(1) BW5 'Dragon Blade / Dragon Blast' Booster Pack and Theme Deck Images! [12/20]

EonEye99 said:
It is assumed because a stage 1/2 EX would have stupidly high HP,like 250-300, I guess.
Look at the HP of the regular Reshiram and Zekrom. 130.
Now look at the HP of several stage 2s released in Noble Victories. Around 140.
There's only a slight difference between the HP of a legendary and the HP of a stage 2. Explain why there would be a much bigger difference, please.
^I agree... If there were stage 2 EX's, they would probably have 190-200 HP at maximum...

@Renoir: hmm... Garchomp hasn't appeared yet in the BW TCG era... But I think I get what you mean...
They could have used Dragonite for example which in my opinion was really neglected during the DP & HGSS eras (no Lv.X or Prime)...
Yes it will be in EX form . If I? Wrong my signature will be I was so wrong but if im write tell me what _ will do .3
victiniEX said:
Yes it will be in EX form . If I? Wrong my signature will be I was so wrong but if im write tell me what _ will do .3

Just answer this question: Why wasn't Zoroark an EX in Dark Rush? I think that Entei-EX, Raikou-EX, and Tornadus-EX were in the set because Darkrai is the only Dark-type legendary, so to include more EXs, non-Dark-type legendaries had to be used for more EXs to be included.
victiniEX said:
The card in the theme deck looks like an EX and they are .

The arworks on the cards in the decks are not coming out of the border like all other EXs.
They kinda are . They are EX cards . along with giratina , palkia and dialga

Maybe pdg ( palkia giratina dialga )

DeepSleepDarkrai said:
I'm going to say that there will be stage 2 EXs. Why you may ask? Well why not? Sure the frist 4 sets of the Black and White Era don't have them that doesn't mean that there will never be a stage 2 EX. On a side note I have this feeling that there is going to be Regi Trio EX in this set.

Thanxs for agreeing
Guys, quiet down. Don't say for sure that there will be Stage 2 EXs, and don't say for sure that there won't be. At this time, we simply don't know.

All that's left to do is to wait patiently and see.

I myself don't hold any strong opinions either way, because I don't see much strong evidence for either side (emphasis on 'strong'). Thus, I feel that there's nothing to say about it at this time.