(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

@Sweet Dawn Berlitz
yeah but magneton actually looks good and works. it looks like the reverse one of the two gears, then put a huge gear in the background and etc etc. itit just doesnt work for me, but the turtle fossil, mole and fire monket(esp the turtle fossil) lines are made of pure win to me, they actually look like pokemon unlike a lot of the others
@ psyburn: Sorry to disappoint you...

Extreme Pokemon Fan's New Confirmed Info Thread Wrote:Misc Game Features:
■ It seems Kurumiru’s line is a Black exclusive, while the Bug/Poison (and yet to be named) line is a White exclusive.


I'm not liking a lot of these 5th gen Pokemon. Oh, well. Guess I'll grow to like them eventually. xP
WOW, just came home and saw all the new Pokemon at once. I don't even care about the ones I don't like anymore, because the ones I do like are awesome. I don't even know where to start!

Some of my favorites:
-Tsutaja's evolutionary line
-Purple panther
-Elvis grass monkey
-Mamepato's evolutions with their extreme sexual dimorphism
-Koromori's evolution (probably one of my favorite pokemon this generation and of all time)
-Celebrity grass lady
-Cactus (adorable!)
-Meguroko's evolutions (awesome!)
-Nazca bird is sooo strange but sooo interesting
-The fossils
-Ghostly chandelier (also probably one of my favorites of all time)
-Baby polar bear with the icicle nose dripping! awwwww!
-Caveman vulture

Also, the ice cream cone is ridiculous but too sweet (pun intended) to hate!
Some of the legendaries are also very cool looking.
The construction workers are bad-a*s but you can't help but laugh.
The bug knight is really cool.
The pre-evos of Swana, Denchura, Wargle, Rankurusu, and Gochirizeru are adorable.

Really, much better than I initially expected...now to sit in my closet waiting for my copy.
Some of these look like they should be in a comedy sitcom...and they'd be the punchline!

At the same time though, some of these look pretty epic.

Wasn't expecting the Pokemon to be revealed today. Though I am quite disappointed with some of the Pokemon designs. Some of them just turned out to be plain weird looking or non-Pokemon. I will wait until we get the official artwork to criticize how the Pokemon look, though some actually turned out to be cool looking.
Im soooo sad!!! Kurumiru seems soo lively and that it ould live in the white forest. while the scorpion one, or whatever it is, seems more dark and perfect for black!!
@Renjil12 Lol that's the one you were refering too, yeah Mickey is gonna kick some butt XD
@Wolf616 It sort of does, but I'm baffled, also the one after it reminds me of mew for some reason gotta be the collor scheme.
@Annihilator27 he's talking about the yellow and red pokemon above funky-tauros, lol.
the more i look at these guy's the more they grow on me

i have to say im not really digging gears evo's though all he does is turn into a bigger gear but with the same design????? if you understand what im saying
gear it's self is cool but his evo's, EH
Im soooo sad!!! Kurumiru seems soo lively and that it ould live in the white forest. while the scorpion one, or whatever it is, seems more dark and perfect for black!!

I think...I need a drink.....
I think Kurumiru and the centipede kind of resemble Reshiram and Zekrom, being a 'ying-yang' of each other.
Oh yes, how could I forget the Gear line....by far the worst waste of pokemon every created! Even Tabuune is like amazing compared to these "pokemon". Gear has always looks so stupid, its evo has an extremely small face and terrible design (Woo lets make a pokemon that looks like a moving machine). And the 2nd stage evolution takes the cake for worst pokemon of this generation, and possibly the title of worst pokemon ever. The diference between the 1st and 2nd stage is pathetic. And @ whoever disliked the dark/fighting lizards: :OOOO
@meowth14: I wish more people were like you *sigh*

Cool I was wanting bug/poison mon on my team(I already ordered white)

And also, the gear line, has to be one of the stupidest things I've seen. I'll agree with the haters on that.
Also what is with the two standalone fighting type weasel things? Do they have any importance or just filler?
@Sweet Dawn Berlitz I dont think that they would want to make two bug pokemon yin yang to each other. Plus, they would have too look much more fierce (not being mean to the bugs) to have such a big role as yin yang bugs
I have to say that I am quite disappointed with many of the Pokemon, but I know I am going to get used to them soon, because we will be seeing them for a couple of years or so making appearances in the games and the anime. Once we get to know them a bit better and also learn the stats of the Pokemon then we will get used to them eventually.
I'm just basing it off people saying Kurumiru is more livelier than the Bug/Poison centipede Pokemon.