(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

xxashxx said:
Wow. We have some very weird starter names. The Grass and Water starters I don't know how to say but I can say the Fire starter name though. I have to wait for the other 2 to be heard before I will be able to say them right.:)

It's just Japanese names, English names will be revealed later. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would have trouble trying to pronounce some Japanese Pokemon's names correctly. :p

So far, I like the new starters, main characters and all the new info. It's neat they are introducing what I'm guessing are teenagers into the games.

Also I enjoyed seeing Shiny Raikou's 5th gen back sprite in this photo: http://pokebeach.com/news/0510/corocoro-pokemon-black-white-starters-photo-g.jpg
I was expecting more from the Water starter than what Mijumaru turned out to be, but since I always choose Grass I'm glad Tsutaaja is so cool looking. Pokabu is also very cute/cool and I'm sure those two will evolve into something awesome. Hopefully Mijumaru will have cool evolutions too. I'm not exactly sure what I dislike about it. I think it's the blank expression on its pure white face. It makes it look dull.

I also think the female trainer is great. She's no Leaf, but still a giant step up from Lyra/Kotone and her Toad hat. The male is cool too. I wonder what their names are.
I think one of the blurry scan says that unlike Turtwig and Chikorita which are strong on attack and defense, this Tsutaaja is speed which is kinda Treecko clone.
Sudowoodo said:
The Grass Type is awesome, It"ll have cool evolutions
Fire is ok, I hope it won't end up being a big fat pig.
but what the heck is that blue-white thing supposed be?

the pig will probably end up being the fattest, there always is one final stage of the starters that is fatter then the rest of them :p

I like the fire starter more then I thought i would, the otter seems really weird and cheap for the moment, grass really really looks like a mix of treecko and cyndaquil
i will lol if Mijumaru will get the coolest evolution of all...poor thing everybody hate him. ( i dont hate him, its cute~)
i ''think'' that Tsutaaja will get the coolest looking evolution IMO same for Pokabu.
oh well i think they all gonna look cool! hope we see them soon
Elfteiroh said:
Gen 4 > Gen 5 > Gen 3 > Gen 1 > Gen 2 for me...

By the way, I started playing with Gold... xD

Haha, I'm oldschool.

Gen 2>Gen 4>Gen 1>Gen 3 Started on Red. :) When it first came out, too.

Anyway, it's predictable that they'd have the same abilities as every other starter. It's predictable that they'd all be close to the same size. :/ Gosh, It's like they're starters!/sarcasm. Hoping there are a few nuggets of GOOD information hidden in the blurry patches.

And to the comment about getting all the pokemon before the game comes out, they like to start with a tiny trickle of information, teasing us and building hype before giving too many solid details. Don't worry, the floodgates will open in a month or two. :D
on the topic of their evolutions i came across this interesting picture;


i wouldnt take that exact design as an evolved form for him, but I thought it'd be interesting if he turned into a chinese-dragon kinda Pokemon for his final form. =3

yeah, i was kinda dissapointed to see that the only other info released about them was their abilities and height/weight. lol as if that info wasnt obvious enough.
zwelgbelg said:
the pig will probably end up being the fattest, there always is one final stage of the starters that is fatter then the rest of them :p

I like the fire starter more then I thought i would, the otter seems really weird and cheap for the moment, grass really really looks like a mix of treecko and cyndaquil

I think that we'll get this oversizes big, fat bore-pokémon :) lol
Like the grass-starter best, the fire is ok, and I assume I just have to get used to the water-starter. I don't dislike it. Just difficult to get my opinion straight about it...
If you look at the picture of the Hiun City, isn't that the Golden Gate Bridge?

The starters are awesome! I think it would be funny if the pig evolved into a flying pig....and does the grass snakes legs fold under him to slither?
Pokemonvacation said:
If you look at the picture of the Hiun City, isn't that the Golden Gate Bridge?

The starters are awesome! I think it would be funny if the pig evolved into a flying pig...and does the grass snakes legs fold under him to slither?

the legs look pretty tiny.. maybe he can slither already? =0
sounds like something that would appear in the anime.
Anyone else here concerned but me???

A few Claw Sharpen, which raises your Attack and *Accuracy* + Baton Pass = One ugly 80+% accuracy 1 hit KO move. o_O

Can anyone say "Smeargle FTW!"?
1st Gen: Charmander on Red, Squirtle on Blue
2nd Gen, Totodile on Silver, Cyndaquil on Gold
3rd Gen: Mudkip on Sapphire, Treecko on Ruby & Emerald
4th Gen: Turtwig on Pearl, Piplup on Diamond, & Chimchar on Platnium
5th Gen: Tsutaaja on Black, Debating Pokabu/Mijumaru on White...

i always get both versions with every gen...

Pokemonvacation said:
why does the snake have hands and feet anyway?

Snakes evovled from Monitor Lizards, & most contrictor snake still have very tiny vestigial legs...seriously look it up or watch Animal planet once in a while...

Kurumia said:
on the topic of their evolutions i came across this interesting picture;


i wouldnt take that exact design as an evolved form for him, but I thought it'd be interesting if he turned into a chinese-dragon kinda Pokemon for his final form. =3

yeah, i was kinda dissapointed to see that the only other info released about them was their abilities and height/weight. lol as if that info wasnt obvious enough.

Dude that is epic i really hope that in the End we get a Grass/Dragon!!
No, look at the colors of the starters, maybe they are a guess... Look the pig have black and the Ootter have white... Black => Pig, Otter => White ?
Tobi_Akatsuki said:
1st Gen: Charmander on Red, Squirtle on Blue
2nd Gen, Totodile on Silver, Cyndaquil on Gold
3rd Gen: Mudkip on Sapphire, Treecko on Ruby & Emerald
4th Gen: Turtwig on Pearl, Piplup on Diamond, & Chimchar on Platnium
5th Gen: Tsutaaja on Black, Debating Pokabu/Mijumaru on White...

i always get both versions with every gen...

Snakes evovled from Monitor Lizards, & most contrictor snake still have very tiny vestigial legs...seriously look it up or watch Animal planet once in a while...

Kurumia said:
on the topic of their evolutions i came across this interesting picture;


i wouldnt take that exact design as an evolved form for him, but I thought it'd be interesting if he turned into a chinese-dragon kinda Pokemon for his final form. =3

yeah, i was kinda dissapointed to see that the only other info released about them was their abilities and height/weight. lol as if that info wasnt obvious enough.

Dude that is epic i really hope that in the End we get a Grass/Dragon!!

Most likely, like charizard, it will look like a dragon but won't have the dragon type.... and i do watch animal planet....
doodad126 said:
Do you know what I noticed, on most of these CoroCoro scans, they do not show the full back sprite. Look at this http://pokebeach.com/news/0510/corocoro-pokemon-black-white-starters-photo-d.jpg The top picture shows the full back sprite when in the middle of the battle but it doesn't show the full back sprite at the "What will this Pokemon do?" screen in the bottom picture. Isn't that strange?

Maybe there is some more movement in between battles like camera shifts and stuff from Pokemon Stadium. That would be awesome.
Spherical Aura said:
Maybe there is some more movement in between battles like camera shifts and stuff from Pokemon Stadium. That would be awesome.

I'm thinking that's it, actually. The picture of Zorua and Zoroark with full backsprite was in the middle of the attack, too. So maybe you give a command, and the camera zooms out to show you what happens?
HikaruAyame said:
I'm thinking that's it, actually. The picture of Zorua and Zoroark with full backsprite was in the middle of the attack, too. So maybe you give a command, and the camera zooms out to show you what happens?

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Maybe that's one of the changes they were talking about.