(1) BW7 ‘Plasma Gale’ Booster Box Promo Crobat + BW7 Campaign Promo Cards [8/9]

Project_Fedora said:
I think the best part about crobat is the fact that he has a draw ability, because we're losing 9tails, Magnizone and Noctowl, I believe he's the only pokemon who can purely draw cards by not attacking

yes agree! However Empoleon can draw without attacking, so you're mistaken there. But that aside, with 3 crobat in play you get a free cheren every turn with no draw backs, that's pretty sweet! Also if golbat/zubat have good enough attacks, he can be played with Celebi EX as well (Virbank Gym + Crobat = creepy powerful)

but what I'm really excited for is Lugia EX he's one of my favorites (outside of mewtwo and Pikachu) so I hope they make him good :D (not remotely good like ho-oh, I mean really good like darkrai/mewtwo EX)
Cards look cool, and Crobat actually looks immensely playable. Built in draw and can make opponents take 6 poison damage every turn (with Virbank gym) sounds great. I really hope the EXes aren't Team Plasma EXes though.

Project_Fedora said:
I think the best part about crobat is the fact that he has a draw ability, because we're losing 9tails, Magnizone and Noctowl, I believe he's the only pokemon who can purely draw cards by not attacking
Musharna? Empoleon?
Sinnoh_Champion_Ernesto said:
What about crobat/aerodactyl. 2 aerodactyl and virbank city gym if they don't cure the poison 180 damage.
it doesn't need aerodactyl
It does 100 when you use it, 160 at the beginning of your next turn, and 260 when you attack and apply poison.
It will see play.
593462 said:
it doesn't need aerodactyl
It does 100 when you use it, 160 at the beginning of your next turn, and 260 when you attack and apply poison.
It will see play.

it will save you a turn
593462 said:
it doesn't need aerodactyl
It does 100 when you use it, 160 at the beginning of your next turn, and 260 when you attack and apply poison.
It will see play.

agreed, with areodactly, you're probably going to want to use twist mountain, but that interferes with Virbank Gym, so he's a bad idea. You could always run Plus power anyways...
OK. I see. You do 120, then 180. Sorry, thought you only meant 1 aerodactyl.
Setting up aerodactyl is a hard thing to do. You would have to run twist mountain
with prevents you from using virbank. Unless you run 4 old amber, it's going to be hard to pull off.
Crobat is Bleh. I was reading its ability and I'm like Flash Bite, Flash Bite, Flash Bite,....Draw a card. Say what?

This better not be a bad set. Also Team Plasma's Pokeball? Looks like some company likes SPs. At least we know they aren't basics like before...
If there is a card called "Plasma Turn" and Rotom has an attack like Flashbite, I will ragequit......actually I kinda like Crobat G but it was.....annoying.
don()shinobi said:
I told you guys SPs weren't going to come back. -_-

they brought back the EX's, you never know.... the SP's were in the DPP era so maybe in the 6th generation we'll get lvl. X's and SP pokemon again. (although they never brought back delta species...)

just my two cents...
The Pikachu Mafia said:
they brought back the EX's, you never know.... the SP's were in the DPP era so maybe in the 6th generation we'll get lvl. X's and SP pokemon again. (although they never brought back delta species...)

just my two cents...
Okay, but they didn't come back. I don't see your point.
People complained about the possibility of SPs coming back in this set. The first scans clearly show no SPs. Therefore, they aren't coming back.
oh I thought you were talking about SP's never ever coming back :p of course we aren't getting SP pokemon in this set, we probably wont see them again for at least 3 years.

What I'm saying is if they ever do print SP's again (not totally unlikely) then it will probably not be in the 5th gen, rather it would be in the 6th gen....
^ scolipede/cobat would be too slow (2 stage 2's) however a heavy line of crobat + Vairbank Gym and supporting pokemon (mewtwo, Sigilyph etc.) would be better
Gym series had Gym Leader's Pokemon.
Rocket sets had Rocket's Pokemon, plus a few Dark Pokemon thrown into the mix.
Holon sets had Holon's Pokemon, which although not quite the same thing was still quite thematic.
Platinum sets had Pokemon SP.
Plasma sets now have this new Plasma mechanic going on.

Notice a trend? The mechanic that's used is always new. The old ones are never brought back.
If any of you think the SPs will ever come back, you are wrong.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Gym series had Gym Leader's Pokemon.
Rocket sets had Rocket's Pokemon, plus a few Dark Pokemon thrown into the mix.
Holon sets had Holon's Pokemon, which although not quite the same thing was still quite thematic.
Platinum sets had Pokemon SP.
Plasma sets now have this new Plasma mechanic going on.

Notice a trend? The mechanic that's used is always new. The old ones are never brought back.
If any of you think the SPs will ever come back, you are wrong.
EXs came back.
Is EX a mechanic used for Owner's Pokemon? No, it's not; therefore it's not relevant to the argument.