(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

I do have to say, some of these are really weird xD The dark/fighting mons are just weird, totally not was I expecting. I'll have to see the offical art on some of these to make my final opinion, but I love the ghost/fire line!
About 80-85% of the new Pokémon are just fugly -.-"
Sorry, but this is the worst generation, it even beats Gen 3!
Okay, back when I saw some lame and badly drawn/hard to see art of some of the mons, I hated them...

But not anymore. This gen? AWESOME.

Guys just. Guys. There. Are. Six. Nonlegendary. FIRE POKEMON

Theres just too much to take in, this is all incredible and I can't believe it. They all look so amazing and just blah. Its just so much to take in, I need a moment.
Some of these look absolutely terrible, but others look FANTASTIC.
Meh. This is just my initial reaction, so I'll post my thoughts soon.
I was hoping for a rock type that had high special defense or a ground type with high special defense, but every time pokemon creators fail to do this. Water prevails every generation.
I love almost everything! But...what is with the Dragon/Ice? Um...
And what is with all of the eyes looking the same? They are huge and white lol. And I think that the electric/ground ray and the dark/dragon psudos could have been so much better. And im kinda meh about the flying trio simply because they all look very similar..but at least they are different types *coughazelfmesprituxiecough*
Too many fighting types.

Water has been overtaken!!!!!

They aren't that bad. Im over Tsu3 not having arms.

Sea Turtle is AWESOME! Thats my water type. Wow, the ice dragon looks like crud.
True, that is a good thing. But seeing as how many of the good looking pokemon already relate to preexisting pokemon takes away the effect of looking awesome.

Personally I think while many pokemon seem to allude to older pokemon (such as the two new fighting pokemon similar to the Hitmons)

I think they have enough defining features and things that make them different (visually) to be great pokemon in their own right. That's what matters in the end.[/align]
At about this point in time Nintendo is not thinking logically about which animal species have not been used yet (not the case for everything like the zebra, polar bear, or hermit crab, but many). This generation is only continuing what the 3rd and 4rth gens did to a degree- making pokemon for the sake of making pokemon. There's no logic in half of them. An icecream pokemon? C'mon, REALLY?
I just did a quick comparison of sprites to that cut-off piece from the how to draw section a while back, and nothing fits it at ALL except the Shikijika line.

Have we gotten any word about an alternate female form for Mebukijika? I know it's speculation, but it would make sense, and Kenhorou proved they aren't shying away from huge gender differences.
I love the Garbage Pokemon, but I really wanted to see Poison-type paired up with something new this generation... It only got Pure, Grass, and Bug. And I think it might be one of the only, if not THE only type that isn't a legend.
No one understands to wait for the official artwork

What for? Most of the sprites WITH official artwork already look accurate to the artwork itself!

hey're sprites in constant movement for pete's sake!

Ladies and gentlemen, the soon to be overused defense from criticism!