(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

The last Pokemon looks horrible in my opinion. I don't even know what to make of it.

I'm hoping the artwork looks a bit better that the sprite.

Other than that, I'm loving some of these Pokemon. There's a few that make me question what GF did, but it overall looks like a decent Generation.

Cannot wait to get my Gear Evolution! They look epic!​
Wow some of these are very exciting...

What's the Fire/Bug supposed to be based on? Doesn't look like a Scarab.

Ice mirror turned out better than expected, clearly not just a bronzor ripoff. Gochi's baby form looks a lot cuter now too for some reason.
Kojondo looks like the Lucario of this generation and can you believe how epic the dragons are this generation.
LOOL Shimama-man they are.. EPIC! XD
They might be my favourite pokemon in the history of Pokemon (but I love them all so I cant say that yet)
This gen is completely original and random (which is really cool)
Those monk pokemon at the end of the dex....they look very unrelated to me. Maybe they're version exclusives?
Ugh.... Rankurusu's and Gothelle's baby forms look really ugly. So does the frog. I see that getting loads of hate.

Other than that it's ok.

And how can GF have the nerve to give stupid fire pig Hariyama's Arm Thrust. You don't mess with old signature moves. It just isn't done.
I love pre-Wargle it's so cute! I just want to capture it in a cage and hide it somewhere so nobody but me touches it!<3
This eclipses Gen4 by far. The only things that really bother me are how similar the Flying trio are and the jellyfish/squid evo, Burunkeru (the only Pokémon of this generation I dislike)...everything else is fantastic.

The designers did a fantastic job creating interesting Pokémon with interesting types.
The flying trio IMO are exactly how imagined it but better! XD they look soo cool
Oh and Chiramii's evo....*died of excitement*
Wargle's preevo is so cute! :eek:

I love rankurusu's baby form too, a real cutie...makes me want rankurusu even more.

The normal/psychic event looks like a pixie. :p
Not to mention the stat distribution this generation is crazy both good and bad way. Did you see grass starters stats High Speed and Defense :0
Oh and the 3rd Mascot, looked like a naked chicken (at first), but awesome aswell, it should have had an Ice cream for a tail though
like alot look fake to be honest! they dont even look like pokemon! im in total disgust with this gen. right now! esp the crocodunes evo look like trexs' and the bug steel legendary is horrible!