(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Gamebeast101 said:
Well this is a little off topic but in Following A Maiden's Voyage team rocket says they've chasing pikachu as long as Dawn has been alive. Dawn was 10 then and Ash was 10 when Team Rocket started cahsing pikachu so...I'm probally over thinkin
nono...yoour not overthinking, thats a very good point, *yells* "who has pokemons phone number!?" haha

i know i've said this like 4 times, but the picture even supports this! The water starter looks lik a clown!!!
holy crap, finally. don't really like the grass starter though. it looks awkward. i personally like everyone's who's are alligator looking.

i like the water one a lot, though. yay, an otter! :D

and i like the idea of the characters not being young children. late teens would be a great age :]
elite said:
nono...yoour not overthinking, thats a very good point, *yells* "who has pokemons phone number!?" haha

i know i've said this like 4 times, but the picture even supports this! The water starter looks lik a clown!

...I shudder at the idea of another Mr. Mime. Not that the water starter even looks REMOTELY close to it...

and for some reason... I'm starting to *shudder* ...like... the water starter.
ok you know what, i will take the otter! and i will go to a plastic surgeon to get its nose size reducted! then we will live happily ever after

but from now on im defending the starters! (except for the pig...i just cant defend my bacon)
SinnohTrainer17 said:
They could pull another "Misty" and she could be a gym leader. But that's just my guess. Also I wonder how this will play out in the game, considering typically the trainer gets their starter at 10.
Maybe since this is a far away region, they don't let trainers get pokemon until they're older.
benny said:

Hopefully that works, if not I don't know.
But that is a good point about the female protagonist.
They might just portray her as younger, or just not pay too much attention to it.

okay i love that guy, but i find that so hilarious. XDDDDDD
Awesome news. :0 Older characters are definitely a plus. Sugimori did an amazing job on their artwork.

I love the designs of the starters - if I had to base which one I wanted on just the base forms, I'd probably go with Grass, which would make this the first generation I've ever gone with Grass. However, I pick which starter I want based off their final form, so it'll be quite a while longer until I can make a choice. xD
Xous said:
Awesome news. :0 Older characters are definitely a plus. Sugimori did an amazing job on their artwork.

I love the designs of the starters - if I had to base which one I wanted on just the base forms, I'd probably go with Grass, which would make this the first generation I've ever gone with Grass. However, I pick which starter I want based off their final form, so it'll be quite a while longer until I can make a choice. xD

This will probably be the case for me. I guess we'll just have to wait and see! And it will be interesting to see how the new characters play out in the game.
Kurumia said:
okay i love that guy, but i find that so hilarious. XDDDDDD

the otter is weird but i like it. i bet it will look great when it fully evolves. the pig looks like a non-pokemon, and the grass one is just awkward looking.
Here are my sprites. I hope you like them. :D
Well considering how they look so far, anybody else going to trade over another starter?(unless the evolve forms are cool)
Silver53 said:
Well considering how they look so far, anybody else going to trade over another starter?(unless the evolve forms are cool)

nahh, its just wrong to trade you starter :) imma keep mine, whichever one i get

kaorusquee said:
Maybe since this is a far away region, they don't let trainers get pokemon until they're older.
but then Ash wouldn't be in the Anime? (YESSSS!!!!)
I am so happy, the starters just look so great to me i currently cannot decide which one i want though i usually go with water or grass type but even then i love fire starters, the idea of older characters sounds cool and they really look great, finally waking up at 3-4 am an using the internet in the DSi is paying off, The new region being far, far away could it be like the United States. and the event with Zoroark is fantastic.
I think i am sure this is not true recently i heard from someone that a friend of his played a demo of it because his uncle( uncle , alredy heard it) is a person who works for Nintendo and he saw at least 30 new pokemon.
I really think this could be the great return of pokemon
I knew it the ability of Zoroark would let him look like other pokemon
its just i always choose the water starter,but this one looks ugly,he's like wearing some weird suit, but i guess he'll grow on me,and IMO the grass starter(unless female) looks really homo.
Silver53 said:
its just i always choose the water starter,but this one looks ugly,he's like wearing some weird suit, but i guess he'll grow on me,and IMO the grass starter(unless female) looks really homo.

Hmm, I don't see anything gay about the grass starter.