(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Oh...God...why are they all terrible!? The Grass-type is OK, but the pig and the...thing, are horrendous. It's official, PUSA's run out of ideas.
Empoleon#1 said:
I am so happy, the starters just look so great to me i currently cannot decide which one i want though i usually go with water or grass type but even then i love fire starters, the idea of older characters sounds cool and they really look great, finally waking up at 3-4 am an using the internet in the DSi is paying off, The new region being far, far away could it be like the United States. and the event with Zoroark is fantastic.
I think i am sure this is not true recently i heard from someone that a friend of his played a demo of it because his uncle( uncle , alredy heard it) is a person who works for Nintendo and he saw at least 30 new pokemon.
I really think this could be the great return of pokemon

that would be sooo coool if it was the united states!!! or jamacia hahaha
Silver53 said:
its just i always choose the water starter,but this one looks ugly,he's like wearing some weird suit, but i guess he'll grow on me,and IMO the grass starter(unless female) looks really homo.

...it looks "homo"?
Silver53 said:
its just i always choose the water starter,but this one looks ugly,he's like wearing some weird suit, but i guess he'll grow on me,and IMO the grass starter(unless female) looks really homo.

umm not really
InuMimi said:
i like the water one a lot, though. yay, an otter! :D
Not an otter, silly, a snow cone!
kaorusquee said:
Maybe since this is a far away region, they don't let trainers get pokemon until they're older.
Or maybe they're just trying different things so they'll know what they want to do in college. I'm sure they'll move on to something else in a couple of months.
EspeonROX said:
Oh...God...why are they all terrible!? The Grass-type is OK, but the pig and the...thing, are horrendous. It's official, PUSA's run out of ideas.

I said the same thing, and then they grew on me, and I love them now! xD
Togeshroob said:
Get over it, you're not changing them. The Grass is a reptile, leik omg, they've done that before. You must not have noticed that it doesn't look anything like a Grass starter before it. And omg I just can't believe they'd do ANOTHER pig. After what, two obscure Pokemon? Not to mention that this is the first quadripedal Fire starter.

I'm not understanding why everyone says the last part. Cyndaquil was on all fours, wasn't he? :F

Anyway, my own opinion on the CoroCoro scans. I love the starters, (but really only the Grass one's design). The only reason I like them all is because I have huge hopes for the evolutions. I think these evolutions could really be the best almost ever. I can see all of them having cool and different designs later. Even though the Water one is the least likable for me (as it's some weird Piplup+Otter+Clown design), I think they can do a lot more later on with it. I knew I wasn't going to like the Fire starter that much this Generation, mainly because I wanted it to have the Grass one's shape, but the Pig design is alright for me. The Grass has the biggest potential later for me, and it's the only one I really love right now.

Having the main characters older is something I like. I immediately thought of drinking in the game, kinda like a bar or something. I mean, come on. Gambling is already in there. Of course if they did something like that, they'd have to ratchet up the Rating, and after seeing the Starters (especially the Water one), it's clear the game is still kiddy. (Although I'm hoping the evolutions will change that). That being said, the designs of the characters are alright. The male is alright, and the female is the obvious slutty design that they almost always choose. But that'll help the sales, so whatever works. The new moves and ability sound alright, but nothing majorly game changing, and I can't wait to hear more about the new Region.

dmaster out.
SinnohTrainer17 said:
I said the same thing, and then they grew on me, and I love them now! xD
SAME HERE!!! i was so dissapointed throughout my whole school day now i love them, they are beggining to be mey favorite set of starters (except the pig...still hasnt grown on my)
Shadowken42 said:
Here are my sprites. I hope you like them. :D

Wow, those look fantastic! Ugh. I wish I had that kind of talent -_- hahaha[/QUOTE]

those look really good nice job!
peetzaman said:
Not an otter, silly, a snow cone!
kaorusquee said:
Maybe since this is a far away region, they don't let trainers get pokemon until they're older.
Or maybe they're just trying different things so they'll know what they want to do in college. I'm sure they'll move on to something else in a couple of months.

Hmm...I like where your heading with the "college" idea. Possibly added storylines like researching pokemon and studying them...hmm...
lol benny, this is still soo funny, and sad, but mostly funny
dmaster said:
Having the main characters older is something I like. I immediately thought of drinking in the game, kinda like a bar or something. I mean, come on. Gambling is already in there.
But Heartgold and Soulsilver didn't even have simulated gambling, so I think they're trying to get away from that.
SinnohTrainer17 said:
Or maybe they're just trying different things so they'll know what they want to do in college. I'm sure they'll move on to something else in a couple of months.

Hmm...I like where your heading with the "college" idea. Possibly added storylines like researching pokemon and studying them...hmm...

hmm...i lik the idea, but we have to remember that pokemon is aimed at children between the ages of 7-12
SinnohTrainer17 said:
Or maybe they're just trying different things so they'll know what they want to do in college. I'm sure they'll move on to something else in a couple of months.

Hmm...I like where your heading with the "college" idea. Possibly added storylines like researching pokemon and studying them...hmm...
It was mostly a joke, but sure...
The Grass-type will grow on me, but I really don't know about the Water-type...that thing's ugly as all get out. I do see potential for the Grass evolution line, like dmaster mentioned, because it seems to be the most-liked here. He better have some beastly stats!
EspeonROX said:
The Grass-type will grow on me, but I really don't know about the Water-type...that thing's ugly as all get out. I do see potential for the Grass evolution line, like dmaster mentioned, because it seems to be the most-liked here. He better have some beastly stats!

i thought the same thing this morning, but now hes kinda growing on me
This is extremely disappointing. I find the grass one the best looking, the pig and otter are just messed up, I'm scared to see how the final evolutions turned out.
elite said:
lol benny, this is still soo funny, and sad, but mostly funny

Hahaha it still breaks my heart.

This'll even it out.

Also, I agree, I think they'll get away from the gambling and probably won't put drinking in. If they do, they'd definitely have to up the rating and that would cut their sales. It probably wouldn't be a good move either considering a large majority of their market is still young kids.
peetzaman said:
Hmm...I like where your heading with the "college" idea. Possibly added storylines like researching pokemon and studying them...hmm...
It was mostly a joke, but sure...

Well not exactly that, but something around the general idea.