(1) All 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Guys there is still room for improvements in the next set. We might get the rest in our next set in a few months. They could have done a 160 card set though but a set that large is pretty hard to get all the cards from unless you buy the whole set outright for $150.00 That is the best way if you want the entire set now a days. Otherwise you will spend more on extra packs that were not needed. Though you can trade your doubles for the missing cards though.:)
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

supersonic711 said:
Probably left out Leafeon because they want to put it with the other Eeveelutions

That does sense.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

dmaster said:
The artwork is overall superb. But...most of the cards suck. I like some of the names: Hot Snort, Bebop Punch, but the overall quality of the set is really down. Some of the T/S/St and the Primes are alright though. They really cut a massive amount of good cards which is a shame.

dmaster out.

So very, very true...
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Disastrous set for my blank making ambitions. I was hoping that it would at least yield a stadium card, and a few basic and stage 1 Darkness and Metal Pokémon cards. If it had been faithful to Revived Legends, I could have been thinking about getting started. Looks like I'm waiting for the next set before I have all the scans I really need. As for this one, it seems like a lacklustre set with little identity. The primes are excellent, though. Even the Legend Legendary Beasts have some viability.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Does anyone else think that next set we'll get Raichu, Espeon, & Umbreon Prime?

The facts:
Every time we get a prime, we also get a 'normal' version of it. Held back from this set: Espeon RL, Umbreon RL, & Raichu. (speed deck)

Without those three, it will be difficult for them to get enough primes for the next set without moving more things up. The Primes we have left are: Scizor, Houndoom, Slowking, Espeon, Umbreon, & Raichu. That makes six, which is apparently the standard for the English Legend sets. (Judging based on two sets, of course)

Espeon & Umbreon Prime just came out not too long ago. It makes sense for them not to come to America/England/Etc in this set, since it's far too soon.

The problems:

Slowking. IIRC, there's no normal form of it waiting in the wings. So even if they put in the three in question, they'd have to either not put in Slowking or put it in with no normal form.

Legends. If the next set is designed mostly to catch us up, (AKA most of RL) they've got no Legend cards. After HSU comes out, the ONLY Legend card that will be out in only Japan is Darkrai & Cresselia. Would they do a set with no Legend? (And yet still have Legend Box in the set) Or would they rip apart Lost Link as well?
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]


I don´t think they would release a set without a Legend so I think they put Darkrai & Cresselia in it. And it´s also possible that they include some primes and some other cards from the Lost Link-set aswell. The chance to get Slowking prime is quite low in my opinion. That´s nasty because it looks so great. I assume that we get Scizor, Houndoom, Espeon, Umbreon & Raichu as primes very soon. And one prime from Lost Link maybe? Because all this Pokemon have still a prime and a normal version that isn´t released yet. They even cut out Pikachu and Raichu from the Battle Starter Decks (as the the only ones) and that gives us the hint that they will follow in an upcoming set - probably with a prime version of Raichu.

I think all our speculations are false in the end :D
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

After calming down a bit, i think i'm starting to appreciate this set a little better.

Blastoise is promising. 100 to whoever you want. takes out a lot of tecs. Great with gatrprime. there was a mention of 56/95 onix in here. That plus dawn stadium will get a minimum of 40 heal a turn. Plus those onix should stack so go crazy.

While we're on onix, the do great with steelixprime. Three on the bench, memory berry and all the special metal you can get make him an incredible tank. Unfortunately he's slow. He might get some play time if crobatprime gets popular because of his immunity.

The corbat by the way is a terror. the 4X poison forces anyone with less than 110 hp to switch immediately. More if you pair it with something. If you add blaziken PL and heatran LvX and you bump that up to 150. Then maybe throw in someone to force a stay like hypnoHS or ivysaurSV. There are probibly better ones, but that's just what i'm seeing.

Throw ursaring in with typhlosion prime to activate his body and set up quicker. Then tons of heal stuff to keep him up. don't worry about healing to much, because you can always have that 10. With expert belt you should be doing 140 a turn.

Lanturn will kill in a gatrprime. with a fully set up gatr you do 110. On top of that you can switch his type to take advantage of two weaknesses. He'll do well in that Blastoise deck as well.

Politode has a nice ability, and might get some playtime once Flygon goes out. not sure what decks need the extra stage2 though.

40 to two is nice, but i don't think metagross seeing to much action. Same with most of that theme deck. Mismangius might be used as a tech at some point.

Kingdra is a donk guy. we'll see him around.

Tryanitar is a brute. he's pritty simple. i bet we'll see him too.

The rest are pretty ancillary.

This set is pretty much about the primes. My wild stab in the dark at tins says t-tar and steelix. Deck's might be starter/expert things. Don't quote me on ether. In fact disregard this paragraph as it is complete speculation.

So there you go. Hope I don't sound like a fool. Thanks for reading.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

They have put in so many draw power cards(numel,plusle,minun,stantler etc)as replacement for claydol i love the way they are going back to a slower format,without ruining the game.And the set is decnt with good t/st and some really good pokemon.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

I personally think this set is a disaster myself. I don't even care about the strength of the cards in a battling sense because I'm a collector. But the artwork is generally atrocious, as I don't like 3D artwork with random Energy symbols floating around the background, and the cards themselves came from a mishmash of random sets so it all feels very rehashed and lame.

Even worse, we're so many cards behind Japan and the TCG gives us 95 cards of leftovers and leaves most of the actual Revived Legends set (i.e. anything that isn't a pre-evolution of a Prime, the Primes themselves, and the Legends) for August. I was way more interested in the RL cards and more importantly their Pokemon than the Leafeon/Metagross stuff.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

Umbreon20 said:
blastoise + feraligatr Prime = imba
sniping 100 every turn?

If you're going to do that use floatzel from the same set, faster. Even if you do add Starmie (Rising Rivals) to get the cards from your discard back in your hand ^_^
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

zephilim said:
Don't get me wrong, I think this set is lackluster at best; but isn't this what we expected since HGSS came out? Sure we didn't get all the cards, but other than the primes and LEGENDs we knew what was coming. At least we know the next set is bound to be much better. That being said I really want all the primes and LEGENDs.

This is also true. Besides Communication, Collector, and DCE, HGSS was the same lackluster that this set is besides the Primes. They're practically the same set almost. HGSS had Ninetails and Jumpluff though, and this set seems to have little to no real competitive decks or techs.

dmaster out.
RE: (1) 90+ 'Unleashed' Scans [4/28]

shadoworganoid said:

Same with metal and steelix; And yet they insist on using those two as the cover pokemon for there decks! Why they didn't just push those back a set is beyond me, or at least toss in hanchcrow and fortress or something!

Admittedly I only took a short skimming of the steelix deck before dropping it in disgust, but in that short I discovered it was a grass, metal, fight deck with Roserade, turtwig, and a total of three metal energy.

TDA said:
They have put in so many draw power cards(numel,plusle,minun,stantler etc)as replacement for claydol i love the way they are going back to a slower format,without ruining the game.And the set is decnt with good t/st and some really good pokemon.
Woh, i didn't even notice. I'v been hopping they'd do that for a while now. I guess they did!

(in regards to a blastoise/gatrprime deck)
Misateru said:
If you're going to do that use floatzel from the same set, faster. Even if you do add Starmie (Rising Rivals) to get the cards from your discard back in your hand ^_^

I thought both of those before, and they do have there advantages, but in truth they aren't that great.

the floatzel, though a stage two, will still take you an extra turn to beef up your blastoise on that initial go, which means it's only as fast as the prime. On top of that, it is't nearly as good. By attaching to the floatzel, you negate all benefits of attaching directly to blastoise like dawn stadium. On top of that "on top of that", you have to use your attach to put one on blastoise, so you can't put on anything else you might need. In the end, gatr beats floatzel.

And as for starmie, I used him at regionals. He's fun, but not that good. One from your discard is good, but can be easily surpassed by fisheman or energy returner's four. Even claydol is a better choice.

Another Gatr/blastoise misconception i've seen is that suicune/entei legend is better version of blastoise. The arguments are these; It does the same thing for an energy less, it hits two weaknesses, it has 30 more hp, and it's easier to get out.

while that first, and third are true, the others are debatable. The double typing comes with a double weakness, witch in my opinion counteracts the +30hp (wouldn't if it weren't a x2). Then the "Legend" card it's self presents a problem. If you're thinking "I'll just use Roseannes and get both halves!" well, think again. Those aren't basics, their "Legends". Right now, only cards that search for any pokemon get to look for legends. That's why everyone is so mad legend box got drooped. In adition to the search block, you need both ends, that have the same name, meaning you only get a max two in a deck. Anyway, all that drama just makes blastoise an easier choice.
Who else is severly poisening the competition with CROBAT PRIME!?!?!?!?!?! If so- what else should go in the deck?