@ Lanturnitis
Yes, because all Pokemon must look like animals. Tell me, what animal does Exeggutor bring to mind? What about Muk? Koffing? Magnemite? Shiftry? I'm pretty sure the point is obvious by now. Hundreds of Pokemon don't resemble animals in the slightest. Just an excuse to rag on the new Generation. But, I have to admit, there are some ones that could've been far better (The tadpole thing, for example), but this is a Generation in its' own right. Why must it be compared to the others? Is there no such thing as diversity?
Anyhow, not a flame post; that just irritated me a bit. And...Monkey Elvis and so many others are just too awesome for words. Definitely looking forward to it. On the other hand, I'm not too fond of the ice cream Pokemon. |D Looks like it was man-made to keep children happy or something.