This set took all the cards i wanted, and set them to the side. There are about four cards care to have from this set. I wonder what they're doing for the decks.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Card Slinger J said:
If only the current metagame wasn't infested with SP's, then that combo might stand a chance. There's just no way you're gonna get that setup as fast especially against CurseGar and Trainer Lock decks

I thought about addind 4 Spiritombs to the deck, that should slow down most SPs
and Interviewer´s Question gets you all energies you need ;)
btw, SSU is great in the deck as well
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

no leafeon, no Gliscor, no legend box, ugh.

At least the supporters/trainers look pretty good especially if you pull a good number of them during a PR. The only that looks like it'll make a slight impact on the metagame is Kingdra prime as its power is simply fantastic. If you can pull that card (and the rest of the line) then you've pretty much won.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

I still think we'll see ursaring at BRs, and at prereleases. It'll be a pain w/o DCE, but it'll be worth it. Floatzel + Blastoise + Ursaring = Powered up in no time. Shame Flaotzel's a star, I was hoping it'd be a diamond.

Is anyone else bugged by the fact that Eevee is in the BACKGROUND of shaymin's card, and yet they still didn't put it in??? I mean really, 95/96 cards is a small set, they could have afforded a few more spots.

Also, does anyone know what they're going to do for the theme decks? They were supposed to be Scizor & Houndoom, but since those two were cut....
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

X_empoleon_X said:
no leafeon, no Gliscor, no legend box, ugh.

DANGIT! I was really looking forward to running the leafeon with Leafeon X. But now thats probably not going to happen.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

lol did they like decide to take every good card out of this set?
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

They released this set as leftovers from hgss and the japanese decks. the only cards we see from revived legends are the primes and legends, seeing how this set is under the legend series.
guess i gotta wait another 4 months or so to get the real revived legends cards
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Guess i won't be able to play my Sneasel rush until August but by then it'll be too late because by that time Uxie will be gone =(.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Hmm, an alright set. I doens't have the HGSS feeling however, but maybe that's just me. :)
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

They absolutely ruined this set...
No weavile
No energy exchange unit
No legend box
No poltergeist mismagius
No vileplume
No defender

Rethinking buying a box now
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Shining Rotom said:
Hmm, an alright set. I doens't have the HGSS feeling however, but maybe that's just me. :)

You're not alone. I think it feels like SV too. :p
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Im now finding it hard to justify spending 50 dollars at the PR.... The set got ruined.

They took our almost all the dark pokemon!

-Mismagius (poltergeist)
-Legend Box

I wanted all of those....

I tell you one thing though, if they had dropped T-Tar Prime, I would not even go to the PR at all.

OMG, They cut Magcargo and ALL the eevee evolutions as well!


EDIT EDIT: I just looked at the scans again. They cut half the set! The half that was cut, was all the good deck ideas.

No vespequien/combee combo.
No togekiss.
No Dodrio!

All the cool combo's in this set were cut. This is so dumb.


I could go on and on.