(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]


Here it is! XD
Darn Ninja'd
I like the green alien actually :p
It's creepy, as it should be, but I find it cute for some reason.
Now that I've seen the sprites of the fighting trio. I like the bulky grey one and the grass one. Even the blue one seems less in your face blue :p Still not sure about it though.

I can't wait for this new Gen. In the beginning I was kind of upset over some of these pokemon, but seeing their awesomeness has made me a fan once more!!!!! I can't wait to play!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm actually starting to like the Grass legendary even though it is obviously the lovechild of Arceus and Skymin.

The blue steel legendary though? Still not growing on me.
Nah, the transformer would have to be hard to distinguish from the other pokemon.

Wait, this isn't the movie one is it?

@ Montage

.....thanx...I could use some insomnia.
what's up with the blue robot ground/ghosts? is it like a suit of armor or rocks that some ghost is possessing? this one and the blue water/ghost jellyfish don't seem to warrant the ghost type to me...







I just- I just don't understand.
These things look- ridiculous.
At least many of the other monsters make up for these... things.
The good thing is right now since the Pokemon are now revealed is that you can start making your team now. Though since all the attacks and the stats still haven't been revealed yet, we can't really know for sure how they will be on our team. Hopefully we soon get the Pokedex entry descriptions of the Pokemon.
^The rolled up centipede isn't that bad. It makes sense.

I personally find the cotton sheep cute.

And while the Nazca Bird is very strange, I think it's very interesting what it's based on.
Okay, the grass cotton sheep isn't TOO bad, I suppose. It's just- random.
The only one I cannot stand with a burning passion is the garbage freak evolution.
One of the legendaries (646/152) reminds me of something, does it remind anyone else of something?